Chapter 16. Red handed

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Ghost rolled off of you sitting up to face the now blown up warehouse. His eyes shooting all around looking for Price.

"CAPTAIN!" Ghost called out waiting for a response. "Captain, what's your status?" He spoke now into the comms. A few minutes had went by.

"Captain are you injured?" Soap chimed in through comms. Again no response.

"I'm alright." His voice suddenly appeared in front of you and ghost. His body limping slightly towards you both. You flew up from the ground as did ghost who went to aid Price. He his head was bleeding but both his eyes weren't injured. He fractured a few ribs from the impact but nothing too major where it was life threatening.

"Christ we'll need a better plan for next time." Soap spoke approaching with Alejandro and Rodolfo.

"Let's get the fuck out of here." Ghost spoke out quickly. You all agreed making your way back through the plains to greet the helicopter that sat stationary on the ground a couple miles down the way.

In the helicopter sat you with ghost on your right, and Price on your left. On the opposing side sat Alejandro, soap and Rodolfo. Soaps eyes kept fluctuating between you and and Ghost. Everytime Ghost sent a glance towards your frame, soap watched like a hawk. Your eyes caught soaps stare and a smirk plastered his face.

You rolled your eyes turning to look away feeling your cheeks warm up because you knew exactly why he was smirking.

After you had all arrived back in base, you rinsed off todays events and found yourself in the rec room rummaging through the cabinets trying to find some food. A few minutes went by and in strayed soap.

"Hey soap" you acknowledged his presence as you grabbed a bag of chips helping yourself to the couch.

"Aye." Soap walked to the fridge, pulled out a beer cracking it open while approach you. He stood over the couch as if he were waiting to say something but quickly parted his lips to vocalize his thoughts.

"You know....I never bagged Simon as the type to screw someone in the rec room." soap spoke rounding his way to the couch with his beer.

The water nearly came shooting out of your mouth mid drink when Soap opened his mouth, you tried to inhale but choked a little. Soap started laughing seeing how discombobulated you had just go.

"That just confirms it." He smirked. Your cheeks grew hot from embarrassment.

"Oh my god that's so embarrassing." You mumbled covering your mouth. "Were you listening?!" You interjected lowering your brows.

"No! I wanted to get some late night snacks but when I approached the door Is when I heard you both."

"Oh my god"

"He's got game?" Soap asked raising a brow.

"Okay can we not talk about this? It's weird." You protested taking a deep breathe.

"Just be sure to lock the door next time." He smirked. "And a little pre warning would've been nice."

"Oh my god! It wasn't intentional! Nor was I expecting it to happen!" At this point, your cheeks were bright pink, your eyes refusing to look at soap extremely embarrassed.

Ghost walked into the rec room eyes immediately falling on you and soap.

"You're just the very man we were talking about." Soap interjected. Your mouth fell open and you socked soap in the arm.

"No!" You hissed putting your bottle on the table, feeling ghost's eyes on you.

"Why?" He asked opening the fridge starting into it.

"Nothing! No reason!" You quickly spat but soap placed his hand over your mouth while he parted his lips to speak.

"I was just telling l/n how it surprised me the other day when I heard some strange noi- OW" he stopped abruptly when you bit his hand that was covering your mouth. "When I heard from strange noises coming from inside this room. Sounded to me like you two were doing the devils tango." He finished sending you a smirk.

"Piss off." Ghost growled closing the fridge.

"Now how is it, the man with the mask whom he refuses to take off gets laid before me?" Soap joked.

"It's the Mohawk." Ghost shot back. Soaps face stunned. You broke out into a laugh not expecting that answer.

"The ladies are attracted to the Mohawk." He argued

"What ladies, Johnny?" Ghost cocked his head starting at soap from the kitchen.

"The many ladies I've got waiting in line for this!" He spat back. Ghost looked around the room before facing soap and you on the couch.

"Seems pretty empty in here, don't you think L/n?" Ghost asked bringing you into the conversation.

"Hey now, don't put me in the middle" you threw up your hands in surrender showering you were going to involve yourself. "I'm just here for the ride."

Ghost walked up to the couch where you both sat and leaned on the backside of the couch with his elbows staring directly at soap.

"She must not want to hurt your feelings. She's a good gal. Couldn't be me." Ghost spoke in his raspy voice.

Soap rolled his eyes before taking a swig of his beer.

"You're a cold hearted dickhead so I just want to know how that.." he pointed his finger at you and then ghost "happened. That's all."

"Must be my handsomely striking charm." Ghost spoke cocking his head towards you.

"We'll it ain't your looks, I can tell you that." Soap spat playfully

"You think I'm ugly?" He asked soap

"No no I'm just saying, you must be if you refuse to show your face."

"It's quite the opposite, Johnny." He started his eyes turning to you. "Go on, tell him yourself." Soap nearly jumped in his seat.

"She got to see your face before I did? That's bullshit Simon!" Soap genuinely seemed hurt but his reaction caused you to chuckle. "Is that what I have to do to see your face, I've got to fuck ya or something? Cause say less." He started chucking to get up from the seat but Ghost stood up straight taking a step back

"Touch me and I'll break both your fucking legs." He threatened.

"I was fuckin around." Soap laughed as he grabbed his beer from the table making his way to the door. "Next time ask him to leave the mask on." And with that he was gone. Ghost watched the door for few minutes before turning back to you.

"You know I was just thinking the same thing." You smirked looking directly at Ghost.

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