삼십구 - Your body

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My eyes opened slowly from the small light peeking in through the curtains. I turned to my side and squinted my eyes to see empty bed.

"Hmm, where did he go?" I mumbled to myself while reaching out for my phone to check the time.


I pulled the covers off me and stood up only to fall back down.

"Oh god- my stomach" I groaned in pain as I clenched my stomach.

"What have you done to me, Kim Mingyu. I can't even walk now. Jeez." I said quietly while faintly smiling. I walked to the bathroom and freshened up before stepping out of the room into the living where I could smell really good food.

He was making us breakfast and it smelled so good that I just couldn't help but smile at him. He looked so hot from behind as his broad shoulders were in view. He suddenly turned around catching me smiling at him, before I straightened my face like nothing happened.

"Oh y/n— why are you smiling like that. I know im hot, you don't need to hide it from me." He said cheekily while smirking.

I coughed and sat on the stool in front of him, avoiding his eyes whilst he kept glancing at me while cooking.

"It smells really good, what are you making. I'm hungry." I replied. I blushed slightly as he kept looking towards me.

"Kimchi fried rice... i know you love it and plus you came at the right time. I think its done." He replied, turning off the gas and getting the plates out.

"Yesss, serve it quicklyy. It looks good." I said while tapping my spoon on the counter impatiently.
He chuckled lightly as he put the plate in front of me, before coming around and seating next to me. I felt my seat spin round towards him as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Eat well my baby" he said as he lifted his spoon full of rice and brought it towards my lips.

I giggled before opening my mouth to take a bite.

His arms wrapped around me from behind as he leaned against my shoulder, making me feel more comfortable eating.

"Hmmm its so tasty, since when did you know how to cook food. I remember the Kim Mingyu that ordered takeaways all the time." I said while taking another spoonful of rice.

"I can cook you anything you want to eat. But I must say, this is one of your favourites so I had to learn how to make it." He replied while staring at me eat like a child.

"Hmm, thanks. Now, eat and stop staring at me. Its embarrassing." I said while avoiding eye contact.

"You don't have to look away. I can't help but stare. You are too cute when you blush and turn away like that. Plus, your body looks delicious with my kimchi fried rice." he whispered pulling my chair closer to his.

"Mingyu, what are you doing. Are you not satisfied from last night?!" I said confused.

"Why would I be unsatisfied? After eating, I am still gonna be hungry you know." he answered seriously, as his eyes gazed down and back up whilst moving in closer to my face.

"Ohh.. okay chill out, mr sex addict." I said as I picked up my empty plate to the sink. I put it down immediately as soon as I felt a sharp pain in my lower part. "Ah god. Why—" I groaned.

"What is it y/n. Are you alright, did something happen?" He asked worriedly as he stood up and ran towards me.

"Nooo. Just—uhhh—" I said breathlessly, looking down to his hand that was around my waist. I quickly looked up at him only to find a bulge poking at my stomach.

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