여덜 Unexpected

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Mingyu Pov:
As she looked at me into my eyes, my body froze. She looked beautiful in formal attire, despite it being so long after seeing her again, there is still something hidden inside me for her, and it wont go away. She was my first love.
Now is not the time Mingyu to remember your bittersweet memories, she is looking at you.
"So your my new secretary"
She didn't reply, but just continued to stare at my face. I smirked a little bit knowing that she hasn't changed. She still gets nervous around me. "Hello excuse me!" I waved my hand aggressively in front of her. "First you come late into my office and now you stand here in front of me like a fool. This is a well reputed company your going to work in, I don't want you to be the downfall of it. Do you understand me Miss ... what's your name again. I forgot"
I saw her eyes widen in shock as she fiddled with her hands. I have to admit it is quite entertaining to see her reaction. The reaction of her realising that I don't know who she is, that should put her in her place for now.
She coughed a little bit and straightened her posture before opening her mouth to speak.
"Sir, my name is Y/n. Lee Y/n. Do you really not—"
"Okay get to work y/n stop lazing around in my office. Come on get out."
"Mingyu. Why—"
"Excuse me, watch your tone miss. Do you even know who you are talking to. Now get out and stop wasting my time. Hoshi will go through your schedule and inform you all the details. Now leave"
She remained quiet, and then followed by the sound of her disappearing footsteps.
Was I too mean on her. I mean she does deserve it.

