삼십오 - Without you, I am so lonely

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Mingyu's pov:
I watched her leave, feeling numb. I convinced myself I didn't care that I didn't need her. That I was better off without her. But unknowingly I kept finding myself glancing at the door from time to time hoping she would walk back in.

I turned back to my laptop, trying to focus on my work. I had a deadline to meet, a presentation to prepare, a client to impress. I had no time for distractions, for emotions, for regrets.

I worked for hours, ignoring everything else. I ignored the coffee stains on my clothes and skin, the mess in the house, the emptiness in my heart. I ignored the calls and texts I was receiving from clients, I ignored the voice in my head that was telling me I was wrong, that I had overreacted, that I had hurt her.
I ignored it all.
Until it was too late.
It was 12 pm when I realized how long I had been working and distracting myself. I looked at the clock and felt a surge of panic. Where was she? What if she was in trouble? What if she was hurt?

I glanced at my phone laying in front of me on my bed, hesitating whether I should call her or not. "Fuck it, just do it".

I grabbed my phone and tried to call her. No answer. I tried again and again, but it was useless. It kept going into voicemail.
"Come on y/n, pick up the call".
I felt a wave of fear and guilt wash over me. What had I done? Why did I not stop her?
I quickly pulled off the sheets on me and ran to the door. Limping with one foot, I tugged on my shoes aggressively and pulled on a jacket before heading out.
I ran down the streets, searching through each corner of her whereabouts. I ran down to every gelato shop, knowing she'd eat sweet stuff whenever she was upset. I ran down to the road near the bridge and the river knowing she loved the late night views. "Ah shit. Why didn't i think about that first" i said to myself before lastly running to the seaside in hope, knowing she loved the serenity.
But there was no sign of her.
I felt a surge of pain in my heart as I realized the truth.
She was gone.
And I was alone.
"Y/n come on, where are you." I whispered under my breath, my voice hoarse and broken.
I spotted s few strangers around me and decided to ask them. I pulled out a picture I secretly had taken off her. She looked innocent and pure.

I approached a young couple who were walking hand in hand, enjoying the breeze. I felt a pang of envy as I saw their happy faces. They reminded me of how we used to be.
"Excuse me, have you seen this girl?" I asked them, showing them the picture. "uh she's my girlfriend and she's missing. I need to find her." I said naturally without realising.
The couple looked at the picture and then at each other. They shook their heads.
"Sorry, we haven't seen her. She's very beautiful though. You're lucky to have her." The girl said, smiling sympathetically.
"Thanks, but I don't feel very lucky right now." I said, feeling a lump in my throat. "I messed up and she ran away. I don't know where she is or if she's okay."
The boy frowned and put his arm around the girl.
"That's rough, man. I hope you can make it up to her. Maybe you should try calling her again. Maybe she'll answer this time." He suggested.
"I've tried that already. She just won't pick up." I said, feeling hopeless.
"Maybe she just needs some time to cool off. Don't give up on her. She'll come around eventually." The girl said, trying to be optimistic.
"I don't know. Thanks for your help anyway." I said, forcing a smile.
I walked away from them, feeling more lost than ever. I looked at the picture again, feeling a surge of guilt and regret. I wished I could see her smile again, hear her laugh again, feel her hug again.
I decided to try calling her one more time, hoping for a miracle.
I dialed her number and waited for the ringtone.
It rang once.
It rang twice.
It rang three times.
No answer.

I hung up the phone, feeling defeated. I had tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked. She was gone, and I had no idea where to look for her.

I felt a sudden urge to cry, but I held it back. I couldn't afford to break down now. I had to keep looking for her. Maybe she was still somewhere nearby, maybe she was hiding from me, maybe she was waiting for me to find her.

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