사십일 - Back to Seoul

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The last two days were finally over staying in Jeju and now we both returned back to Seoul.
Things have been quite hectic at the office, so break over and back to work now.

"Mingyu, why are we at the office this early, its literally 7am?"

"Baby, because we haven't seen our entire company team in two weeks. I have to come early and sort a few stuff out before I get back to how things were, I have no other option as a CEO."

"Hmm, yeh your right. Anyways, is there anything I need to do, right now." I said as I stood up from the couch in his office.

"Hmm, not really. Not for now, I guess. Maybe later." He said while nodding.

"Okayy." I replied lazily as I stared at him getting his desk organised.

"Quite bored aren't you?" He said glancing every few seconds.

"Yeh, im bored." I replied back with a neutral tone.

"Hmm, then I got something you can do for me, if your really that bored." He said while walking around to the front of his desk and leaning back on it.

"Go on, what can I do." I said as I quickly stood up from the couch.

"Satisfy me." He said unexpectedly as a smirk spread through his face.

"Mingyu, you have got to be kidding me right now. We are in the office. Seriously." I said as I rolled my eyes at him while crossing my arms.

"Oh come on. You said you were bored and plus I have always had a fantasy to makeout in my office. Can you make it come true?" Hm?" He said as he slowly walked towards me with puppy eyes.

"Hm..?" I replied awkwardly trying to come up with a good excuse as I quickly glanced around.

I was honestly shocked by his sudden request but after a moment, I could feel myself smiling slightly thinking about it, while thinking of an answer to say back to him.

"Well you see....ummm...Mingyu, maybe tomorrow okay."

He stopped in his tracks staring at me like I just stole his wallet. "You sure baby. Why don't you want to satisfy me right now?" He asked as he leaned closer towards me.

My mind raced thinking of an excuse and well, nothing seemed plausible, so I blurted it out. "What happens if someone comes. Don't be silly." I said while turning around away from him.

"There is still an hour left till they all come, we have plenty of time for a quick fuck." I felt him whisper into my ear seductively as he slowly wrapped his arms around my body from the back.

"M-mingyu" I stuttered taken back by his words.

"Shh" he said before gently attacking my neck from behind, sucking on each spot. I let out a soft moan in response, giving him more reason to continue what he was doing. His lips softly moved across my neck nibbling here and there, before he turned me around grabbing my waist firmly as he pressed himself against me. My eyes widen at his bold move, which surprised me but I didn't resist as I slowly pulled off his shirt revealing his bare chest. His strong chest flexed in front of me making my heart skip a beat, instantly igniting the flame between us. My body reacted without even knowing.

We made eye contact locking each other's gaze, as I smiled lightly down at him; his warm breath tickled my skin sending shivers down my spine. A small grin formed upon his lips, before he slowly brought his mouth towards mine, slowly kissing my lips as he held onto my hips tightly. My heart started pounding wildly in my chest as his tongue slid against mine, teasing and enticing me as we kept kissing deeper.

"Y/n, do you even know how hot you look in formal wear. That skirt of yours is going to be the end of me. I just want to rip it off."

"I'll wear it more from now" I said before hurriedly continuing the kiss passionately as I started undoing his belt buckle. It took me mere seconds to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants. I slowly slipped my hand inside of his boxers to touch his hard erection and it almost hurt as it pulsated through my palm. The throbbing became unbearable, so I quickly stood up and kissed him again deeply as I pushed him on the couch and pulled down his shorts.

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