열아홉 - give you a chance?

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I returned back from work around 12pm, slightly exhausted but I have to admit with Jay's presence in the restaurant it felt less lonely and more entertaining. He had a knack to crack jokes and act silly every five minutes. I was genuinely surprised by his outgoing personality and about the fact that he wasn't slouching off and leaving me to do all the work. Anyways, I think its about time I tell Mingyu that I am fully recovered and that I should go back to my apartment. Its a bit awkward and I feel like I might be burdening him by staying with him.

I opened the door to Mingyu's house as he gave me a spare key. Sneaking in slowly, I quietly slid off my shoes as I tiptoed into the house. "I hope he is asleep" I mumbled to myself as I made my way upstairs peaking into Mingyu's room to see if he is asleep. Huh, thats weird. Did he not come home yet. Where is he? Oh well, I am glad. I made my way into my room as I suddenly remembered Jay's silly behaviour, causing me to chuckle while entering my room. I closed the door and walked inside.
"Ahh. What the fuck." I screamed and flinched so hard as I saw Mingyu sitting on my bed looking at me with a cold glare.
"Where the fuck were you" His voice ice cold and low. I sighed looking at him exhaustedly.
"Why do I have to explain myself to you. Why do you even care where I go?" I said as I shrugged at him, only angering him more.
"This isn't your house to be coming at whatever time you feel like. What are you up to nowadays y/n and why were you chuckling to yourself like a fool?" He said as he sighed, pushing his hair back. I ignored his words and continued.
"I will move out tomorrow so I won't burden you anymore. Thanks for looking after me. I am grateful to you for caring for me."
His eyes slowly softened in disappointed but as soon as I noticed he rolled his eyes and looked at me with a frown on his face.
"Caring for you — phaha. You are quite delusional I must say. I don't give a fuck about you, I just did that cause any man in my place would do the same. So you are more than welcome to piss off whenever you feel like."
I scrunched my face as I once again heard his hurtful words towards me. He won't stop being selfish and egoistic. But I am not going to give up on you Mingyu. I will prove to you that my love for you is still genuine.
"Listen Mingyu, you really need to calm down as I said I will be out of your sight from tomorrow so why are you acting like this?"
He walked towards me, with his height overpowering me as he pushed me to the wall.
"You know after everything that happened that night, you still haven't learnt your lesson. You still go around shamelessly in the night and fuck around. And then expect me to save you. What kind of girl have you become. Your old habits won't stop. Does it."
Tears brimmed my eyes as I saw his face looking at mine in disgust. It killed me inside, but I can't do anything when he puts me in a weak position. "M-mingyu its not-"
"Shut up" he rolled his eyes.
And once again, he walked away after leaving me in despair.

I woke up early and left to work mostly to avoid Mingyu. I was walking towards my office as I stopped once I spotted Joshua walking towards me.
"Shua, good morningg"
He smiled at me and chuckled at my behaviour. "How come your in such a good mood. Perhaps are you excited to see me."
"Honestly, I don't know why I am. But yeh I must say your beauty made my day 1000x times better."
I don't know why I just said that. But he does look beautiful. His glowing eyes widened from my response. "I guess we are telepathic, cause I was just thinking the same about you." Damn that was smooth. We looked at each other for a moment and cracked into laughter cringed out by our own behaviour.
"Its nice to see you smile y/n. You look the prettiest when you smile. So keep smiling." He said as he pulled onto my cheeks.
"You guys done with your bullshit." We immediately pulled away from each other as I turned around clearly identifying the voice.
"If so, come to my office. We have work to do." Mingyu said as he pushed in between us.

As Joshua gave me an understanding look and walked away, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment and frustration. I made my way to Mingyu's office, mentally preparing myself for another confrontation. He sat behind his desk, with an expression that was unreadable.

Cold Boss [Kim Mingyu]Where stories live. Discover now