Fourth of July Special!!

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(HI YALL! Happy Fourth of July to those who celebrate it! Thought I'd push out a little special for those who stuck around and read my story til the end! Get a little peak on how y/n and everyone else is doing! I love y'all and be safe today! Everyone else, have a Great day/night!!!)

The sun had set itself smack middle in the sky, shining brightly down in the large grassy field of the park that housed numerous families. It was a rather large park that included a large playground to occupy the abundance of children, a small trail for people to ride their bikes on and a large grilling area. 

It was the first 4th of July that the four of you were finally able to enjoy together. The past fourth, you were all on a mission and it was just simply another day. But today, Soap and you agreed to make it a large deal. You two planned it all out, well you mostly did, soap—- he had the attention span of a walnut.

You sat on the bearing bench, watching Soap drag Simon to the field to throw a football. The very obvious grumpiness that plastered Simon's eyes was hilarious. Soap was jolly as ever, just ecstatic that he managed to drag Simon to even attempt to throw the football.

Unfortunately the tossing of the ball lasted a rough 10 minutes before Simon got fed up and decided to leave Soap to join you back on the bench. In the trek towards you, he passed a small group of kids and they jumped in fear. A breathily chuckle left your lips seeing Simon stop in his tracks to stare down the children. His eyes peering through his mask down at them.

"Hey knock it off! Get over here!" You called out to Simon when you saw one of them bolt screaming to their parents. You watched Simon join you on the opposite side of the bench, his eyes showing brief amusement. "You're fucked up, I told you not to wear the mask."

"And I told you, in your dreams." He retorted, leaning his elbows on the edge of the table.

"That kid's gonna have nightmares now." You huffed, fighting back a smile.

"Good." Simon grumbled, causing you to roll your eyes. 

"Burgers are done, hot dogs are just about-" Price's gruff voice echoed form behind you causing you to turn around. He approached your right, placing the tray of burgers in the middle of the table neighboring the condiments.

"What are we celebrating anyways?"

"Simon come on-" Price started but you cut him off.

"The. Fourth. Of. July. The day of independence for the states." You interjected.

"I'm not from the states." Simon growled

"I'm not either." Soap chimed in, seating himself next to Simon. "But y/n is."

"So the least you can do is suck it up for one day, mate." Price added just before turning away to retrieve the hot dogs that were still on the grill.

"It's excessive, all this." Simon added in response.

"That's the whole point, Karen." You huffed.

Oh for fuck sake." Simon shook his head.

"Language! There are kids around."


"Oh my god, I can't win." You exhaled, dropping your shoulders defeated.

"Hey hey! So guess what I got yesterday?" Soap suddenly beamed like he just remembered this thought.


"Fireworks!!" He smirked, "got them on sale! Thought we could put on a little show tonight!"

"Oh hell yeah!" You smiled warmly seeing how excited he was, Simon was blankly staring at you.

"I will light them." Price added as he placed the hot dogs on the tray with the burgers.

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