스물둘 - I came for you

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Hoshi's Pov:
Mingyu was sitting at his desk, typing away on his desktop, when I knocked on the door loudly to get his attention. He looked up and saw me standing there with a smile.
"Hey, Mingyu. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.
"Sure, what's up? I am a bit busy, so don't mind me right now" He said, trying to sound casual.
I sighed and walked into his office after closing the door behind me. I placed a file in front of him with a list of employees names.
"These are the list of employees that will potentially be joining our team today. Most of them are from the Busan branch and will be working in the marketing and data analysis team." I said waiting for his response.
"Oh, really? That's great. I'm looking forward to hearing from them." He said clearly uninterested.
I nodded and smiled again.
"Yeah, we have shortlisted the ones we think will be useful and of great expertise and came down to three people. They graduated from Seoul National University with honors and I think they are just about enough to be a great asset to our company."
I stood there waiting patiently for an answer.
"I'm sure they are. When will they arrive?" He said while tapping away on his desktop.
"They should be here any minute now. But I think they need to be shown around and need a bit of help to settle in." He hummed in response, before lifting his head up to me.
"Ask y/n to tour them around. That's the least she can do." I sighed by his response.
"Mingyu, stop being harsh on her. I forgot to tell you but I will tell you now. After yesterday's business event, a major company you know Daesung Industries Ceo had eyes on the two of you. Well, when I say that, I mean had eyes for y/n and he contacted our company's team boasting about how professional and passionate she is for her job after talking with her yesterday and asked me to get in touch with you for a major deal. So maybe you should thank her."
His eyes lit up in response, finally paying attention after all of that. I smirked inside, knowing if its something about y/n, his attention is on.
"U-um yeh. Thats uh um good. Say thank you to her. She did well."
"I am not going to say anything Mr Kim Mingyu. You are going to go up to her yourself and thank her. Thats the least you can do to appreciate her efforts."
I smiled at Mingyu's face that turned red. "I need you to sign the files by the way after you confirmed the employees."
He quickly snapped out of his daze, quickly opening the file before rashly signing without reading. "Ugh take. Now go."
I chuckled at his behaviour and headed to the door. "Don't forget to thank her." Was the last thing I said before smiling mischievously while heading out of his office.

Y/n's Pov:
I was sitting at my desk, checking my emails, when I heard a knock on the door. I looked up and saw Hoshi standing there with a smile.
"Hey, y/n. Sorry if your busy, but do you have time to spare right now, I have a task and your the best person for it" he asked.
"Sure, what is it?" I said, smiling back.
He walked into my office and closed the door behind him. He gestured to three people behind him.
"Y/n, these are the new employees from Busan branch. They'll be working in the marketing and data analysis team. Guys, this is y/n. She's Mingyu's secretary and she's also one of the best employees in this company." he said.
I stood up and greeted them politely.
"Hello, nice to meet you all. Welcome to the Seoul Branch. I hope you'll enjoy working here." I said.
They smiled and nodded.
"Nice to meet you too, Y/n. Thank you for your warm welcome, I am Seokmin."
He was a cute and charming guy with black hair and and glasses. He looked cheerful and easygoing.
The guy next to him was moderately tall and handsome with brown hair. He looked smart and friendly.
"Thank you for your kind words, y/n. I hope you take care of us. I am Jun." He said as he stepped forward to shake hands with me. Jun!! What. Am I dreaming, or is he the same Jun from high school.
"J-jun. Is that you?" I whispered while shaking his hand.
"Shh y/n yeh its me. Just pretend like you don't know me right now. Behind you is Sohee. I am sure you remember her. Don't freak out act normal. I will explain everything." He whispered as his back covered the sight of us both from behind.
I gulped as all the bad flashbacks started to play in my head. I could feel my palm getting sweaty under Jun's grip. I made eye contact with him and he gave me a reassuring nod before loosening his hand and stepping back.
"Its nice to see you y/n." Sohee said as she smirked at me.
I have to admit she was more beautiful and confident from back then with brownish hair and red lips. But her face will always remain annoying to me.
After all, she was the girl who had broken our relationship in highschool.
She was the girl who made it look like I cheated on Mingyu, lied to him, hurt him.

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