Y/n's Pov:
Shocked was what I was feeling. I was walking down the corridor with his rude words repeating in my head again and again. Does he really not remember me, after everything we did together. My heart was feeling heavy and I can feel myself living the same nightmare I was 10 years ago. Its all coming back into my life again, especially after trying so hard to finally move on. Mingyu you were my first love, how can you forget me. I was too busy in my thoughts I bumped into someone's hard body as he stumbled back a little bit.
"Oh my god I am so sorry Hoshi are you okay"
He chuckled and looked at my face that was full of worry.
"hhaha its fine really don't worry. The question is are you okay, you seemed out of it for a second."
He looked at me a bit worried.
"Oh wait, did Mingyu say something to you. That guy he can be really rude sometimes, don't take it seriously, he has just been through some bad things in the past"
My eyes widened when Hoshi said that. Bad things in the past. Is he talking about what happened with us. Wait but how does he know all this.
" Bad past? How would you know"
"Ahh I forgot to tell you didn't I. Me and Mingyu, we went to the same University. We both studied together and he wasn't really the best of himself then, quite disrespectful I would say especially to girls. That's why his father gave him his position of being the CEO for this company so he can be more disciplined and mature a little."
"Oh, but why are you telling me this. Should you be telling me this, i mean we have just met you hardly know me"
"Y/n we might of just met now, but I am sure this is not your first time meeting Mingyu"
What. This guy is surprising me every second. How.
"H-how do you know"
"Y/n, I know everything that happened between you two 10 years ago. I heard his side and I recognised you immediately as soon as you walked in that club with Lia."
"W-what this is um. I just—"
"Its okay y/n, I am not judging you. I am sure you have your side of your story too"
I looked up at him with stunned eyes, i thought he was really going to call me out.
"Why would you hire me though after knowing everything"
"Y/n you won't understand now. But the only person that can change him is you" I looked into his worried eyes. Why is that I can I change him. Change him from what?
"Anyways lets discuss about your schedule, we went off topic" He said as he ruffled with the papers in front of him.
I nodded agreeing with him as he pulled out a sheet full of the scheduled duties and work assigned for this week.
This job is going to be difficult.
We finished discussing my schedule and Joshua offered to take me to my office. Which was right beside  Mingyu's office. Oh God, he can literally see everything I do from here with these transparent windows, I guess the only bit of privacy are the blinds at the top that I can pull down. I make my way into the office holding a box of all my things which I placed on the desk. I started arranging my desk and kept a few office like ornaments around the room. Lastly, I pulled out a photo frame of my final high school photo with Mingyu and Jun. We 3 were really close during high school but now we everything's changed. With Jun, he disappeared and I never saw him again. Even though we all separated, the memories we made still lives in my heart and is a part of my life that I wish to keep framed. I sighed looking at it. All the good times have come to end, so I decided to keep the photo frame in my drawer, away from the sight of myself and other people, especially Mingyu.
Once I settled down, I looked at my schedule. Ah shit. Its time for Mingyu's meeting. I grab my planner in my hand and went out of my office towards Mingyu's office. I knocked on the door hearing a 'come in'.
"Sir, you are scheduled for a meeting now with the Park Industries regarding the partnership"
Mingyu looked up at me with approving face as he slowly nodded at my words.
"Okay let's go" He said as he stood up moving towards the door, briefly pausing before turning around. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come"
"Huh, Sir, do you want me to be present with you at the meeting"
"Yes of course, your my secretary. I want you there. Make sure you take notes if needed to be taken, this partnership is really important to me and this company. So don't you dare mess it up." He said sternly before facing the front back again.
God why is he so harsh for no reason. I am not a baby to flipping mess up a big deal. And how can I even mess it up for fucks sake.
I followed him from behind, trying to keep up with his long strides across the corridor. We enter in the meeting room, as we are welcomed by two strikingly good looking men. I instinctively adjusted my skirt and sorted out my hair, before walking in and seating myself down beside Mingyu facing opposite the two men. I focused my eyes onto one of them, who seemed a bit laid back and troublesome. As soon as he caught me looking at him, a big smirk plastered onto his face as he brushed his slender fingers into his hair looking to the side as his grin got wider. What's wrong with him.
I took my attention of him and faced the man beside him who seemed to be taking the lead in discussion.
"Mingyu... It is finally nice to get back in business with you after so long. You get more and more handsome every time I see you " One of them said.
"Park Jimin, it's a pleasure on behalf of my side too. I see you have brought your brother along with you too." Everyones attention in the room went to him as he slouched back in the seat looking at us with a disinterested face.
"Ah yeh, I had to take him with me, my father is adamant about him tagging along everywhere I go. He is grown up now, he just needs to mature a little. Am I right Jay?"
Ah so his name is Jay.
Jay looked at his brother defyingly and sighed.
" If I am grown up now, why can't I make my own decisions."
"Jay not now. We are not doing this now. We have come here to do business so lets stick to that." Jay rolled his eyes and looked directly at me, staring deeply into my eyes. 
Mingyu noticed what was going on and cleared his throat loudly. "Anyway getting back to business, I heard you are ready to make a partnership with me for our new product launch."
"Ah yes of course, I heard about your new recipe that you have fixed to sell internationally."
"Ah yes we want our company to be creating new and unique recipes each time, so hopefully we get our consumers to like our upcoming one that we are planning to launch and this is where we will need your help with the production."
Damn, I must say his professionalism is such a turn on, it really made him 10 times more handsome than he already is.
"Of course, I am ready and for a bit of gratitude for this hand on hand deal on my side, I can offer you that Jay can be of much use with the marketing and promotion of it. He has done well in these things"
Jay straightened his posture and looked towards his brother with wide eyes. "Hyung, what are you doing"
"Jay its time for you to take some responsibility, this is the best opportunity for you to make Appa and me proud"
He rolled his eyes and slouched back in his seat. Mingyu looked at him reminiscing the time when he used to act like that.
"Thats very kind of you Jimin. That's all I wanted to discuss with you and I am glad we made a deal" Mingyu said as he stood up shaking hands. Jimin looked at me briefly before reaching his hand out towards me.
"Well its an honour to finally meet the secretary for Mingyu, you are indeed one beautiful young lady. Mingyu is very lucky to flaunt you around, I have to deal with my brother managing my work instead." He said as he looked at Jay while chuckling.
I grew shy with his sudden compliment and bowed slightly acknowledging his words before slightly peeking at Mingyu. His eyebrows were furrowed and his gaze towards me did not seem to be nice at all. We walked towards the door, as Mingyu continued to catch up with Jimin as I followed from behind.
"Hey!" I turned around to meet Jay walking closer towards me, causing me to step back.
"Oh hi, is there anything you need"
"Your name" He said as his brown eyes looked into mine, stepping closer as he trapped me between the door.
I cleared my throat surprised by the close proximity. "Y/n, Lee y/n"
He lifted his hand towards me as he shook my hand "nice to meet you y/n" he said before meeting his soft lips with the back of my hand while maintaining his flirty gaze with me. My thoughts were interrupted with a loud cough. I looked ahead to see Mingyu wearing an angry expression on his face
"Y/n. Come here now". I nervously let go of Jay's hand who smirked, satisfied with the drama he caused.
"Sorry sir" I whispered as I followed him into his office flinching as he slammed the door behind me.
"After so many years, you still haven't stopped whoring around have you". His voice was low and hoarse, seriously looking at me for for an explanation.
Those words that he said was enough for him to break my heart.

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