Chapter 19. Downfall

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"Don't start a war you can't win, lieutenant." You stood up approaching him slowly. He turned to face you, towering over your body.

"Hmmm" he hummed raising one of his brows, where it would momentarily disappeared under his mask, falling back down shortly. Your hands were placed on his chest, feeling his muscles outlined through his shirt.

"Goodnight, sir." You closed off the conversation running your hand down his stomach lightly grazing his bulge before you broke contact, a low groan from his throat left through his mask. But before he could interject, you were quickly out the door and already walking down the hall. As you started to walk down the hall, you were adjusting your clothes slightly. A wide smile on your face the whole way to your room. You passed soap who was returning to his room as well, a beer in hand.

"Why are you smiling?" He teased cocking his head to the side.

"Cause I've got a war to win." You spoke sending soap a smile. He didn't quite catch on and thought you meant the literal war that was approaching.

"Well fuck yeah, Smalls that's the spirit." He laughed but your smile quickly fell, falling into a face of disgust.

"Okay yeah no it sounds weird when you call me Smalls." You shook your head quickly. "Stick to l/n for now" you laughed. He rolled his eyes before taking a drink of his open can.

"I have never seen Simon act the way he did today around.... What's his name again? Rudy?" Soap asked really trying to think of his name.


"Yeah yeah! Reggie! What fuck was that about?"

"Honestly wish I knew." You lied shrugging your shoulders swiftly.

"Looked to me like he had a bit of jealousy bubbling up." Soap breathed a chuckle. 'Must've felt threatened by Randal.'

"Reggie, soap. His name is Reggie." you laughed catching soap get his name wrong again. "Reggie and I have been best friends since high school. We've been through a lot together but I don't see him in that way. I know Simon doesn't think that, but what can you do?"

"We'll hey this is all I'm going to say. Simon's been through too much and he fears that everyone he gets close to, he loses somehow. So please for the love of god just.....don't....just... let's leave it at that alright? Have a good night L/n." Soap smiled patting your shoulder before he walked passed you continuing to his room. What did he mean by that? What did he think you would do?


Your alarm once again blared obnoxiously though your small room. You quickly rolled over slamming the 'stop' button before flopping back on your bed starting at the ceiling with tired eyes.

'What does today consist of?' You thought to yourself trying to jumpstart your brain for the day. Thoughts of last night with ghost and then your conversation with Soap reminisced in your head. The door to your room swung up and you nearly shut your pants, jumping up from your bed.

"Holy fucking Christ of Mary and Joseph!" You screeched as your eyes landed on ghost. Your body relaxed immediately and you placed your hand in your rapidly beating heart. 'You are going to give me an actual heart attack pulling a stunt like that again. Fuck! Anyone ever tell you to knock first?!" You slightly hissed throwing yourself back down in the bed.

"No.' He abruptly said. "Price wants to see you in his office when you're done getting dressed for the morning. After that, meet me on the field."

"Uhhh okay." You asked generally confused. "Do you know why he wants to see me?"

"Not really."

"Wonderful, Alright get out so I can change." You spoke flicking your hands to shoo him out.


"Why? The fuck you mean why? So I can change in peace." You argued scoffing quickly.

"It isn't anything i haven't already seen before." Ghost grumbled leaning against the door frame.

"Okay weirdo, get!" You spoke getting up from your bed to push his lug ass out of your room. "I'll see you shortly." You finished meeting his eyes once you barely moved his large figure not even a centimeter out of your room. "Dude literally move your giant ass out!" You spat pushing your full body weight into him and with no prevail, you gave up throwing your arms in the air. "Fine! If SOAP HAPPENS TO WALK BY AND IM NAKED, THEN OH WELL." You yelled raising your voice.

"Bloody hell." Ghost growled quickly taking a step back out of your room closing the door. You quickly locked the door shaking your head approaching your dresser, pulling out your clothes before making your way towards the shower.


You knocked on the door of Price's office before opening the door slowly peering your head in before your body followed.

'Hey Cap, you wanted to see me." You asked closing the door behind you.

"Yes." He smiled faintly "have a seat" he spoke motioning to the chair that sat opposing side of him. You quickly nodded helping yourself to the seat.

"Is everything okay?" You asked genuinely starting to worry by the look on Price's face.

'Remember how I explained I felt something was off about the shipment of missiles and whatnot?"

"Yes sir?"

"Did Officer Reggie help you with the shipment at any point?"

"Yes he was the main shipper, I just co signed when they arrived to pick it up to transport." You spoke furrowing your brows trying to figure out what he was getting at.

"It was under Shepard's orders correct?" He asked clasping his hands together.

"Yes?" You started "sir what is going on?"

"I have reason to believe Shepard and Reggie are behind this."

Your heart sank.


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