넷 - Find another job

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"Liaaaa, what do I do I have gone everywhere and asked for a job but they won't give it to me, they are all saying the same thing that they don't need any more workers"
I was lying my head on the cafe table and sulking while sipping my drink.
"Aish y/n come on now stop whining. Look here"
"Whatt" I continued to whine refusing to look up.
"Ahh look here quickly"
I lifted my head and made my eyes focus on a piece of paper Lia was waving in her hand.
"What is that" I asked still squinting my eyes.
" I happened to be passing a cafe near your house and I saw that they needed some workers, come onn its perfect for you..so get up and go there now"
"Huh are you serious"
"Yes of course I am serious. Listen I am not the one that needs the job, you do. So stop being lazy and go and ask."
"Ugh fine. I am going"
"Yeh goo"
"I am seriously going"
"Aishh do I have to push you out"
"Ahh okay fine I am going"

I made my way out of the cafe, and walked 15 minutes till I reached the address Lia gave me. I really hope they just give me the job at this point, I am sick and tired of seeking for jobs. Its the worst.
I entered the cafe, the warm dimmed lights and the light brown walls really added to the coziness and home like feel to the cafe. Ahh so beautiful, I would love to work here.
"Hello, how may I help you" a young lady behind the counter asked.
"Ahh um I heard that you are hiring workers here. I really need this job, I will do my best"
"Um yes we are let me call my boss one second"
She came back after talking to someone in the back kitchens.
"have I seen you somewhere you look familiar" the young lady asked as she came back.
"Uhh me. Umm no I don't think you have. Haha" I awkwardly laughed.
I got interrupted as a slightly older man came into sight.
"Hello, I am the manager here. I heard you are looking to work here"
"Ah yes. I really need a job and I saw on the posters outside that you are hiring, so I came here"
"Ahh yeahh okay, yeh no problem then—"
"Wait I remember who you are!! You are that girl that poured beer on your boss right and fully like insulted him and his fling in public. Ohh my godd, that was so funny. You really are brave aren't you"
The young lady screamed, leaving the manager looking confused.
"Huh what are you talking about"
"Sajangnim, have you not seen the video. Wait, I will show you"
Ah shit what is this stupid girl doing, why did she have to bring that up. She is really trying to make me jobless at this point.
"I am sorry miss, but I don't think I can hire you"
"Huh what! No wait, what why. You guys don't understand, I was treated unfairly so I was just reminding them that, it wasn't supposed to turn out like that. But that's done now, and I really need a job so please can you just give me this for the time being"
"Sorry miss, i understand what may have happened to you was injustice to you, but I can't let this affect my cafe business. I hope you understand and i hope you find a job soon."
That's it he left, while the lady had her mouth covered with her hands.
"Sorry" she muttered as I looked at her one last time before rolling my eyes and leaving.
Fuck this. I don't even care at this point. All i need right now is to get drunk so bad.

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