Chapter 35. What happens now

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•flashback so you can remember it for the upcoming chapter😉 enjoy! And as always, ignore the spelling errors and act like you know what it says! Thanks for reading!•

"Ease up would ya? You're going to stress yourself out. He's not going to discharge you for making a fool out of yourself! Relax l/n!" Reggie hummer nudging into you while he matched your steps. The two of you were fresh out of 6 month long schooling course for weapons and artillery. General Shepard had picked the 2 of you out of 182 students to come work directly under him. Reggie was ecstatic, you on the other hand... you were a mess. To work directly under the General himself was already a. Lot of pressure.

"Hello? The general? The top dog? 'Don't stress out' are you serious?" You spat rolling your eyes. "This is a big deal, and also a huge opportunity for us."

"Yeah it's exactly why you have to keep your shit together." Reggie hummed while his eyes glance at you momentarily before they averted back in front of him.

"Oh shut it." You hissed playfully just as the both of you approached the huge door. The words 'General Shepard' plastered. You looked at the door and then at Reggie who was now in front of you. "Well go on, you first"

"You're ridiculous" he mumbled bringing his pale knuckles to knock in the door, quickly bringing it back down to his side waiting for an answer.

"Come on in" the booming voice pierced through the closed door. Reggie grabbed the handle, parting the door from the latch opening is slowly. You followed in closet behind Reggie, eventually passing him while he closed the door once you entered.

"Reggie Parker and f/n l/n, it's a pleasure!" The general himself sent you both a smile, extending his hand's indicating you both to take a seat.

"General, sir" you smiled softly sending him a nod before helping yourself to one of the own seats. Reggie doing the same.

"We are absolutely honored to be hand picked by you personally sir!" Reggie added on as his ass collided with the seat.

"Well I have to hand it to ya both, you two scored top of the class! I'm impressed" General Shepard hummed intertwining his fingers, bringing them up to rest on his chin. A grin painted on his face, while his eyes fluctuated from you and Reggie.

"Well again sir, we greatly appreciate the opportunity!" You smiled back adjusting yourself in your seat.

"You remind me so much of my daughter." General Shepard added while he tilted his head to the right slightly. You sat there unsure how to answer, did you thank him? What the fuck were you to respond with?

"You have kids sir?" Reggie asked catching on that you were stuck on a reply.

"One yes, my daughter. she passed a few years ago." He hummed, keeping the smile on his face. "You look just like her" he finished looking at you.

"It would've been an honor to have met her." You smiled faintly hoping it didn't offend him somehow.

"Anyways" he cleared his throat bringing his hands to rummage through the paperwork splattered throughout the desk until he picked up 2 papers. "These are some of the requirements I need both of you to meet and sign at the bottom after you've both read through it." He spoke extending both his hands to give you each a paper.

"Yes sir"

Your eyes flew open to see the dark room, slightly lit from the full moon. You sat up clearing your head of the dream or memory recap or whatever the fuck you would call it. You turned your head to see Simon in the best next to you, he laid on his back. His breathing was steady. He was actually getting some fucking sleep after you took it upon yourself to take care of his gunshot wound since he refused to go to the medic. His chest was bare besides the medical wrap you had wrapped around his shoulder.

You turned your gaze away from sleeping beauty, grabbing your phone to check the time. It read 4:32am. You exhaled frustrated before placing your phone back on the bedside table. You swung your legs off to dangle on the edge of the bed, getting ready to depart from the bed to make your way to the bathroom. Just before your hands fully pushed you off the bed, a hand grasped around your left wrist. Your head whirled around to see Simon, half asleep staring up at you.

"Where are you going?" He asked tugging on your wrist.

"I was just going to take a bath" you cooed turning your body to face him.

"What kind of dream was it?"

'He already knew that's why I was up' you thought

"Nothing too extreme, just rummaging in the past." You smiled weakly. Simon slowly propped himself up on the bed before bringing himself into a sitting position. His back resting against the headboard of the bed.

"Hmmm" he responded, his eyes scanning the room before landing back on you

"I'm okay, or I mean I will. Guess I'm still processing it."

"Well I'm here. I don't want you feeling like you have to battle this alone" his raspy Manchester voice echoing the moonlit room.

"I know" you smiled warmly at him trying to be comforting. "Crazy how life flips so fast" you breathed a dry chuckle. "I've got no one-" you choked out.

"The fuck am I? Chopped liver?" Simon retorted which caused you to chuckle slightly

"No no of course you're not, I just. I'm happy you're here for me. But you aren't going to be around forever. I know you. The missions over now, you're going to disappear off the radar for months until another mission comes about." A heavy sigh escaped his lips.

"Am I wrong? Tell me I'm wrong" you huffed


"Point Fucking proven." You growled standing up from the bed.

"You think I'm going to change my life for you? This is all I've known. This is me. It's what I do. I'm not just going to change it because you came into it. This is my job." He said staring at your back.

"I wasn't asking you to! I was simply trying to figure out where WE stood!" You exhaled whirling back around to face him. "Wether this was just some stupid fling until the mission was over because you have given me so many mixed signals, I don't even know where to start."

"Fucking hell." He mumbled shaking his head.

"You're so close to me physically but mentally you are so fucking distant. How does this work?! Do you care about me or not?"


"No! Don't f/n me! You don't get it, Simon. You are so closed off that you can't even see the fact that I am in love with you." You pushed out. His eyes widening  at your words.

"No you don't."

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