Chapter 48. 50/50 chance

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(I am so sorry for the wait y'all, Covid kicked my ASS. Anyways HI how are y'all?)

The cold air filled your lungs with every inhale you took to regain your breath. Your eyes frantically scanned the large ridged door looking for a latch or an opening of some sort. You felt the panic start to rise throughout your body when the realization that Soap only had so much time left.

"I'm coming Soap, just—" you called out but an nearing voice abruptly cut you off. Your head torqued quickly to see Simon storming quickly towards you.

"Are you fucking insane?— what were the off chances this was a trap? Wait. For. Me. Next time." Simon hissed, stopping directly in front of you, his head tipped down to look at you. You furrowed your brows, quickly shaking your head.

"Ghost?" Soap's voice erupted from within the building causing Simon to turn his attention to his voice.

"We're coming Johnny" Simon reassured Soap, placing his hands onto the ridged trailer door trying to lift it up in an attempt to see if it was jammed purposely. In doing so, you started to trail down the alley of the building looking for another way into the building. It was then you found a shitty, broken 2X4 leant up against the building. Merely 4 feet above that plank was a small window.

"Simon!" You called out to him, whirling your body around. Simon took a step back from the trailer door, heavily making his way over to you. His eyes quickly spotted the plank and small vented window. "Hoist me up. I'll get inside, figure out how to get soap off the missile and get us out."

"The fuck am I supposed to do?" Simon huffed, not liking the idea of sending only you inside with the active missile.

"Hoist me up. Quit bitching. You can continue to find another way inside while I'm in there, okay? We need to save Soap." You responded by patting his shoulder twice before turning your body. You felt Simon's hands grip your waist to help you launch yourself up to reach the small window.

"1..2..and 3." You spoke out, bending your knees, pushing yourself off the ground with Simon's help. You extended your arms far out to have your fingertips grip the small ledge of the window. With the extra push up, you managed to grasp a better grip. Pulling yourself up to part from Simon's touch, while you pushed the vented frame of the window off. Seeing it was loosely bolted, that must've been the way they used to escape once they had done what they did to Soap.

You drug yourself carefully through the small, cramped window until your torso was merely inside. It was then, your right hand slipped down the inside wall causing you to lose balance. You held your breath before you flipped forwards and your back cushioned your fall with the hard, cold ground. You let out a small groan, feeling the impact register through your body. Rolling over to pull yourself off the ground, you scrambled to your knees pulling your head to peer around the building.

"Y/n? What the fuck?" You hear the concerned British accent echo behind you.

"I'm fine." You added just as your eyes greeted not only the large missile planted in the center of the room, but Soap tied right where the missile departed. "Soap" you half smiled, rising to your feet running over to him. "Good god, what did they do to you?" Your heart sank when the small amount of moonlight that showed through the dismembered roof, brought Soap's injuries to view.

"You should see the other guys." Soap tried to joke lightly, taking a deep inhale after his attempt to laugh was cut from pain.

"I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?" You nodded your head, turning your attention to the missile. Frantically looking at the entangled wires, figuring out a quick solution in your head.

"How much time is left on that timer?" Soap asked from the side.

"I can't even find it" you responded quickly, your eyes scanning around the base. Till you saw a vivid light from within the wires. You knelt down, squinting your eyes to try and make out the light.

It was the timer. They had managed to shove it inside the wired section and made it to where you couldn't remove the timer without triggering a wire to set something off. They also somehow managed to extend the wires out, long enough to tie Soap to the missile. Where even the slightly tug could set it off.

"Those fucking—" you started to grumbled but cut yourself off when you made out the changing numbers on the timer.

3 minutes and 18 seconds, counting down.

Your heart dropped deeply into your body, seeing the amount of time you had.

"Y/n how much time is in it?" Soap asked again.

"It's okay—"

"Damn it, how much time?"

"3 min and 15 seconds.." you exhaled softly. " I'm gonna stop this "

"You can't. Y/n, listen to me-' Soap started.

'No, god damn it. You don't even begin to finish that sentence. I'm not leaving you nor am I just going to give up. So shut up and let me think..please." You shut your eyes, trying to empty your mind to try and brainstorm a quick solution. How you could stop the timer without stripping the wires and setting off the missile.

"I'm getting you out before I stop the missile. You're not changing my mind." You added opening your eyes, seeing Soap's lips part in the corner of your eye.

"Thousands of people could y/n-"

"And I could care less. You matter more to me than a thousand people." You abruptly said, turning your attention to him quickly before you carefully brought your hands up to begin carefully moving some wires doing your best to figure out where to start.

"I'm going to do what I can, Soap but you come first. I don't care." You added, sending him a small glance. He didn't retaliate any further, leaving you to focus your attention fully on the missile. You continued to gently move some of the wires around, carefully keeping the time on the timer noteable.

You gently pulled softly in one of the wires, trailing it back to Soap. Your short exhale left your mouth after realizing you were a step closer.

"Okay.." you hummed softly, bringing your other hand to grasp the wire. Your eyes caught sight of a small glare of a tool slightly tucked under the missiles. You tilted your head down to see they had carelessly left a pair of wire cutters. You removed one hand to quickly grab them before bringing your hand back up.

You were in the process of thinking that if you could only momentarily separate the wire long enough to remove soap and reconnect them, it wouldn't give the signal long enough to reach the actual missile to set it off.

You brought the wire cutters into your right hand, placing the wire into them carefully.

"You trust me, right?" You asked, turning your attention back to Soap.

"Yes I do"

"Okay because what I'm about to do is something I can't entirely back up. But there is absolutely no other option." You finished. "So when I cut this wire, you pull yourself out quickly and get to the farthest point in this room okay?"

Soap nodded quickly, turning his eyes from you to where your hands were placed, steadily watching them as if he were waiting for a que.

You took a deep breath.

This could go entirely right or entirely wrong. And there was no confirmation it could go either way and that scared the shit out of you. Soap's life was literally in your hands and you would never forgive yourself if anything ever happened to him.

You squeezed the cutters handles, causing it to cut the wires until they were parted entirely. Just as the last wire flipped up from separation, Soap almost flew up from his position throwing himself forward but before you could think to pull the two wires back together, Soap grabbed your arms, yanking you down with him.

In those short amount of seconds, your eyes caught sight of the timer.

15 seconds.

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