Chapter 39. Confrontation

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You brought your hand back to your side, shaking it violently from the stinging pain that erupted when you connected with his face. You whirled around to look at him, your face boiling with anger.

"The fuck do you want?" You hissed holding your hand. He let out a growl as he snapped his head back from the recoil of your punch.

"Fucking hell! Y/n. The fuck?!" He spat back raising his hand to place it against the masked face.

"For one, you should fucking know better than to just be standing outside my door like a creep. Second, who do you think you are? Showing up at my door? After being gone for 6. Fucking. Months." You spat, Venom rolling off your tongue. "I am absolutely appalled right now."

"I wanted to see how you were doing." His voice was now low, his accent still as thick as the day he left.

"Okay. Yeah no. Fuck you, Simon." You hissed trying to close the door but his boot blocked it from closing. "Can't you see you're unwanted here?"


"Well you are. Your presence is very unwanted" you growled letting your eyes dart from his boot to his eyes peering out of the mask down at you. "You don't get to do that. You don't get to fuck me. And leave without word. Disappear for 6. Months and try to come back to 'check up on me' you have me confused with the wrong bitch here"

"If you'd let me expla-"

"No. There is absolutely nothing to fucking explain, Ghost. I poured my fucking heart out to you and you just- up and left like it didn't mean anything. Like my words meant nothing. Not even a fucking postcard or something! How fucked are you?" The volume of your voice starting to rise, your body tensing with anger as you started to sway in place. You were boiling.

"I had to go."

"I don't give a flying rats ass if you had to leave, Ghost. You fucked me silly then left with no concluding words. No goodbyes. Not see you later. No communication. You can't just come back acting like you didn't wreck me when you left..." your voice cracked. "You didn't see what Soap and Price had to do to help me get where I am today. You don't understand how hard it was for me. Fuck was I supposed to know where you stood. I was so mentally fucked. Because you just so happen to leave the same day Price told me Shepard was my father."

He froze, his breathing hitched and his eyes widened.

"Yeah now you know, you would've know 6 months ago if you didn't just clock out like you worked a retail job for 8 hours"

"Jesus y/n, listen-"

"Again, no Ghost. I'm not hearing you out on your bullshit. Im done. Im not going to be your personal sex doll because you can get yourself to value someone other than yourself.  Here I thought it was different because you opened up to me. And I adored you for that. Thought we'd get somewhere. But god damn was I wrong. So I'll say this again. Im done. Go find someone else to use" you spat turning around to face your bed still holding your throbbing knuckles. Moments later, you heard the door close which you assumed he took the hint and left.

He didn't. He entered your room, closing the door behind him, his eyes staring down at your back. You exhaled deeply until you heard a creak in the floor. You closed your eyes absolutely frustrated.

"Why are you so incapable of listen-" you started but got cut off when he grabbed your shoulders whirling your around to face him. Your eyes shot up angrily before he pushed you backwards to your bed until the back of your thighs hit the edge of the bed. He pushed you down slightly to sit. "What are you doing?"

"You are going to sit here and I'm going to pull this chair up and sit in front of you. You are going to listen to what I have to fucking say, am I clear?" He spoke grabbing the small wooden chair that accented the small desk in the corner of the room. He slid it in front of him, the backrest facing you as he sat on it. His legs cradling each side of the chair. His arms now resting on the top of the backrest.

"You're Kidding me? I don't have to follow your orders anymore." You hissed watching him place himself in the chair. "And whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it. I don't want your excuses."

"That's unfortunate"

"Excuse me?-"

"Let me repeat myself, may I? I am not here to negotiate with you. I am here to break the shit that was messed up before I left. We need a full cooperative team for this next mission, no personal conflicts of any sort." Now he definitely worded that wrong, he didn't intend for it to slip out as cold as it did but there was no turning back. Of course he knew that he hurt you and it was fucked. You scoffed taken back by his words.

"Wow typical fucking Riley." You mumbled crossing your arms over your chest again "well fucking go on, explain your pity party so we can 'effectively' deem this upcoming mission a success so I can be done with you."

"The day everything happened, Price had already informed me of the suspicions of Ghorbani and Hassan with their arms deal with Russia. He has asked me to-"

"He sent you out there? He knew?!" You asked trying to process the words. "Oh I'm going to-"

"He sent me out there to gather the intel we needed to pursue this misson."

"And it took you 6 months?!" You argued exhaling sharply.

"Should've taken longer." He retorted.

"Then why didn't you?!"

"I got what I needed"

"That's unfortunate."

"Y/n enough."

"Fuck you." You gritted through your teeth.

"I left that day without any word because I had no idea how to tell you. I didn't know how to do this shit. I'm not meant to communicate like that, emotionally." He said while his eyes never left you.

"Even a note would've been better." You shook your head. "Fuck mail me a letter or even a fucking picture of where you were would've been nice."

"I couldn't risk my location getting out there."

"What you thought I'd go showing people you were in Iran? Like hey 'so so' look! Simon Ghost Riley is on a secret mission in Iran gathering intel. Look how cool that is." You couldn't believe his words he was spewing out of his mask right now.

"Better to be safe than sorry."

You scoffed. This fucking guy.

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