Part Forty-Seven: Chapter 360: Sestra

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A big thank you to Banty for this Idea!!!

The Joker and Alexis lounge in their bed. Alexis flips channels on the TV, bored. The Joker sits beside her reading What To Expect When You're Expecting. His green brows occasionally furrow as he reads about the gory logistics of childbirth. He hadn't been there when Lucy was born, but nothing was going to keep him from being there when Jackson came.

With a sigh Alexis lays down the remote and slithers out from beneath the covers. She straddles the Joker's waist. Her hands run across his bare chest. But he ignores it and turns a page in the book.

"Why don't you drag your nose out of that book J. Play with me instead," Alexis continues running her hands over him.

The Joker peeks over the top of the book, "You're eight months pregnant darling, I wouldn't want to risk anything going wrong," he tells her.

Alexis rolls her eyes, "J we can have sex right up to the moment I go into labor."

The Joker sighs and looks at her over the top of the book again, "Out of the question."

Alexis's hand smacks down on his chest, "Why?"

The Joker lowers the book and rolls his own eyes, "I don't imagine Jackson would appreciate my dick tapping him in the head. After he's born and we've waited six weeks for everything to go back to normal, I promise I will fuck your beautiful brains out," he smiles at her warmly and rests his hands on her pregnant belly.

"Don't you think you're being a bit silly J?" Alexis gives him a droll look.

He swallows, "No. I do not honey. I've lost far to many to risk losing Jackson. I will go to any length, any cost to protect him and see to it that he makes it safely into this world. Please try to understand that."

"Ughhhh," Alexis says in frustration and pushes herself off the Joker and returns to her side of the bed.

"Thank you my love," the Joker says picking the book up again.

"What about oral sex?" Alexis looks over at him.

The Joker sighs and lowers the book again, "You should really get your rest sweetheart," he slightly cocks his head at her.

"Oh come on! Your dick won't be banging into his head!!" Alexis's voice starts to raise. She couldn't believe he was really turning her down. But then, he had been rather stand-offish toward her for the last few weeks.

The Joker calmly lays down the book on the nightstand and gets up out of the bed, "I'm going to get a very stiff drink," he sighs and starts pulling on a shirt. He grabs his coat and leaves out of the bedroom.

"So you get to drink and I just have to deal with it?" She calls out to him as she folds her arms across her chest.

Ace is in the living room on the couch, doing something on his phone. He glances up and watches as the Joker steps into his shoes and reaches for his keys. "Going somewhere?" Ace sits up straighter, preparing to go with him.

"Liquor store," the Joker flatly replies.

"You're going out like that?" Ace motions to him without a disguise.

The Joker rolls his eyes and looks at his watch, "I'll maintain a low profile. I'll be in and out."

"You want me to go for you?" Ace asks him.

The Joker's hand sweeps through his green hair, "No, I think I need the fresh air," he says.

"Is everything alright?" Ace asks in concern.

*J* (the continuation)Where stories live. Discover now