Chapter 34. Acceptance

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(Lol so if you see them spelling errors, just 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️)

The silence roamed through the unsteady building while the distinct sound of the building crumbling by pieces mixed with the quietness. Captain Price and Soap now stood behind you and Simon while he continued to hold you, not relaying any words. They were all lost on what to do, how to comfort you, how to engage. That was until minutes later, Price slowly approached around to face Ghost, slowly kneeling to the ground until only one of his knees planted itself on the ground. His eyes met Simon's before Price nodded indicating to him that it was time to get going.

"Y/n...we need to get going." Soap finally spoke up after he caught on the silent conversation between Price and Ghost. He took a few steps before kneeling down next to Simon placing his left hand on your back comfortingly. "We can't stay here." He continued, his voice low and soft.

You exhaled before you pushed yourself off of Simon, keeping your dry eyes on the ground not wanting to make any eye contact in the moment. You closed your eye's momentarily to try and recollect yourself. You pushed yourself off the ground with your palms, rising to your feet. You stood there keeping your eyes straight ahead you to avoid seeing the deceased on the ground. Ghost immediately stood to his feet still favoring his injured shoulder, walking to stand in front of you, his eyes burning your skin trying to get you to look up at him.

"We need to go now." Captain Price ordered frantically. Until you all had the cover story and proof needed to prove Shepard and Reggie were behind the missing missiles, you had to remove yourselves from the scene before authorities and back up were sent. Otherwise you all would be detained, interrogated and possibly locked up for life if you didn't have the truth and proof in line.

"Yes sir." You spoke out through your dry throat. You quickly looked up at Ghost only for a few seconds before you broke away to start exiting the building.

"Y/-" you heard Soap's voice start to say but it was abruptly cut off by Simons loud tone.

"Johnny." Was all he said but that was all he really needed to say for Soap to get it. Basically telling him not to push it.

You continued your route out of the building, not even sure where you were going but there was no way you were going to stay in that place any longer than you already had to. Your eyes quickly caught sight of a massive hole in the chain link fence. Must've been how they entered to come retrieve you.

The cold breeze hit your tear stained cheeks, causing a small chill to run down your spine. Your eyes burned from how hard you had cried, your eyes heavy, and your body just screamed to hide away. Of course you hated Reggie for betraying you, for hurting you, for lying to you but after all of that, he was still your best friend. *was* he was still the person who stepped in to help you when no one else would. But deep down, you knew that he was too far gone to help. Doesn't mean it hurt any less.

You kept your pace up, making sure you were ahead of the three just to avoid any little conversations. You didn't want to talk, unless it was a game plan. But that you already knew so there was no point.

You arrived to the parked Humvee nearly 5-10 before they did. You had grabbed the handle letting yourself into the backseat, leaving the door ajar to keep the cool night breeze around you until the arrived at the vehicle. The small light that relayed through the inside of the Humvee was just enough to see the dirt and blood that mixed onto your shirt and pants. It sent you back to the image of Reggie slowly dying on the floor. Your breathe hitched, causing you to shake your head. Rinsing it of the thought.

The 3 pair of footsteps approached the stationary car, the driver and passenger doors clicked open and Price hopping into the drivers seat. soap in the passenger, leaving Simon to place himself on the opposing side of you. Price turned around to look at you, his arm resting on Soaps headrest.

"You ready?" He asked you, his gruff voice soft. Like he was afraid to even raise his pitch even a little.

"Sir" you mumbled before you nodded your head, bringing your eyes to quickly glance at the Captains. And with that, the Humvee roared to a start and slowly started to take off. As it drove away, you could hear the distance sound of sirens echo the valley where the small base was placed. It shattered your heart.

*back to base*

The minutes the Humvee rolled to a stop within the TF 141 base gates, you quickly exited it, beelining it to your room. You had to rid yourself of these clothes.

You swung your door open quickly while it started to get harder to breathe. Your body became overwhelmed and you started to feel claustrophobic. You walked into the bathroom, ripping off your uniform jacket and shirt, throwing them on the ground. You leaned forward, placing your hands on the edge of the sink while you obtained your steady breathing. Your lungs suddenly able to withhold oxygen again. You heaved through your mouth, your eyes glued to the porcelain sink bowl slightly below you. A dark figure appeared out of the corner of your eye but you chose not to react knowing it was Simon.

He entered the bathroom closing the door behind him. Your eyes lifted to the mirror where you watched him walked slowly behind you, grabbing your both your upper arms whirling you around to face him. Your eyes landed on his geared chest before you hesitantly brought themselves up to meet his bullet wound. How could he not feel it? If he was in pain, he sure was hiding the fuck out of it.

"You need to go to medi-" your sore voice started to speak through your lips but his voice overpowered yours in an instant.

"No. I'm staying right here. I'm fine." He reprimanded.

"Simon you just got fucking shot." You retorted tiredly.

"And I recall myself saying I'm not going anywhere. Did I not?"

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