사십삼 - conflicted

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"Is it nearly done, I am hungry" I said as I stared at Mingyu cooking eagerly.

"Yup all done baby, let me put it on the plate." He said as he picked up the pot of soup broth with noodles pouring it into two bowls. He came round and placed them on the table before sitting himself down.

"Lets eat,hm? Try it first for me." He said waiting cutely for my reaction.

"Okay then". I picked up my spoon and scooped a spoonful of the soup in to my mouth tasting the flavours that mixed together. "Oh my god, Mingyu. Its heaven." I said while closing my eyes .

He laughed softly.

"Thats good, you like it right?"

I nodded taking another spoon full of the delicious soup and when I opened my eyes I found him watching me intently and smiling widely. I blushed, embarrassed that he was still staring at me.

"How are you still blushing after everything you did to me yesterday"

My cheeks burned red again.

"Oi, stop." I said embarrassed and put the spoon down with a loud thud.

He laughed. "Stop? How do you expect me to stop after that? Come on". He held his hand out gesturing for me to take it. I didn't hesitate this time and quickly moved over grabbing his hand. He pulled my hand towards his lips, pressing them on the top of my hand. "Your so cute." He said before grabbing his spoon and beginning to eat himself.

"Oh y/n, I completely forgot to ask you about yesterday. How did things go with Joshua, what was he saying?"

"Ah well, actually he was talking to me normally and everything. Just normal stuff, nothing weird." I said as I fidgeted under the table. I don't know why exactly I was lying to him, but I just thought it would be super awkward if Mingyu found out that Joshua has feelings for me. It would mean that he would have trust issues each time we would be together which I didn't want for too happen. But we were friends and Joshua is Mingyu's friend so... Why did I have to lie to him anyways?

Mingyu raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"You're hiding something aren't you? Don't worry you can tell me." He said playfully.

"Oh its nothing really. Joshua is just being his usual self. That's all." I said giving him a fake smile and feeling horrible that I had lied to him yet again. He shook his head looking confused.

"Okay then"

"What about you? Did you talk to Sohee. What did she say. I am guessing she must of been pissed off." I said trying to lighten the mood around us.

"Yup, you guessed it right. She was acting like a psycho. Kept cursing in every sentence when I told her I am going to break up with her and and then when I told her that I was dating you she literally looked like she was going to rip my throat out." He laughed. "She got scared pretty fast though after she realised I wasn't gonna give in to her tantrums. Well at least I am free from her now."

I grinned, relieved that she is out the way now. But Mingyu was right Sohee was a bit crazy, I had always known it, but never realised how much more worse she could get until recently. Mingyu was also happy with her gone because he could finally concentrate on his work without having any distraction or arguments with Sohee, I couldn't help but wonder whether she will still come after him now, knowing how damn adamant she is.

"Anyway, shall we go now. We will get late" . I said pushing my bowl away and standing up.

Mingyu stood up too and helped me take the dishes back into the kitchen. When I was putting the pot into the sink he stopped me.

"Nope leave it there, ill wash them, you go get ready."

I giggled, not used to someone treating me like that especially from Mingyu.

"Okay fine" I said giving in to his request as I left to get ready.

6 hrs later

"Y/n, your gonna have to go home without me again. I am so sorry baby, but my dad is calling me to meet. I will quickly go and see him and come home. Okay?" Mingyu said as I stood up from his couch in his office. I nodded giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Yeh that's fine, don't worry. You go meet your dad and come. I will cook something, so come back for dinner."

"Okay thanks baby, i love you" he said as he kissed my cheek before I left his office.

Mingyu's Pov:

"Dad what happened? Is everything fine, you called me all of a sudden." I asked as I walked into my father's private bar.

"Nothing son, everything is okay. It's just that I wanted to see you since last night as I have something to tell you." My father said smiling. I smiled back at him as I sat in front of him.

"Alright then, you first what is it dad?"

"your girlfriend came by to my office yesterday in the night. I was a bit surprised, but she is such a sweet girl. You didn't tell your own father you had a girlfriend. Hm?" He said smiling.

My heart started beating faster than normal as I heard him.. did y/n go and meet him? How though she would of told me if she went and it doesn't make sense if she did.

"Huh?" I stammered as I felt panic rising within me. Did she go and meet him??

He gave me a small smile, knowing very well that I wouldn't tell him anything.

"Yeh she told me how she loves you so much and showed me all the pictures you have together. She is very eager to get married to you and guess what. After her coming I only just found out that she is the daughter of my old college friend. That's why son, I don't want to delay things anymore for the both of you. I have arranged your engagement this Saturday."

"Dad, woah woah. Stop for a second. Who are you talking about dad. Did y/n come and tell you this?"

"Y/n? Son, what is wrong with you. I am talking about your girlfriend Sohee. Who is y/n? I hope your not cheating on that poor girl, she seems so genuine about you Mingyu. Seriously, get yourself together."

I can't believe what I am hearing. What is happening?

"Dad, I think you got things wrong. I—" I asked panicking now. He gave me a small smile before he got up from his seat and walked towards me. "Sohee, told me that you were scared to tell me, thinking that this marriage of yours might affect your career. But I trust you will do well balancing both work and marriage. I am so happy to see you finally matured and ready to settle down, son you don't need to worry you have my approval. I will arrange dinner with Sohee's parents tomorrow. Come on time."
"Dad wait, I can't—"
"Come on Mingyu, you can move your meetings for later. If that's what your worried about. Now, I have got to go I need to call up Sohee's dad. Sort your schedule out by the time. Bye son" He said hurriedly without even hearing me out. 

I stood there, trying to digest all this new information that has been thrown at me, it made me panic really bad. I couldn't believe Sohee would take it this far and go behind my back to confront my father. It only made me despise her even more. "God this girl is fucking crazy, shit what did I get myself into. Ahh Mingyu, what are you going to do!!" I said frustratedly as I ran my hands through my hair.

My mind suddenly flashed to one thing, and that was y/n.

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