삼십이- truth comes out

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Y/n's pov:
"Jun-ho" I shouted as I recognise his back that was facing me. He turned around and looked surprised as he saw me walking towards him.

"Oh y/n? What are you doing here, I thought you left?" He said.

I walked up towards him and placed his jacket in his hands. "Thanks for the jacket. It was kind of you"
I said as I looked down.

"Ah thanks for returning it, but seriously it looked nice on you. You should of kept it if you liked it."
I chuckled and pushed the jacket further towards him. "It looked nice, but I had to." I said as I looked up at the hotel.

"Its Mingyu. Isn't it. I am sure he must of not liked it seeing you wear my jacket."
I looked up at him in surprise. "Oh how did you know"

He chuckled and stepped closer. "He likes you y/n. He nearly threatened me when you went away to get a drink, that if I had bad intentions with you I should drop it."

I widened my eyes at his response. "Oh my god. I am so sorry, that's so embarrassing. I am sure he just said that out of the moment."

"No y/n, he meant it. He cares for you y/n. He is just scared to be honest with his feelings and confront you. And you know what? I think you should give him a chance. He seems like a good guy, and he's crazy about you."

I felt my face heat up at his words. I looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity.
"If I say I believe you. Now what? What do I do to try and win him back?"

"You don't have to do anything, y/n. You just have to be yourself. You just have to show him how you feel. Trust me." He said, reassuring me.
"Okay I will!" I said feeling couraged.

Jun-ho smiled and patted my head. "Fighting! Go get him, tiger." He said, encouraging me.
I looked up at him. "Go" he said signalling me to run in.

I followed his words and started to run back inside and then I stopped and turned. "Jun-ho!" I saw him turn back once again smiling. "Thank you!" He chuckled in response and waved at me. "Go!"

I ran back inside the hotel and headed to the suite. I hoped he was still there, and that he would listen to me. I wanted to tell him how I felt.

I reached the door and opened it with my key card. I entered the suite and looked around. It was empty. There was no sign of Mingyu.

"Where is he?" I wondered, feeling disappointed.

I walked to the balcony and looked outside. I saw the swimming pool, it was a small but cozy pool, with a  waterfall. And there he was.

He was in the pool, relaxing in the water while looking out to the scenery. He looked really handsome even though it was just his broad shoulders from my sight, but with his wet hair and toned body, my eyes couldn't come off of him. He wore black swim trunks that hugged his hips. He didn't notice me watching him.

I felt my heart skip a beat as I admired him. He was so beautiful, and all I hoped right now was that he could be mine.
"Mingyu!" I saw him turn around and face me. His toned arms came into sight under the warm light.

"You finally came? I thought you were about to go off with Jun-ho" he said sarcastically as he brushed his hair.

I kept my phone on the side of the pool before reaching up to the zip of my dress. "Hmm I was thinking of doing that" I said as I pulled my zip down.

"but then I realised I want to spend the rest of the night with you" I said seductively as I slowly pulled down my red dress, letting it drop down. I was left only in my matching red lace undergarments.

"Y-y/n, w-what are you doing?" He said as I noticed where his eyes drifted.

I moved closer to the pool's edge and slowly slid into the pool. The water was warm. I swam towards him, closing the distance between us. His eyes were wide, and he seemed at a loss for words, clearly surprised by my sudden change in demeanor. I noticed his eyes only focused on my chest.

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