아홉 - Misunderstandings

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"Sorry sir" I whispered as I followed him into his office flinching as he slammed the door behind me.
"After so many years, you still haven't stopped whoring around have you".  His voice was low and hoarse, seriously looking at me for for an explanation.
Those words that he said was enough for him to break my heart.
I looked at him with fierce eyes as I stepped towards him facing his dark ones.
"How dare you" I said as I gritted my teeth.
"How dare I? —tsk — how dare you. Its the truth, you just can't be satisfied with one person so you have to fuck everyone that comes your way." He said as he smirked and leaned back with his hands in his pockets.
" Mingyu how could you say that. After everything, all the memories we had. How could you!"
The rage in his eyes grew as I brought up our past. He was broken. So was she. He misunderstood. So did she. And this is how they continued to think about each other, with hatred.
" what fucking memories. I erased that shit out of my head. I don't want to keep any shitty memories of you. I moved on. So should you. Now get out of my office."
I looked into his eyes with my teary ones. I go up to him trying to hold on his arm. I can't let him misunderstand anymore.
Mingyu's Pov:
She looked at me with her teary eyes. That was enough for my heart to break. One thing that I couldn't stand was seeing her cry. I was this close to melt into her touch as soon as she grabbed my hand. But she broke me first. I grasped onto her hand tightly and fought my tears.

"Don't fucking touch me". I said as I smacked her hand away harshly. I walked behind my desk and looked at her again. She was frozen in her place, not moving as tears streamed down her face. "Get out. I don't want to see your ugly crying face."

She got back to reality and quickly dragged her feet out of my office, making her way into hers opposite mine. She closed her blinds but I could see a little bit inside from the gaps between the blinds. She ran towards her desk and opened her drawer, shakily taking something out. Her hands were shaking as she took a pill in her mouth and swallowed it with some water next to her, spilling it all around her mouth. What is she doing.

Why is she taking pills. I stood up from my seat and made my way near the door peeking from the side to get a clear view. She was kneeling down next to the drawer trying to catch her breathing. Oh god. Did I do this to her. I wasn't expecting her to react like this. A sudden rush of guilt hit me as I looked at her crying face.

Mingyu. You need to forget her, she is also the reason for your sadness in the past and now. Who knows this may all be an act for her to get me back. I won't fall for it.
I go back to my desk and continue my work.

Y/n Pov:
After I took my pill. I seated myself on my chair and started to do some work to distract myself, from his reoccurring words. After two hours, I finished all my paper work and decided to hand it in Mingyu's office.
I knocked onto his office door after waiting for his reply. I entered in and placed all the paperwork on his desk. "Thats all the work for today. Im leaving" I said to his face with no emotion left in my face and voice. "Y/n you have not do—"
"Bye" I said as I made my way out of the office. I went to the elevator and entered in, pressing the button for the ground floor where the parking lot is. While it was going down, someone entered the elevator but I couldn't care less to check who it was.

"Y/n are you alright". I recognised his voice. Joshua. I looked up at his face that always looked charming. I smiled lightly as I nodded.

"Im fine" I said with my weak voice.
"Y/n you don't seem fine. Is everything all right. You can tell me, I can help you. Is it the work pressure, did you get something wrong, is it Mingyu. He can be a bit harsh sometimes."

My eyes brimmed with tears as I looked away from him. "Joshua seriously, I am fine. I am just a bit tired."

Joshua noticed my tears but didn't question it any further as he didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
"Y/n at least let me drop you home. That's the least I can do."

I just nodded my head as I didn't have the energy to argue with him anymore. We reach to his car and I get in. The drive was silent but comforting. I just stared outside the window, watching the busy streets of Seoul. I noticed that Joshua was giving me slight glances every now and then. But I really wasn't in the mood to initiate any conversation with him.

"Just here. That's my apartment" He looked up to see the building and then turned his head towards me with a warm smile on his face. He suddenly pulled me into a hug. I widened my eyes as I didn't expect him to do that. His embrace was warm and comforting and it seemed genuine.

"Y/n please take care of yourself. I don't know what you are going through right now. But stay strong and always remember if you need someone, I am here. You can use me as much as you like. I will always be here for you." I was shocked by his words. I only just met him but he feels like I have known him forever. It really made me emotional that someone would easily be there for me when I need them. He pulled away slowly, as tears streamed down my face. He looked into my eyes and wiped my tears off.

"Don't cry, now go upstairs and get a good night sleep. If you need anything, just call me."
He put out his hand in front of me and I looked at him confused.
"Your phone". I mouthed an 'oh' and passed it to him as he typed his number into it.

He ruffled my hair and handed it back to me. "Goodnight Shua. I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I got out of the car. I looked at him one last time and genuinely smiled "thank you so much" I said before closing the door and walking to my apartment room.

He was left in the car still processing his new nickname, while on the other side of the street, there was Mingyu watching the entire thing, gripping onto the steering wheel. He knew her real intentions now and was convinced this is all an act. He pitied her but now he realises that he won't be in peace without making the rest of her job as his secretary a living hell.

Joshua's Pov:
I smirked as I watched her go up to her apartment. " Y/n, y/n. I missed you so fucking much, do you know how long I have waited for this moment. Now I can have you back in my life once again, but this time no-one can take you away from me".

HI guys, i hope you are enjoying this so far. If you do please comment and vote. It would mean a lot. Xx thanks for my readers.

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