Chapter 51. Aftermath

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(If you see any spelling errors, no you don't👩🏼‍🦽 and I didn't know how to end this chapter so I apologize that the ending of this one is so abrupt. Stay tuned for the next chapter soon!)

The air seemed to thicken in that moment in time, your breath had hitched, leaving the room to fill with silence. Your mind fell into a confused fuzz in its attempts to process the following. Simon's eyes scanning yours frantically, scared to have made a mistake. He couldn't read your expression.

"Did I do something wrong? I just thought-"

You immediately cut him off with your own words

"Shut it, you did nothing wrong.." you then smiled warmly, your eyes matching his. You hummed, letting your hands fall to your sides.

"I love you, Simon." You responded in a soft, reassuring tone. His eyes fluctuated from your expression to just your eyes multiple times before a heavy exhale left his lips. You took no time to lean your upper body forward towards him, placing your lips against his. He quickly fell into the kiss, bringing his hands to carefully place themselves against your bruised and battered face.

His tongue pierced its way into your mouth momentarily. His taste mixing with yours. The soft gasps for air from him had you wanting to buckle under it all. You angled your body in a way that sent pain to your thigh, causing you to pull back, wincing.

"Fucking—Shit." You exhaled defeated. Pissed off with the situation's ending. "I'm sorry.."

"Shut up." He gruffed, placing his hand on your back, rubbing it gently. "We'll pick that up when you're better." He finished with a smile.

"Ain't no complaints there." You breathed a chuckle.

"Are you up to see Johnny?" Simon asked, rising from the edge of the hospital. His body is now facing you completely. "He won't shut the fuck up about you." He chuckled shortly.

"Yes! Please!" You beamed, placing your hands in your lap, excited.

"Let me grab one of the nurses to fetch a wheelchair." He spoke, turning his body to his face at the door of the room.

"No I can-" you started to say, moving your hands to the bed to start to push yourself from the sheets.

"Y/n if you don't stay in the bloody bed until I get a wheelchair, we aren't going to see Johnny." Simon threatened without turning back to face you. Your shoulders dropped annoyed, but you knew he was right. You were in no position to be up and walking, but you were pissed about being incapable of functioning yourself. Your eyes watched him exit your room, only to come back minutes later with a nurse and wheelchair.

"It's absolutely amazing you're already trying to get up and moving." The nurse spoke happily as she wheeled the chair around to the right side of the bed.

"I hate hospitals." You smiled faintly.

"I don't blame you, hun." The nurse responded, reaching her hand out to help move you to the wheelchair. You accepted her hand, using your free hand to push yourself towards the edge of the bedside. "Try not to out any weight on your leg"

"Let me help." Simon chimed in, approaching the side of the bed but stopped the moment you raised your hand up.

"No no, I got it." You exhaled, putting all your weight on the opposing leg that wasn't bandaged. You held your breath when you quickly flew your ass from the bed to plant itself harshly on the wheelchair seat. "Okay" you breathed out.

"Can I take her?" Simon asked the nurse.

"Of course, you know which room." She smiled and took that as her que to leave. Simon waited for her to leave before he grabbed the handles on the wheelchair to start to push you towards the exit.

The journey to Soap's room was short thanks to the elevator. He was down 2 levels than the one you were placed on since his injuries were more life threatening when you all arrived.

"I don't need no damn piss bucket." You heard Soap's voice echo from his room. A chuckle left your lips as Simon pushed you into the room. Soap snapped his head when he heard the noise of someone approaching inside his room. His eyes went from anger and irritation to relief and happiness. "Y/n" he said swiftly, a smile painting his face.

"It is me, I'm very much alive." You smile warmly just as Simon pushed you to face the side of Soap's bed. The nurse that was on the opposing side of his bed, quickly left with no further conversation. You reach your hand forward and grasp Soap's arm. "I missed you bud"

"Says you, they wouldn't let me come see you. Nor did they tell me anything." Soap huffed, pulling himself up slightly. "I thought I failed....." there was a long pause. "I missed you smalls."

"No Soap, it's okay, I'm alive and thriving." You breathed a chuckle. "Well thriving... I'll get there.... How's that lung?" You hummed, feeling Soap grab your hand and squeezing it gently.

"Ouch." He huffed, tilting his head. "You're chippy for being bedridden for the last few days, ew. Why?"

"What do you mean?" You raised a brow, turning to glance at Simon before turning back to Soap.

"Ghost, what did you do?" Soap furrowed his brows at Simon.

"He told me he loved me." You whispered towards Soap but unfortunately wasn't quiet enough since Simon was directly behind you.

"No fucking way." Soap didn't believe you. "How cute."

"I'm going to push you off that bed, Johnny" Simon threatened, causing you to chuckle.

"No you're not going to do that." You retorted. "He was going to find out sooner or later and you know damn well he would be more annoying if he found out from anyone other than me." You spoke glancing at Simon.

Just then, a knock erupted from the large door, in came Captain Price.

"Well I'll be damned. You don't know how happy I am to see you awake." Price smiled walking up next to Simon.

"I cut my leg, I didn't puncture my lung." You chuckled.

"Well Soap also wasn't in a coma like state for 3 days because he lost blood." Simon shot back

"It's just good to see you awake and out of bed." Price added.

"The missile—" you asked suddenly, when it popped up in your mind instantly.

"Let's not worry about that—" Price started.

"I need to know."

"Yes, it hit its target." Simon finally answered. You turned your body to look at him. "Nothing you could have done." He added.

"How many?"

"Y/n, I don't think" Price exhaled softly.

"How. Many?"

"Couple hundred deaths, a lot of injuries."

You felt your chest tighten. The words hitting you like knives, especially knowing you could have stopped it. Your head dropped to your lap for a second. A hand placed itself on your shoulder.

"If I had to choose between you two and a thousand civilians, I would much rather have you two alive and by my side." Price spoke out. "We can't save everyone, y/n..."

"I know..." you nodded your head before seeing Soap's head drop as well.

"I'm sorry y/n" he suddenly spoke, refusing to make eye contact.

"Soap stop. It's not your fault."

"It is, I pulled you away because I didn't want to lose you...."


"It's in the past, there is nothing we can do now." Price acknowledged.

"Price is right Johnny... y/n"

"But what about all those other missiles we have yet to uncover?" You asked

"Problem for another time, okay? You two need to focus on getting better. That's an order."

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