Chapter 31. Yet here you are

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"You've got a big mouth on you!" Shepard growled storming up to you.

"You're just now noticing that?" you retorted looking up at him with anger spewing from your ears. Shepard suddenly grabbed the collar of your shirt hoisting your forward in the chair forcing you to look up at him. He leaned forward, venom instantly spitting from his lips.

"You're pushing your luck. I'll fucking drop you right here right now." Shepard growled basically spitting in your face.

"I'd like to see you fucking try." You challenged

"Shepard." Reggie's voice echoed softly behind him while he momentarily placed his hand in Shepard's shoulder. "Not now" Shepard flung Reggie's hand off as he stood up straight releasing your collar in the process.

"Don't." Shepard hissed walking in a circle as he was clearly angry and frustrated.

"So am I going to sit here all day and look pretty or what's the fucking plan you two idiots have?" You spoke up visibly annoyed. Reggie whirled around and shot his finger at you, his face laced with a warning.

"You... don't even fucking start." He seethed through his teeth before retreating his hand back to his side before looking at Shepard. "Look the longer we sit around and do nothing. The higher the chance of them coming."

"You're an idiot, Reggie." Shepard huffed. "I can't recall giving them the coordinates to this place but maybe that's just me. You even said it yourself. The big skull bastard isn't coming." He finished.

And then it all hit you. Of last nights events, of Simon walking off after you had revealed some of your past. Part of it affected the position you were in right now. What if they were right? What if he was off god knows where not even caring or realizing you were gone. It caused you to panic slowly but you couldn't blame him. It was your fault to begin with.

"Price and Soap." Reggie retorted bringing you out of your thoughts to fall back into their conversation.

"What about them?" Shepard growled.

"What do you mean what about them? Guarantee they're still on the way. After all it was Price's idea to hide y/n."

"How do you fucking know that?!" You yelled out to them quickly. "You're clearly not stupid so answer the question." You ordered. The look on Reggie's face was disbelief. You were other there demanding answers.

"It don't matter how I know." Reggie hit back. You scoffed at his tone. God, the Reggie you knew was absolutely history. This one was a fucking dick.

'Did you really think you'd get away with this?" You asked directing your question to Shepard and only Shepard. He whirled around glaring at you.

"I am getting away with this" he cocked his brow before he crossed his arms over his chest. "Because yet here you are."

"So youre going to kill me or turn me in to get killed? Sheesh. That doesn't seem to fair now does it. You really want your daughters look a like to die as brutally as she did? Yikes. Never took you to be that cruel."

Shepard's gaze hardened with anger as he dropped his arms to his sides, balling his hands into fists. He stormed over to you, bringing his right fist swinging directly into your cheek knocking your head to the side because of the power. The cheekbone stung immensely as you regained your composure. Your eyes glanced up before you fully brought your head to face straight back to Shepard who was shaking his hand in pain.

"You don't shut up do you?' Reggie shot.

"You would know I don't." You responded taking a deep breathe feeling your cheek already throbbing. 'But hey I just want to know what the plan is. Or at least when Im going to die you know.' You shrugged your shoulders. The game you were playing had Reggie boiling over. His face was red, his brows were knitted together and he was frowning. Almost looking like an angry dad who was about to whoop your ass for talking back.

'Shepard we've got an unmarked vehicle about 15 miles down from the gate. Sir.' Someone radioed over comms. Your eyes shot up, while your brain started to think of all the possibilities. Whether it was price and soap with or without Simon. Or it was just a coincidence there was an empty vehicle near your location

'Si-' the comms started to go off but it seemed to be abruptly cut short, which was then Followed by some muffled static. Then silence. Reggie and Shepard's eyes met each other as both their pairs of eyes widened. Almost in a baffled way.

"We need to get moving now.' Shepard ordered. 'Get her and let's go!" He yelled walking towards the door. Reggie nodded and instantly started making his way over to you.

A huge explosion of some sort rattle the building just before Reggie could reach you. Part of the wall neighboring your left crumbled, pieced of the wall flung around you at full force. You threw your head to the right trying to shield your neck and head. A piece of the debris hit Reggie, knocking him to the ground. Shepard was thrown back into the other wall, his head knocking him unconscious. Your eyes darted to be greeted with the dark outside world through the massive gap. Dust corroded your lungs and eyes. Your eyes shot back to hear a rustling form where Reggie lay. He slowly rose to his feet, his head bleeding. He reached into the back of his belt pulling out a gun. Your eyes focused on the hand gun and your heart dropped.

"Reggie listen.. you don't have to do this.' You pushed out through your scratchy throat. 'You're my best friend remember? And I'm yours? And we're supposed to protect each other til the end. Remember we made a pact?" You started rambling as he got closer, cocking the gun.

"Enough!" Reggie yelled as he approached you, pressing the gun's tip onto your head. Your body froze, and you stopped breathing for a moment. You gulped, feeling your vision start to blur from the forming tears.

"Please Reggie, I don't want to die. Please" you pleaded as the water works starts racing down your red cheeks. "Please." You broke down. "Please don't do this" you brought your eyes to look up at him, your desperate eyes locking onto his. He face momentarily softened seeing how much fear radiated off of your body. But he shook his head focusing back in on the gun connected to your head.

"I have to." He grumbled clenching his teeth.

The sound of a knife flew right to your guys and Reggie yelped, falling to the floor, dropping the gun from your head onto the ground. Your eyes met with Reggie on the ground cradling his slit Achilles' tendon. Inches from where he was, was a throwing knife.

"Fucking shit. Aghhh-" Reggie cried out gripping his sliced ankle tightly while blood spilled form it.

Your chest heaved as you just nearly escaped the brink of death, your eyes darting around to see where it came from. Roughly 15-20 feet from the gaping hole, stood a silhouette.

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