열셋- Your girl?

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Shit shit. I am running late. I went to the local restaurant to enquire about another part time job for the evenings and was relieved that I got it. I was mostly worried about the fact that if anything went wrong with the job as a secretary for Mingyu or if it screws up, I always have a backup. I made my way to work rushing in as fast as I could, sliding with my heels on the floor. Everyone around me watching me as I run in.

"Y/n are you okay. Why are you late"
"I—I had to go somewhere before this, and I got late. I am so dead aren't I Shua? "
He chuckled looking down before flickering his eyes at me.
"Don't worry. He was nice about it, one time I was late. I think."
I rolled my eyes at him and turned to the side catching my surroundings of all the employees looking at me nervously and then behind me.

I turned around and there he was. Speaking of the devil.
I grip onto my bag tightly and step forwards to excuse myself quickly.
"Wait. Miss Y/n, are you just coming into work right now?"
I just stood there and awkwardly smiled at him, before looking down.
"At this point, why not take the whole day off while your at it?" He said coming closer towards me.
"I am sorry sir, but I did email saying that I would take the morning off"
I said, as I remember the reason for why I thought it would be better for an extra part time.

He chuckled and smirked before looking at me once again.
"Is that something to be proud of, huh? All you do is say 'I am sorry' 'I am sorry'. What are you? A robot?"
I looked around at everyone staring at me. Ah this is so embarrassing, can he not just let me go.
"Sir, I already said I am sorry, I never intended to deliberately be late to work."
"I don't know what I was thinking to hire a useless girl like you. Now stop wasting time and come to my office. I am hoping you came prepared with all the details for the latest project"
I internally rolled my eyes and put up the fakest smile ever.
"Yes sir" I said before following the lead to his office.

I entered in followed by Mingyu who walked in after, but it seemed like we weren't the only two in his office.
"Mingyuu babyyy, I missed you so much" a random brunette rushed over to Mingyu hugging onto him as tight as she could.
Mingyu looked just as shocked as I did, as he broke off the hug.
"Aera what are you doing here in my office"
"Baby I missed you so much so I came to visit you in your office"

I really had the urge to roll my eyes so bad. I really didn't expect Mingyu to get a girlfriend, I don't know why but ever since we parted, I had the tiniest urge that he would tell that it was all a misunderstanding and stay loyal with me. But I was wrong, I guess I was the only one who couldn't get over him after so many years, while he moved on without even thinking or caring, I was left behind not dating anyone like an idiot hoping he would come back. How stupid I must be.

Mingyu looked at me and smirked before he gripped onto Aera's waist bringing her closer to him.
"Baby, I missed you so much actually. Your curves, your body, your face, not everyone is blessed with such perfection" he said looking towards me. It really hurt me. It really did. All of a sudden, I felt really conscious and insecure about myself. I quickly rush my way out the door to leave, as I couldn't deal with this anymore. I rush into the bathroom, as I stared at my face through the mirror. Tears were rimming in my eyes. I stared at my body, observing my imperfections. Yes, I may not be perfect looking, but there is no point being beautiful on the outside if you are ugly on the inside. Just like how you are Mingyu.
I took a deep breath in before going to the kitchen to make myself a coffee. Only coffee can save me right now.

"Y/n I feel like I haven't seen you all day." Joshua said as he made as way inside holding a cup to make a coffee for himself as well.
"Yeh I was just sorting some stuff out, anyway whats up"
"Not much, I am so tired so needed a coffee"
"Hmm, um—Shua. I gotta ask you a question"
Joshua placed his cup down and looked towards me intently.
"Um does Mingyu have a girlfriend?"
He suddenly straightened up, backing away a bit to observe my face.
"Yeh—um there was a girl in his office this morning — I think her name was Aera. Are they both dating?"
He coughed a little before proceding to talk. "Um- yeh, yeh they were dating, a long time ago actually. They pretty much use each other to fulfil their sexual needs nowadays."
My eyes widened hearing this, I never knew Mingyu would go this low, and it felt like a stab in the heart.
I chuckled after hearing his words. Not gonna lie, this whole thing started to become like a joke and my only response to this was too laugh on how big of a fool I must of been to push out every single guy that tried to build a relationship with me not knowing that the guy I truly loved was already fucking around with other girls.
"Y/n are you alright. Your kinda scaring me-haha"
I laughed even more.
"S-sorry I just find it funny. I didn't know what I was expecting to be fair. Anyways, do you want to go clubbing tonight. Its about time, I live my life a little. What do you say?"
Joshua smiled and nodded quickly.
"Yehh of course. I wanted to ask you one time, but I was scared you would say no. I am up for it."
"Lets go then and get drunk as fuck"
"Phahah I can't wait. Shall we call Hoshi too. It will be fun."
"The more the better"
Joshua smirked before taking his coffee.

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