Chapter 30. Tragic

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-3rd person POV-

Ghost didn't go back to the house the rest of the night, he was so caught up in his head, he didn't want to bother dealing with Price, Soap or even f/n. Sure, he understood why she didn't tell him, why she kept it from him for as long she did but it still genuinely hurt him.

When morning struck, he found himself back on the house porch contemplating wether he wanted to go inside or not. But after a few minutes if convincing himself, he opened the door slowly letting himself in. He was greeted with Soap and Price conversing in the kitchen but they both stopped when they heard the door.

"There's the bugger, thought you were sleeping in. Shocked us. Y/n must've had a long night. She hasn't left the room yet. It's nearly 11:30." Soap spoke looking at his wrist watch. "Has to scrounge around for our own breakfast." He pouted dropping his shoulders slightly. Ghost glanced between price and soap before silently making his way down the hallway and towards the room. He quickly grabbed the knob swinging the door open entering the room on the prowl to figure out why y/n was still asleep. But he was greeted with a silent empty room. His heart dropped, passing his stomach straight to his knees. His breathe increased rapidly as his mind started running aimlessly. He whirled around shooting out of the room back down to the kitchen to stop abruptly in front of them.

"Where is she?" Ghost's voice was stern and abrupt, to a point where the eagerness was bleeding in his tone.

"What do you mean?" Soap asked lowering his brows wildly confused. He pulled himself up for, leaning off the counter quickly looking at Captain price.

"She's not in the room?" Price asked noticing ghost's tone.

"No she's not in the bloody fucking room. If she was, I clearly wouldn't be asking you now would I?" Ghost growled balling up his hands into fists. "Did she ever come home last night? Did any of you hear the door at any time?"

"No, Simon. Nothing that I know of." Soap huffed, a wave of worry flowing into his eyes.

"Fuck." Ghost hissed turning around, throwing his hands on top of his head feeling his body flush with regret. He knew he shouldn't have left her alone out there, especially in a place like this. Price grabbed the walkie off his belt pulling it up to his mouth.

"Farrah, any chance y/n is with you?" Price asked honestly not wanting to know the answer because he was dead certain she was gone.

"Hey Captain. No, she's not with me." The walkie responded.

"Thanks Farrah." Provide concluded while his eyes fell back onto ghost. "We'll find her, mate."

"Like hell we will." Ghost growled storming down the hallway, into the room grabbing his gear. He stormed back down the hall towards the front door but Price quickly helped himself in front of ghost slowly pushing him back with his hand.

"We need to locate her and plan a way to get her back. We cannot just go out there rogue.' Price spoke keeping his voice calm knowing ghost's state.

"While you sit on your ass and think, I'll be out making progress. Radio me when you actually think of something." Ghost hissed through his teeth, pushing past Price out towards the door. And with that, he was gone. Soap tried to run after him but price grabbed his arm and shook his head the minute soap's head snapped to see why price had grabbed him. 

"Let him be. You know how he gets."


-back to your pov-

Your tired, heavy eyes fluttered opened to be greeted with an unfamiliar room. It was cold, boarded with wood. Almost like you were in a shipping container. Your eyes shot down to see your legs tied to the metal chair, and your arms tied behind the chair restricting you from moving or setting yourself free. Your eyes fell forward when you heard the distinct sound of metal as if the door was getting unlatched to open. Bingo.

The heavy door opened slowly, letting in the dim light from outside break the darkness that surrounded you. Your eyes squinted lightly adjusting to the light before a figure emerged through the door. Once your eyes adjust, you could make out the figure was a male.

"Look who's finally awake." The voice beamed. Fucking Reggie. "Was about to splash water in you if you stayed asleep any longer." He joked. You said nothing but your eyes said enough.

"What no greeting for your bestie? Ouch." Reggie said placing his hand in his chest.

"Fuck you." You spat watching him get closer. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Hmm let's seeee.... We'll I'm definitely the one who isn't gonna be behind federal bars. That's for sure." He sneered, a smirk wide on his lips.

"You really positive you and Shepard are gonna get away with this? You're hilarious" you spewed angrily.

"Why you think your little boyfriend is gonna save you? I don't know, with the way your little chat with him went. I wouldn't count on it." Reggie remarked cocking his head to side pretending to feel bad for you.

"Stop taunting her, you idiot" another voice from the door chimed in. Shepard. 'That piece of shit'

"What? I'm not!" Reggie protested crossing his arms. "Just poking the bear a little."

"Quite it." Shepard barked walking in with his hands in his pockets. "Long time no see, f/n."

"Fortunately it was a long time but not enough." You hissed snapping your head back slight seeing Shepard was now only feet away from you.

"Still a bit of a bitch I see." Shepard remarked. Your mouth dropped slightly at his remark.

"You've got a lot of fucking nerve, you know that"

"Damn right I do." Shepard shot back quickly looking at Reggie before turning back to you.

"So what you fuck over all your soldiers or just the ones you find resemble your dead daughter?" You barked knowing damn well that hit a nerve.

"The fuck your just say?" Shepard started to yell.

"You heard me, or I mean. I don't mind repeating it."

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