Chapter 36. Simon

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"You don't."

Your mind drew a blank listening to his words corrode your ears. Who was he to tell you whether your feelings were valid or not?

"Fuck you!" You suddenly hissed absolutely baffled. "You can't dictate if I do or not! You have no right."

"F/n. you don't." He growled standing up from the bed. "You'd be out of your bloody mind."he continued grabbing his shirt off the floor, slowly sliding it back onto his body, poking his head through.

"The I guess I am!" You huffed dropping your shoulders in defeat. "Call me fucking crazy, delusional, or mentally unstable then. Because I do, Simon. I do love you and you can't do anything to change that."

He paused, facing away from you. Like he was stuck in thought. Like he was contemplating your words.

"I can't be loved. I don't deserve it"

Your heart dropped.

"Yes you do." You retorted softly walking around the bed to approach him from behind. "I know you've been through hell and you'd did things but that doesn't mean you don't deserved to be loved." You continued raising your hand to place it on his shoulder. "You deserve it but you won't let me in."

"I can't."

"I know...." Your eyes dropped to the floor. "And I can't force you to but the minute you're ready, I will be waiting, okay? I'm not going anywhere, Simon. You can bet your ass on that. You can't get rid of me that easily." There was no response from him, the only noise that filled the room was his heavy breathing. He slowly turned around, grabbing your hand from his shoulder taking it into his own hand. His sunken sad eyes peering down at you, they were almost glossed over like he overwhelmed himself. You reached your free hand up to his face grabbing a part of his mask slowly lifting it off his face, revealing soft skin, and his scrubby stubble that surrounded his jawline.

He did nothing to stop you, he just stood there with his eyes never leaving your face. You dropped his mask, bringing your hand back up to his face gently placing your palm to his left cheek. You felt him lean into your palm, exhaling shakily while he closed his eyes taking in the warmth of your hand against his skin.

"Like you said...." You started, your voice soft and gentle. "I'm yours and only yours and I'm not going anywhere...." His eyes opened looking into yours once more.

He moved both his hands to your cheeks, pulling your face to look up at him before he leaned down. Your lips inches apart from each other. His eyes bounced from your lips to your eyes multiple times. He leaned in placing his dry yet gentle lips against yours, starting off with a slow passionate kiss. You leaned into him, placing your hands against his shirted chest letting his swallow you with his lips.

His hands moved from your cheeks, down your neck, rounding your breasts before trailing farther down your body. His hands acting as if you were delicate glass placed in his grip. You let out a gasp as he his hands trailed to your ass, gripping it softly while he pulled you up to straddle his waist with your legs. His arms supporting you. You brought your arms around to loosely wrap around his neck. He crashed his lips against yours, placing numerous kisses before he trailed them from your mouth to your neck down to your collar bone.

Your body started to heat up feeling his his kisses trail all over your neck and upper chest, your hands brought themselves up to entangle themselves in his short hair. The center between your legs start to pool from his touch. It was evil but you weren't going to protest that one.

He started to take step towards the bed until the front of his thighs hit the edge of the mattress, letting him lean forward until your back touched the sheets. He released his grip on the back of your thighs, placing them on each sides of you on the bed. He leaned back into place kissed on your collarbone once again, causing you to let out a low almost
Inaudible moan brush past your lips. Simon's body tensed for a moment, your moan like music to his ears. His brought his hands to the smear of your pants, quickly pulling them off your waist until they stopped at your ankles, he yanked them, following with your underwear.

He leaned forward slightly, parting your legs while he pushed himself in between them, nearing you. His hand purposely grazed past your bare entrance that sent a tingle shoot up your spine.

"F-fuck..." he pushed out, while he hovered over your neck, inches from your ear. "The things you do to me... fucking hell." You moved your hands down his chest to reach his pants, tugging on the string indicating you wanted them off. Without even looking at him, you knew he had a small smirk placed on the corner of his lips. Not enough to make it notice but a slight curve. He stood up slightly, bringing his eyes to watch your hands work the sweatpants off his toned waist, to reveal his hard c/ck spring straight up.

His breathing was heavy like he was growing impatient. Not in any way to rush you but any small thing you did in that moment in time sent him over the edge. You lifted his shirt off his body throwing it back on the ground. He pushed you down on the bed so your back was touching it entirely. He left hand grabbed the base of his c/ck aiming it towards your entrance, letting his tip rub against your cl/t. You let out another moan but this time the volume of it was louder, more pleasurable to Simon's ears than the last.

He pushing himself in slowly, letting out a groan, tossing his head back. Your legs squirmed slowly while you adjusted to his length. Your breathing was hot and heavy, your mouth left agape.

Once he had fully adjusted to shape your inside, he slowly started to pick up his pace, thrusting rhythmically as he placed his hands on your waist. Moans slipped out from your throat between every thrust causing him to buck his hips into you, his hips crashing into your thighs.

"Oh my god." You pushed out arching your back, forcing your lower end to push into him. Your head sunk into the sheets as your back rose from the sheets, your hand flew over your mouth to silence your mains but Simon instantly grabbed your wrist removing your hand.

"Don't do that. I want to hear you." He spoke, his hungry voice low. God it made you buckle, giving in to what he wanted. You continued to let the moans flow out your mouth at a decent volume level but still courteous to those who were near. Your eyes locked onto his, watching his pace pick up and his thrusts become more tough. You could tell he was getting close but so were you. Your muscles were tense, your body started to feel itself rise to a point where it felt stuck. You wanted to hold out as long as you could just so you could go as he did.

He threw in one more hard thrust, pushing himself into as far as he could before he quickly pulled out, releasing himself onto your stomach. A grunt coming from him with every shot he released. You felt your own body buckle and released at the last thrust, the area between your legs gushing with pleasurable relief.

He leaned forward, placing one hand next to your head while he caught his breathe. He lifted his head to look at you for a few moments before he pushed himself up to stand straight. He walked into the bathroom, seconds later exiting it with a rag in his hand to clean you up before he grabbed his clothes placing them back onto his body. You pulled yourself into a sitting position watching him get dressed.

He slightly turned around to bring you into his vision from the corner of his eyes, taking a long look at you. He turned and left the room without another word exchanged between you two.

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