Chapter 45. iMessage

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You quietly slid off the edge of the bed, eyeing the room for your bag. You snapped your head back to ghost who was already up out of the chair, his hand on his belt. Reaching under his jacket to grab the knife from his belt, grasping it tightly in his right hand.

You reached your bag and slowly started to unzip it but Simon somehow reached you and placed his free hand onto your bag stopping you from opening it more. You turned your head up to look at him confused. He shook his head quickly before he stood straight up continuing his trek to the door. His footsteps slow and gentle. He planted himself directly in front of the door to listen. He turned his head to glance at you one more time before he reached his gloved hand to open the door. His towering figure blocking a good majority of the doorframe.

"Can I help you?" You heard Ghosts Brit accent stern speak to whom ever was on the other side of the doorframe.

"Is this room not checked out to-" a unfamiliar accent pierced your ears.

"It is, what's the deal? She hasn't once asked for room service, no Fuckin fresh towels or sheets and any of your bloody bullshit." Ghost growled.

"No no, no towels, there's been an issue with her payments and I need to speak to her directly."

In that instant, there was a good long pause of silence. It was unsettling. But you chose to stay crouched and hidden. Your phone suddenly  buzzed and your face fell instantly pale. Your hands were quick to approach it, silencing it quick. Your eyes darted to the door, still facing  the door. His broad shoulders blocking the door.

Your eyes fell down to your lit screen to see a message from soap. You cursed to yourself as you turned it off, sliding it into your pocket. You stood towards the door for a few moments before you pulled your phone quickly out of your pocket, sliding up to open Soap's message.

You were very very certain it was soap sending you some type of iMessage game that he wanted to play. You wanted to reply to him bad time if this was the case but instead of a game invite, you were greeted with a photo.

It wasn't just any photo. Not any of the silly photos soap wouldve normally sent. It was of Soap, tied to a chair. A piece of cloth was shoved in his mouth preventing him of screaming. A shakey breathe escaped your lips when your eyes and mind finally register what it was. You dropped your phone on the bed, sliding your hand under the pillow to grab your knife. You reached around further until you discovered it's was missing.

"Fuck!" You hissed under your breathe as you tried to piece together everything. They must've checked your room for you earlier today but when they couldn't find you, they must've reached soap and ghosts room.

You stood to your feet, storming over to Simon. You scooted around him to see the foreign male on the other side. Not even a hotel uniform was placed on him. You reached out forward, grabbing the man's collar yanking him past ghost into the room, quickly tossing him onto the ground. Simon was quick to close and latch the door more caught off guard by your sudden actions. You walked up to the man, placing your foot to his throat while you bent over towards the bed to grab your phone. You clicked it on the picture and shoved the phone in the man's face.

"You better tell me where he is or I will rip you apart limb for limb starting with your precious male cargo." You growled, watching the man's reaction.

"L/n this is not the approach I was looking for." Simon exhaled walking up next to you. You rose straight up, pushing your foot harder intro he man's throat as you place the screen into Simon's view. Where you saw the little color he had in his face disappear fast. Anger seemed to fill Simon's eyes as he stomped up to where your foot was placed, grabbing the man by the collar as well, hoisting him up to Simon's masked face.

"You've got 10 seconds to start fucking talking or I will her tear you apart." Simon voiced, venom spewing through his mask. Clear as day at how visibly angry he was.

"I- I don't know who that is-" the man started to bullshit. It was until he said those words, Simon pulled his knife from his belt, putting it up to the man's neck harshly, the blade irritating the skin immediately. "Okay okay okay okay!!!!" The man pleaded raising his hands up. "Please-"


The man's eyes were wide in terror. His body shaking violently. Simon's grip was strong on his collar and knife against his bare skin.

"I- I cant..." the man spit out quickly.

"Either they'll kill you or I will. You just get to choose who. You tell me and I won't kill you, they will OR you don't tell me and I kill you." Simon spoke shaking the man in his hands.

"Please I have a family."

"So does he." You chimed in placing the phone directly in the distraught man's face. "he's got a family too. And you just happen to be messing with them at this very moment. So don't think I won't hesitate to let him slice your throat open." You spat pulling your arm back slightly only to bring it battling forward into his face, hitting his nose. He let out a cry, his hands averting to his nose, being weary of the knife still connected against his neck.

"He's on 13th floor." 

"More information, that's not going to save you." You hissed, staring at the picture still placed on your lit phone screen.

"Room 457, it's heavily guarded by Ghorbani's men. And Hassan is with them."

"Where is the missile kept and where headed?" Simon asked demanding

"I'm not awar-"


"I don't know! Okay I don't know where it's headed but it's kept in the building on 5th and 11th avenue. Hassan has the case to disarm the launch." The man stuttered out.

"Thank you" you breathed out lightly before bringing your attention to Simon who's eyes were locked onto the man.

Within a second, Simon slide the blade of the knife hard against his throat. The scream he was just a bout to let out turned into a quick gurgle, as his eyes widened and his hands moved to grasp his throat. Simon stood up wiping his blade off before putting it away.

"What the fuck?!" You spat out.

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