하나 - Burnout

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I looked at my watch wearily and it has already turned 9pm and here I am still working in the office while all my colleagues have left. Colleagues? Tsk— oops I mean selfish animals. Ugh.
Yes that's right, I am the only one in this office finishing up these stupid files while everyone else is at this colleague dinner which I have purposely not been invited to. Well its not like I would of made it anyway because my stupid boss won't leave me alone and has left me here to stay over and finish all these paperwork before tomorrow's important meeting followed by a company dinner.
How fun.
I am finishing the last of the words on the file and the only thing that can be heard in this isolated building is just me tapping aggressively on my keyboard.
Done. Thank God. I am finally finished. I completed everything and saved it onto the database. I took my bag and stood up packing away all my stuff.
"Ugh finally done with this shit"
I grabbed my stuff and exited the building as I made my way to the parking lot. I got into my car and headed home. As I reached home and freshened up, I looked at the time, 12.30am.
Ugh what a long day. I don't start work at 7am and finish this late for nothing. I better get this promotion was my last thought before I snoozed off.

Buzzz Buzzz.
I reached out for my ringing phone frowning as I tried to stop the annoying sound.
"Helloo" . My voice was croaky as I just woke up.
"Y/n where are you, its 10.30. The boss has been asking people around where you are and why you haven't come in yet"
"WHAT. Its 10.30!! Fuck shit. I overslept." I said jumping out of my bed and running to the bathroom.
"Oh okay hurry up, i need to go now, He is coming towards me. Bye"
"Ah kk bye Lia"
At least I had one sincere friend at that was Lia. She was the only one l liked in my workplace and who I had a genuine friendship with.

Anyways, I quickly did my routine and pulled on a presentable outfit before heading out. Ugh I am so screwed and today's an important day as well. Great.
I reached to the office rushing with an Americano in my hand. Oh shit there he is. My annoying clingy boss. I tried to sneak past him and make it to my desk without him noticing but luck wasn't by my side today.
"Y/N! Come to my office now!"
Ah shit, here we go.

Knock knock.
"Come in already. Stop wasting time" I heard his cranky voice.
I rolled my eyes before entering in his messy office.
" Sir, I am so sorry I was late. I woke up a bit late this morning because I worked extra hours last night. Sorry once again Sajangnim"
"That is no excuse to be late, a hardworking and passionate employee should be willing and enthusiastic to work for longer hours without any disruptions to their daily schedules."
"But I—"
"You are dismissed."
I looked down holding in my nerves as I clenched my teeth while making my way to the door to leave.
"Oh wait. Make sure you make it tonight on time please"
I turned back with a fake smile plastered on my face and nodded before exiting.

I guess I have to look presentable and nice for this stupid company dinner. So I decided to wear this navy blue long bodycon up to my knees with straightened hair. I applied my makeup and headed out with matching heels. I pulled out my phone and called Lia when I reached, she is the only one I am hanging around tonight.
"hey Lia, have you reached?"
"Yeh nearly there. What about you."
"Yeah I have reached. I am near by the fountain can you see me"
"Umm waittt. Yess i can. I am coming towards you"

"Heyy sexy" Lia said as she hugged me tight. "You look good, god damn someone wife her"
I chuckled as I pulled away from the hug. I love this girl. If she was a boy, i would of dated her by now.
"Could say the same about you. I wish I could look as good as you in all black"
"Phaha y/nn stopp. Anywayy did you hear that Sajangnim is apparently going to make an important announcement at the end of the dinner"
"What really. Whats it about. Do you know?"
"Yes apparently, its for the promotion. Whoever gets promoted will also become head of department"
"What no way. Really" There is no way. I am actually shocked, this is a big step for me if I get this promotion.
"Yess. And guess what. I am fully rooting for you y/n. I mean it. You have worked so hard day and night. You were the only one who stayed extra hours and had the most difficult tasks to complete, I could go on and on about how many ideas we have used from your brain into each project. I will genuinely be surprised if you don't win this."
"Aww Lia. I am glad you can see it because noone else seems to. I really hope that I get this promotion too"
"Yess!! Fightingg!!" She said as we entered in this massive, elegant building together confidently.

"So y/n apparently you came in late today what happened. You poor thing, you got screamed at didn't you"
Ugh not this bitch. Park Mina. I can't with this girl, she won't stop bugging me ever since I joined this company.
"Yes I did come late, because I was working long extra hours unlike you who was bitching about other people at the dinner yesterday"
"Excuse me bitch. At least I have friends to bitch to unlike you. And anyway lets see tonight if your long extra hours bullshit paid off for you." She said as she smirked before turning to the front.
It was about time, this shitty dinner was so long and boring. I had a fake smile plastered on my face the whole evening when speaking to my other bitchy colleagues and oh my god I can tell you one thing, it has been so tiresome. The Sajangnim was dressed all fancy and with his well kept black suit as he made it on the stage with a mic in his hands. He tapped on the mic while it deafened the audience.

"Oo sorry about that ladies and gentlemen, but good evening everyone. I hope you have enjoyed the evening so far. It has been a pleasure seeing my employee's from each department all in one place. I have had multiple discussions and insights when making an important decision for tonight. Therefore, without wasting any time I have an important announcement to make, and that Ladies and gentlemen is none other than the annual promotion deal. One hardworking worker from here will get promoted and also have the privilege to become the head of their specific department. Soo I, myself Lee Jihoon would like to announce that this person is no other than.."

I could feel my muscles tense up and my feet stuck on the ground. I felt Lia's hands from under the table reach out for mine as she squeezed them. I looked at her with a bit of hope in my eyes as she nodded to me before looking at the Sajangnim. Please say my name.

"Park Mina."


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