스물다섯 - lies

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"Lia, you don't wanna know. I am just so done with them. Whenever, I am near Sohee I feel like ripping my hair out."

"Y/n, I am going to be honest to you. I don't think using Jun to make Mingyu jealous is the right thing to do. Listen, I feel like Mingyu's feelings towards Sohee is fake, he probably got jealous when he found you two are dating. So, to cover the fact that he is clearly affected by your relationship, he is 'fake' dating her to show you that he has moved on too."

"I—Lia. You know what, your right. I feel awful using Jun like this. He did say that he was fine to fake date me and that is was his plan. But, I don't know, it just doesn't feel right to use him like that. He is too genuine, he doesn't deserve to deal with my bullshit."

"Who is too genuine to deal with your bullshit y/n".

I quickly pulled my phone away from my face as I spun on my chair that was facing away from the door.
"Joshua, w-what are you doing here"
He chuckled after seeing my shocked face. "Nothing much, I came here to check on you. You seem to have forgotten me nowadays."

"One sec Lia, I'll call you later."  I said as I switched off my phone before turning my attention towards Joshua.

"Ahh, I am so sorry. That wasn't my intention, I promise. There has just been so much going on lately."
"Its fine don't worry. I was just worried. Anyway, have you heard about the upcoming business trip, literally the whole department is talking about it. Finally, everyone is finding something else to talk about other than the fact that you and Jun are dating?" Joshua looked up at me, pulling his sleeve up his arm. I looked back at him meeting his face that had an obvious frown.

"U-um yeh. We are dating, haha. I am sorry, I didn't tell you."
"That was quite unexpected. I mean he came out of nowhere after so long, and all of a sudden you two are dating. Seems a bit deceiving to me." He said as he stepped forward towards me. I started to get nervous every time he took a step closer. What's wrong with him.

I felt a surge of panic as Joshua cornered me against my desk. He leaned in close to me, his breath hot on my face. He looked at me with a mix of anger and desire, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.
"Shua, what are you doing?" I asked, trying to sound calm. "Please, back off. You're making me uncomfortable.

He ignored me and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. He smirked and whispered in my ear.
"Don't play dumb with me, y/n. I know what you're up to. You're using Jun to make Mingyu jealous, aren't you? You still have feelings for him, don't you?"
I gasped and tried to push him away, but he was stronger than me. He held me in place and continued his rant. "You think I don't know? You think I can't see? I've been watching you for a long time, y/n.
I've been waiting for you to notice me, to give me a chance. But you never did. You always had eyes for Mingyu, even when he treated you like shit. Even when he broke your heart. Even when he moved on with that bitch Sohee."
He spat out her name with venom, and I felt genuinely scared by his unexpected behaviour.

"Joshua please, listen to me. Your right, Jun and I are not really dating. We're just friends.
But I know for sure that Mingyu and Sohee are not really dating either. They're just pretending to make us jealous. It's all a stupid game, and I'm starting to feel like this is all wrong." I said, hoping he would understand and let me go.

But he didn't. He laughed bitterly and shook his head. "You expect me to believe that? You expect me to believe that you're not in love with Mingyu? That you don't want him back? That you don't care that he's kissing another girl right in front of you?"
He pointed at the window of Mingyu's office, and I turned my head to see what he was talking about. My eyes widened in shock and pain as I saw Sohee in his office, making out on his couch.
They looked into each other eyes with desire, when Sohee walked towards the blinds closing them. 
I felt a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as I watched them. So he really did move on. Why does it hurt?

"I know everything now, y/n. I know that you still have feelings for him, even though he is dating Sohee. And I know that you are miserable and lonely, and you need someone who can truly love you."
He reached out his hand and touched my cheek softly. I flinched and pushed him away. "Joshua, stop. Your not like this."
He shrugged and smiled wickedly. "What do you know about me y/n. The point is, I know the truth. And I'm here to help you. You don't need Jun or Mingyu. You need me. I've always liked you, y/n. Ever since high school, I've been attracted to you. You are smart, beautiful, and kind. You deserve better than those two jerks who are playing with your heart."

"H-high school? What do you mean. I don't remember anyone like you, stop lying"
He pulled away from me, as he stuffed his hands through his pocket, pulling out his wallet. He opened it, as he took out a scruffy note.
He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear. "Just give me a chance, y/n. Let me show you how much I care for you. Let me make you happy." He said as he opened my palm and placed the note on top. I diverted my eyes from his intense ones and onto the note in front of me. I opened it slowly, revealing a familiar handwriting.

I love you so much.
No matter how much,
I try to hide my feelings towards you,
It comes back again like dusts
and fills up my heart.
I still love you. 


A lump formed in my throat, suddenly everything came rushing to me. My shaky eyes made its way to his, as he smirked back in response.
"Remember me now, pabo"
"W-what it just doesn't make sense. How did I—"
"Yes, thats because I never revealed my face to you. I always wore a mask because I was your senior, but still girls used to get fluttered around me. But you. You were a special case."
He said as he lifted my chin, coming closer to my face. "And thats why I fell in love with you."

*ding* Notification:
Mingyu: come to my office right now!

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