Chapter 29. Sunsets

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After ghost had left the room, you finished getting dressed and went into the kitchen to find something to make the guys for dinner. You found so canned tomatoes and there were noodles so you just decided to make spaghetti. Which was something you whipped up quick, thankfully because soap was getting hangry. You made all their bowls and gave it to each one. Starting with Price, soap, and then Ghost. You handed ghost his bowl and his eyes burned your skin with his stare. You smiled lightly disregarding his hungered stare. Soap hummed after taking the first bite of the food.

"This is fucking delicious, you are wifey material bro." Soap huffed taking another huge bite.

"Okay stop." You chuckled shaking your head after grabbing your own bowl helping yourself on the couch besides ghost.

"Johnny." Ghost grumbled closing his eyes momentarily. Price seemed to tune out soap as he ate his food. You cleared your throat thinking of something to change the subject.

"So Laswell is coming tomorrow yes?" You asked pushing your food around with your fork before turning to scan the room.

"Yes, she hasn't given us a time frame though so not entirely sure when we can except her." Price spoke after swallowing a mouthful of food.

"Oh okay." You nodded placing your bowl in your lap, suddenly losing your appetite thinking about the phone call that occurred earlier. Soap picked up on your change in demeanor, well as ghost but ghost chose not to say anything.

"Smalls? You okay?" He asked with a single spaghetti noodle hanging out of his mouth. You brought your eyes up to meet soaps concerned stare, you planted a small smile on your lips.

"Yeah I'm great, just lost my appetite is all." You concluded picking at your fingernails. "I think I just need some fresh air." You huffed grabbing your bowl bringing it to the counter before making her way to the front door. You stepped outside getting brushed with the cool evening air, you stood in your place directly outside the door before taking a few steps to plant yourself in the small porch steps, eyes averting to the orange and purple sky. After roughly 15-20 minutes, You heard the front door squeak open. You snapped your head to look behind you expecting ghost but was greeted with Captain Price. He sent you a small smile as he met you in the steps taking a seat next to you.

"Urzikstan sunsets have always been one of my favorites." He hummed, placing his elbows on his knees letting his hands drape outward.

"Yeah it's pretty calming.." you responded sending him a small look before turning your attention back to the sky. "Sir i um...." You started trying to get everything in you to tell him what happened but his voice pierced the air.

"I already know." He spoke cocking his head slightly to face you. A lump formed in your throat. "The phone call. Shepard" he kept his voice low. "I have access to the call logs in it. So I know."

"I took the out. I didn't want to be part of it anymore-"

"It's Alright, I get it." Price nodded slightly. "It's better I know so I have a better understanding of why this is all happening. Laswell knows too."

"I wanted to say something sooner but with all that's going on right now I just couldn't add to it. I didn't know how." You explained dropping your shoulders.

"I'm not upset about it. But I'm very certain Simon isn't going to take it well." He whispered softly turning his head to the door to make sure they weren't there. His head snapped back to land on you.

'Fuck' you huffed closing your heads and throwing your head back slightly. You had completely forgotten that you had to eventually bring it up to Simon.

"The longer you wait to tell him, the harder he's gonna take it." Price concluded placing his hand in her shoulder. "Don't stay out here too late." He remarked before disappearing back inside.

'Maybe I'll ask him on a walk and I'll bring it up then.' You thought getting up from the steps with a small sigh. You walked towards the door entering the living room halfway scanning for ghost. His eyes Instantly met yours.

"Hey want to take a walk?" You asked sending soap a small smile before turning your full attention back to ghost. He sent one single nod, hoisting himself up from the couch to greet you at the door, holding it open for you to exit back outside. After a few minutes of silence parting from the house, you stopped turning to face in front of ghost.

"What's wrong?" He asked dropping his eyes to look down at you, slightly uncertain of what was about to happen.

"Earlier....that burner phone rang and Shepard called. I only answered because I thought it was you guys... but-"

"Shepard?" Ghost retorted.

"Yes okay listen, let me continued." You asked, your voice dropping in volume. "He threatened me. Yadda yadda. But that's not the point. There's something I need to tell you." You gulped down the lump forming in your throat from nervousness.

"Well get on with it" he spoke eagerly.

"I knew... " you started, your voice trembling softly. "About Shepard, the missiles, Reggie. I was apart of it. I helped them. Now wait before you say anything- show are gave me an out. Weeks and weeks prior to joining the 141. Shepard gave me an out. I left. Dropped it. Stopped being apart of it. Because it wasn't right." You spoke tracking his eyes, as they were going to help you figure out his emotions. They showed you nothing, told you nothing. "Say something please."

"Why'd you keep this from me?" He asked, his voice carrying a tone of hurt.

"I didn't know how to tell you. It was never the right time. Nor would I know how you'd take it." You spoke your eye fluctuating between both of his.

"I poured out the deepest part of my life to you. Something I don't tell anyone."

"That's different." You exhaled seeing his eyes visually showing he was hurt.

"How is that bloody different?" He spat quickly. You were at a loss of words, you'd hurt him. Just like everything else did in his life. He trusted you with his life and you couldn't even reveal something as simple as that. He had every right to be hurt.

"I'm sorry, Simon." His eyes took one last look at you before he turned around and started back towards the house, not exchanging any words with you. You wanted to go after him, beg him to talk to you, explain yourself but you knew if you tried. It would make it worse. You dropped your head into your hands mildly frustrated. You stood in place for minutes stuck in your thoughts until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you in an aggressive manner. They had pinned your arms to your face making it hard to break through to see who it was. But it wasn't needed one the voice spoke.

"Found you."

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