스물하나- bedroom eyes

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Y/n's pov:
Mingyu slammed the car door shut with a resounding thud, causing me to flinch. Why are we at his house. He marched towards the entrance, his steps heavy with his mounting anger. I hurriedly followed him from behind. "Mingyu, what's are you doing! You were supposed to drop me at my apartment. Get yourself together."

He stopped and turned abruptly to face me, his eyes flashing with rage. "Shut up your coming with me." He said as he dragged my arm all the way into his house. I tried to push him off, but he was too adamant and strong, there was no point. Dragging me all the way up the stairs, he finally released my arm pushing me into his black, dimly lit bedroom.
"Mingyu what am I doing here? Listen, please just calm down and send me home."
His enraged eyes made its way towards mine as he ignored my words.
"You allowed him to flirt with you, didn't you? You enjoyed his attention!" His words were sharp, cutting through the air like a knife.

I recoiled at his accusation, it hurt me but then it turned into a realisation of what this was all about. "No, Mingyu, I didn't encourage him. I made it clear that I was here with you for business. What is actually wrong with you."

His anger only intensified at her response. He took a step forward, invading my personal space as he towered over me. "Don't you dare lie to me," he growled, with his voice low. "I know very well how you act innocent in these situations but deep down I bet you were enjoying it!"

My back pressed against the wall, and for the first time I felt fear but I refused to back down. "You're being irrational, Mingyu. I didn't do anything wrong. I can't control how someone approaches me, but I can control how I respond. And I chose to remain professional. So what the actual fuck is wrong with you!"

His eyes narrowed, his anger morphing into a volatile mix of desire and frustration. In that moment, he couldn't resist the way I kept pushing his hands away from me any longer. He grabbed my wrists, pinning them above my head, effectively trapping me. His grip was firm, almost bruising, as his face leaned closer to mine.
"Because of you we lost the deal. He could of been of so much help to our company. You always come to ruin things. Don't you."
Yes, it hurt. It hurt a lot for him to still say this after he protected me from him.
"T-then you should of just handed me over to Jaehyun you jerk. You could of secured your fucking deal then, if thats whats more important to you, why didn't you do that! At least he would of taken better care of me than you are currently doing!"
He slammed the wall next to me, causing me to flinch.
"Don't. You. Dare. Your mine. Your body is only mine and only I can have you." he hissed through gritted teeth.
"I'm not afraid of you, Mingyu. I won't be controlled by a jerk like you and one thing for sure is that I am definitely not yours." I replied back.
"You have no idea what I'm capable of right now, y/n."

My heart raced with strange anticipation.His dominance was unsettling. I struggled against his hold as he gripped hard onto my wrists as a dangerous smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he watched me. "Then let me show you tonight, how your mine and only mine." Was the last thing he said before he attacked my neck giving sloppy kisses all over, devouring each and every inch of my skin before lifting his face as his eyes made its way onto mine.
"M-mingyu. We shouldn't be d-doing this—" he placed his finger on my lip staring at me with his bedroom eyes. "Shhh, just for tonight, I want you and only you" He said as he crushed his lips against mine. It was a hungry, desperate kiss, and it felt like I was being ripped apart. He was being pushed, and I was being pulled, and it felt so sensual.

The kisses became more aggressive, his hands making its way to my waist lifting me up. I quickly straddled his waist, gripping onto him tightly before pulling him closer towards me. Once again our tongues clashed, and he sucked on my bottom lip. I tried hard to not let out a moan but I could feel myself giving in. I broke the kiss starting to feel out of breath and I pulled away. We just stared at each other lustfully. His breathing was strained, and his chest heaved as he held me close, as my body was pressed against his.

What he did next, caught me off guard. I felt my back spring onto his soft mattress, he crawled on top of me, pulling the edges of my dress slowly pulling it down. His kisses going down slowly to my chest and then down to my stomach. He stopped and looked at me with his craving eyes, before inching his face close to mine. Without thinking, I turned him to his side, his back on the bed board and straddled him as I took dominance. His eyes widened in response. "Y-y/n. W-what are you doing" he said with a low, strained voice.  "Shut up" i said bravely before harshly kissing him. He deepens the kiss, pulling your body against his.

He kisses you hungrily, teasing your tongue in a tantalizing pattern causing me to whimper. His soft groans only made me stiffen on top of him. With the rhythm of our kisses, I found myself grinding on him, feeling him grow hard under me.
His hand goes to my thigh ad he lifts your leg pulling you closer to him. You whimper in the back of your throat, and when Mingyu started to grind against your clothed core, that whimper turning into a moan. He groans deeply, and you feel his member hardening against you. The desperate kiss becomes so much more. It's hot and heavy, punishing. You feel your mind slipping away from you. All you care about is Mingyu's body against yours in an almost feverish way. Neither of you is holding back onto the past.

Mingyu suddenly devoured your bottom lip with his teeth, and he pulls away.
He stops with his face in close proximity to yours. His gaze admires your lips before looking up into
your eyes. His veiny hands that were gripping my throat made its way towards your lips as he lightly
caressed that same lip he nipped you on, and you swallow.
"Only I can bite your lips, only I can kiss you. Only me." he spoke in a husky voice.

All of a sudden, I felt a cold wave of air touch my bare skin, as the fabric of my dress slides over my head. My face lit up and all he does is smirks. Instead of responding to my bewilderment, he bit my bra strap. His fingers slide under it, and he slowly pulls it down your skin. "Your so beautiful y/n" he said as caressed my breasts. "I missed this. I missed your body. I know you want this too. You've been wanting it this entire time. You can finally get what you have been missing out from for years."

I stopped in my daze. Taking in a few minutes to process what he had just said. I pulled away from him, looking at him with my suddenly teary eyes. "I can't believe you Mingyu. I can't believe you thought I am doing this just to get in your pants. Fuck you." I said harshly as I stood up leaving him in his hardened state. I tugged my clothes back on and grabbed my shoes that were lying on his floor.
"Isn't this what you wanted? Am I not wrong? Listen y/n come back. You can't just leave me now."

"I hope you find someone that truly loves you, because I have given up on you. I thought you might have the slightest chance to change and that you would understand and believe me when I told you the truth. But now I think, that day won't come." I managed to say with strained voice before leaving.

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