Chapter 37. Clouded thoughts

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You sat on the now cold bed, watching him walk out that door without another word to slip through his mask. Not a single second glance, explanation, nothing. The door latched and his footsteps departed down the hallway until the silence filled the room. You tilted your head back slightly, letting your eyes roam the ceiling fighting back the tears from spilling down your cheeks.

There was not a chance you could back to sleep after the events. Even though you tried, you laid staring at the darkness until the sunrise started to slowly brighten your room through your curtains. You pulled yourself up out of bed checking the time on your phone to see it was 7:00am. You dressed yourself in your uniform and approached your closed door. The image of ghost leaving without a word played in your head when your hand grabbed the knob, twisting it open.

You wandered down the hall, trekking towards ghost's room. You took the last few steps to face it slow, raising your knuckles to collide against the door. Silence. You knocked again, which was followed by silence. Your hand leveled to the knob getting ready to grab it.

"He's not there." The strong Scottish accent pulled you from your thoughts, causing your head to snap in the direction of the voice. Soap was geared up in his uniform, his hands rested in his vest until he was feet away from you.

"Where is he?"

"The Captain needs to see you." Soap avoided your question quickly. "It's important." His voice spoke, seriousness clouding his tone. Usually soap was bubbly and stupid but this soap that stood in front of you, had you a bit anxious.

"Okay." You responded not choosing to push any further, slowly moving your feet to pick up a slow gait heading back down the hall to Price's office. Soap met your pace, walking next to you. Every now and then he'd look at you, noticing how quiet you were, how no remarks were leaving your mouth, the way you weren't even protesting to know where ghost was. He figured something happened but it wasn't his place to pry. Before you knew it, you both arrived to the office where the door was open. Price rose his head from the papers that surrounded the desk, his eyes switching from soap and you.

"Close the door behind you." He cleared his throat gathering the papers into one pile before placing his half burnt cigar in the asstray. He slid the tray over making room for him to place his elbows onto the desk, his chin resting on his intertwined fingers. Soap let you enter the room first, closing it after he followed behind. You watched soap close the door before you turned your attention back to the desk, making your way to one of the empty chairs. Price waited for soap to sit down as well before he parted his lips to speak.

"What can you tell me about your parents, l/n?" Price asked adjusting his chin, his eyes locked in you. You thought soap brought you in to talk about ghost.

"Uh what do you mean sir?" You asked raising a brow.

"What did your mother tell you about your father? What do you know?" He asked going into more depths with the question.

"She never told me his name, all that he was in the military and that's what he chose over us. My mother cut all contact with him after I was born. I never really wanted to know about him as I got older. All I knew is his own daughter wasn't important to him so there was no reason for him to have importance in my life. " you asked starting to get confused. "Uh why?...." You asked looking at Soap and then back at the Captain. Price took a deep breathe before he removed his elbows from the table rummaging through the papers, until he found the one he was looking for. His eyes scanned his before he hesitantly extended his arm to hand you the paper.

He nodded his head slightly when his gaze met yours, you extended your arm retrieving the paper in your grip. You brought it to your lap, your eyes locking down onto it. Your eyes started brief it until your eyes landed on some words. Words that you'd never think were in the same sentence. It caused your heart to drop.

"No, there's no fucking way. He can't be." You shook your head pushing the paper back towards Price's desk.

"F/n.." soap intertwined softly. Your eyes shot to him and your eyes met his momentarily.

"How long ago did you lose your mother?" Price asked

"5 years ago sir." You responded quickly. "I still don't get how this-how am I Shepard's daughter?" You spoke choking on disgust from your words.

"Laswell... pulled up these files after they found Shepard and they started to go through his office" Price started. "One with your mothers name on it, one with yours. The folder that had your mothers name contained custody paperwork of you."

"How-" you couldn't find the words. But it was started to pieced together in your head. You lost your mom 5 years ago, Shepard's daughter 'passed' 5 years ago. That meant your mother kept in contact with him, updated him on you but that was all cut the minute she died. It's why Shepard always said you looked like his daughter. Why he was so lenient when it came to letting you off the deal when he first started the missile business. Why your mother would never tell you his name, or anything regarding him, besides the one detail was that he served in the military. It was why he chose you out of the hundreds of other qualified missile officers to work under him. So he could get to know you. To see what he missed out on. What a fucking prick, waited 19 years to make an effort.

"Y/n." Price's voice snapped you out of your thought process.

"I'm listening.." you spoke, your eyes in the ground. Suddenly Ghost popped up in your head for a quick moment, your kind completely disregard the fact Price had just told you your father was General Hershel Shepard. "

Where is Simon?" You asked taking a deep breathe already knowing the answer.

"He left."

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