Chapter 20. Betrayal

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'There was no way' your old yourself over and over multiple times while Price's words overlapped your head.

"L/n." Price snapped his fingers getting you out of your trance. Your eyes focused in on price who was leaning over his desk slightly. "I need you to tell me if you recall telling Reginald anything about what's been going on?" He asked speaking his words slowly and clearly. Your mind started to fog over in a panic but you shook your head to prevent doing so.

"N-no sir." You pushed out, your body starting to feel itself go through, hurt, sadness, anger and panic all On one take. Price caught on to your overwhelmed confusion and exhaled softly. He was really hoping he'd get more information from you, but with Reggie your only family of any sort he understood why it was so shocking to you. You clearly didn't know, he could tell by your reaction.

"Hey listen to me." Price started cocking his head to the side slightly, his light blue eyes trying to keep your stare in them to keep you ease for the time of him talking to you. "I know this is a lot to take in. And I'm not expecting you to try and tell me anything you know now but if you do, You need to come tell me immediately. Times of the essence. Okay?" You nodded slowly as it started to get harder to breathe. Your eyes were glossing over but you were doing everything in your power to keep your tears from spilling in front of the Captain.

"Yes sir-" you choked in your words as you quickly stood up, leaving the office fast. One you had closed the door and you released the handle, you broke out into a light sob. Bringing your hands to cover your face as you leaned against the wall a few feet in the right of the office door, sliding down until your knees were at less than a 90 degree angle. A few vocal sobs echoed the hall after you tried so hard to refrain from making any noises.

Reggie,your best friend since freshman year of high school, the one you went to college with, the one you went to bootcamp with, you guys had taken care of each other since you were 15-16. You told each other everything no matter the issue, problem, answer. You were each other's extra support. You would've been absolutely lost without Reggie. After losing your mom, you spiraled hard. You fell into the worst depression, you drank heavily daily, took all kinds of exotic drugs known to man. He was the one who decided this life in the military for you both. It was the only answer he could think of that would force you to try and get on the right track. He joined with you to ensure it happened, to ensure it would all be okay.

After a few minutes of letting it out, you forced yourself to pause your breakdown. You pulled yourself to your feet continuing your way to your room. There was no way you could've faced Ghost after hearing something like that. Training was not the first thing in your mind, if anything it was the last thing you wanted to do.

You laid in your bed for what seemed like days but only it consisted of only a hour. That's when, your door rattled from the hard knocking of a gloved hand colliding with your door. You rolled in your bed staring at the door, not attempting to say anything. Your eyes almost hoping it was just something you were Imagining.

"L/n" a voice spoke from the door. The familiar Brit accent echoing the silence that corroded your small room. You again said nothing, because how could you tell him. How could you tell him. But what if price had already told everyone else. God, was he here to tell you that Reggie was bad news and that he could sense it. The door handle turned, realizing the door from the latch to reveal ghost. He greeted your stare as he closed the door, approached you at your bed where you laid on your side, with your hands under your your cheek that rested on your pillow. He kneeled down to reach your eye level , bringing his gloved hand to move the baby hairs away from your eyes. His eyes said everything so he didn't have to speak.

"Why?....." your cracked voice cracked fighting another wave of tears.

"People you know can hurt you the most. But I'll never be able to tell you why they do it." He spoke, in a soft tone. Something you've never heard from from him before. "And I'm gonna fucking kill him for putting you in this position." He interjected quietly. "Price thinks it's best if you hang low for while. Shepard has been alerted that word has gotten out and for your safety, he wants you to hang back."

"But what's bout finding these missiles?"

"We've got bigger problems now." He huffed, his raspy voice grumbling. "They're trying to framed you for it." He almost hesitated to say. Your eyes shot wide, you forced yourself to sit up. Swinging you legs to hang off the bed now staring down at ghost.

"What?" You asked, your skin going pale.

"Price said not to say anything but that's a big accusation. And with the way you reacted to price's new, you have absolutely no fucking clue."

"Of course I fucking didn't, are you fucking with me?" You asked getting defensive still trying to not believe the words leaving his mask.

"No." He started. "Laswell called them on their bullshit but that will only postpone the shit show that will go down. Price is going to figure it out"

It felt like your heart dropped further and further from your body. You wanted everyone to tell you it was all a big joke. Or it was all a misunderstanding.

"Price, soap and I are going to meet with Laswell to see if there's a way around this and put them away." Ghost spoke rising from his kneel, putting his hands on your knees using them to help him up.

"Okay" you exhaled softly now looking up a ghost concluding it with a small nod.

"I'll be back tonight" he spoke before turning to exit your room, closing the door behind him. It was then and there, you sat for a few moments pondering every thought, every outcome out what could happen, followed with every emotion piling up in your body. That's what it felt like, an extremely overwhelming feeling that you couldn't shake away. You turned your head to see your phone on your dresser. You grabbed it with your left hand pulling it to hover over your lap as you scanned the screen to find your messages. You used your right index finger to scroll through the messages to find the contact 'Reggie' who was known as ' officer reggisaurus'

Both your fingers, started to type on the keyboard in Reggie's messages.

'Hey reg, I need to talk to you.' And within seconds, Reggie quickly responded.

'Of course, call you in 5?"

'In person?' You typed back. Instantly the 3 dots popped up as Reggie was typing.

'Say when and where and I'll be there.'  He responded

'Okay, Gerald's parking lot in town, 6?'

'Alr, be there or square😎'

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