Chapter 42. Closer door

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You felt your body freeze at the voice. But it instantly relaxed after you sent Soap a glare.

"I meant typical because you lack communication skills when it doesn't involve missions." You spoke turning your body around to face him. "Didn't surprise me to hear you just simple ignored soap. Sounds familiar."

"You think to focus on the mission? You even think to check the floor for them?" He retorted, his dark eyes glaring at you.

'This bitch' you thought

"Far left side of the slots, 5th one down, the group of 3. All male. In their 30s most likely. They're staring at that machine like they don't understand it. Dead give away if everybody else wasn't hammered or tipsy in here. So yes I am focusing on the mission, LT." You grumbled whirling your body around to face the table once more, grabbing your fork to poke around your food.

"She got you there, Simon. You're underestimating her. She's not the same girl you left behind." Soap added before stuffing his mouth with a fork full of food.

"Johnny." ghost warned, his voice low. "Laswell sent me a copy of the files to be able to fully confirm the faces..." he pulled some papers from inside his jacket slapping them onto the table. "Let's see if you're right about those 3" he spat.

You wiped your hands on a napkin before sliding the papers to your reach. You flipped through them, every so often, looking up at the men to see if it was a match. Surely enough you pulled the 3 papers with the pictures that matched the men.

"And you were saying?" You added sliding the other stack back to ghost before you brought your drink to your lips, taking a sip.

"No alcohol. It's not play time." Ghosts eyes shot to the drinks on the table.

"Oh piss off. One drink isn't going to compromise this mission" you spoke, seeing soap part his lips to speak. "God knows you need one!"

"Alright alright, knock it off you two." Soap warned slightly. Almost in a scared tone like he was afraid to say it.

"I lost my appetite." You spoke sliding your plate to soap before you grabbed your drink, bringing it to your lips to chug it. You placed the empty glass back on the table before sliding off the chair. "I'm going to go shower and sleep. Let me know if you find anything." You spoke mostly towards Soap before you pushed past Ghost down towards the elevators.

Once you got to your room, you close the door, Locking it. You walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower to let it warm up while you gathered your night time clothes. You entered the bathroom once more, placing your fresh clothes on the counter, before you started to strip yourself of the clothes you were wearing. You stepped inside the shower, feeling the warm water hit your skin. You closed your eyes, leaning your head back into the water. Letting it fully cover your head.

Through the noise of the loud hotel shower faucet, you heard a distinct knocking. or you thought so. You poked your head through the shower curtain seeing if you could hear the noise again. After a few moments, another knocking noise occupier the room door. You exhaled sharply, stepping out to grab a towel real quick, opening the bathroom door, stepping in the frame.

"Uhhh busy?! Soap go to bed!" You called out thinking it was him. Another knock picked up on the door causing you to storm towards it. You unlocked it, pulling it out. "Jesus Soap, what do I-"

It was in fact not soap.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" You exhaled sharply, slowly closing the door annoyed. His hand pushed against the closing door, pushing himself in.

"The fuck are you doing? Get out!" You retorted quickly taking a few steps back. "I will fucking call security, if you don't get. The. Fuck. Out of my room"

"Would you stop being so fucking hostile?" He spoke quickly taking a few steps in, closing the door behind you. He rose his pointer to your lips as if he were trying to silence you. You were about to retaliate until you hear some distinct voices right outside your door. The language they were speaking was not English. You but your cheek, steadying your breathing to listen in.

After a few minutes of their voices right outside your door, the pairs of footsteps departed down the hall until it fell silent. Ghost retracted his finger, bringing his hand to his side.

"I'm sorry." He exhaled through his mask "I was following them but they started to get suspicious and your room was closer than mine." He explained.

"Well it seems they left so...I would like to get back to my shower" you spat watching his eyes scanning your toweled body. A spike of anger flushing your body. "You don't get to look at me like that! You lost that right!"

"Here we go." He rolled his eyes, then averting them back down at you.

"Am i wrong?"


"Then here you go. Please leave so I can finish my show-" you started but you words were cut off by his hand bringing itself to move the wet strands of hair from your face. You don't know why it shut you up but it did. "Ghost."

"You are so bloody hot when you're angry....." he mumbled barely audible but you picked up every word.

"I can't do this, I can't fall under your fucking grip again because... I can't go through that again. So please, leave" you spoke, feeling your breathe hitch when the back of his hand brushed against your cheek.

"I know...but it fucking drives me insane thinking about you being pissed at me."

"Well you should've thought of that before you- you just left."

"I miss this pretty face."

"Ghost, you know what you do to me. And I can't. I'm supposed to be pissed. I am! I'm very pissed. You're a dick."

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