Chapter 14. Side misson; Rodolfo

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"Sir clear visual on the target."

"Copy. Locked on. In 3...2...1. Fire."

"Targets down. Nice work L/n." Price acknowledged over the coms.

"Nice shot, smalls." Ghosts Brit accent echoed the coms.

"Piss off." You spat breathing out a chuckle reloading your clip. "Your sarcasm isn't needed."

"Smalls?" You hear Soap cackle over coms. "That what we're calling her now?"

"Not we, just me." Ghost interjected.

"Focus!" Price's voice hissed through the coms.

"Sorry sir." Soap was quick to apologize. You adjusted yourself in the grass in grass to see if you could get a better visual. Your eyes locked on a large white beaten semi truck with a half sized shipping container.

'Captain, I have visual on the truck.' You spoke leaning your head towards your coms on your vest.

"Don't lose sight of it." Price responded. "Once the position is secured we move in. Ghost, status?"

"Just peachy, sir." A exaggerated sigh followed through the speaker causing you to chuckle.

"Haven't seen a person in sight." Soap responded.

"L/n status on truck."

"Pulling up to the warehouse" you spoke closing your left eye, getting a more focused look through the scope. "Trucks halted."

"This should be good." Alejandro's voice interjected through coms. "They're checking the back now."

"stay in the truck, Colonel." Price spoke. "L/n be ready to fire."

"Yes sir."

Your eyes watched the truck like a hawk as a group of 3 men approached the back of the truck, unlatching the heavy metal door. Upon opening it, you heard one of them scream exotically over coms before 3 silent shots were fired. Thuds following.

"Shit his pants in fear then murdered. Poor soul." Soap spoke.

"I'd scream too if I opened a container and the last thing I saw was ghost." Alejandro chuckled.

"Alright, move in!" Prices voice overlapped everyone elses quickly. You scrambled to stand up from your position, placing your sniper in your back, replacing it with your hand gun in your hands. You checked the clip before making your way through the tall, dry grass stealthy approaching the truck.

'Sir, we've got a truck approaching rapidly." Ghost spoke as you dancing through the grass navigating with your eyes where you stepped.

"Hold position, LT. I'm a minute out." Price spoke. 'Soap eta to Ghost."

"30 seconds."


"15 seconds sir, truck is within 20 feet of where I'm at.' You huffed as you jumped over a large dug out ditch that wrapped the area.

"Counting on you to back ghost up." Price concluded.

"On it." You exhaled seeing ghost peered fork the back of the truck in your direction. A man from a nearby hiding structure came flying into your general direction catching you off guard. He launched himself at you but before he could create contact, you ducked and rolled forward. You whirled around facing his back, pulling out your throwing knife bring your hand back by your face, sending your knife plummeting directly into the man's neck. His war cry fell quickly and his body fell with a quick thud. You caught your breathe quickly as you turned your head to see ghosts eyes watching you.

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