열여덜 - full of surprises

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I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, feeling a tinge of discomfort and guilt. Being in Mingyu's house, in his personal space, made me feel like everything was normal between us. When the truth is quite opposite. I had to ruin it yesterday, by bringing our past up. I am so stupid.

I glanced around, searching for any sign of Mingyu. Is he still here? Slipping out of the bed, I found my discarded clothes from last night neatly folded on a nearby chair. I quickly showered and dressed up while my mind kept racing with anxiety. Would things be awkward between us now? Is he going to act like a dick as soon as we get back to work.

Leaving the room, I navigated the hallway and made my way downstairs. The house was quiet but so familiar from last time. I wondered if Mingyu had already left for work or if he was purposely avoiding me. As I entered the kitchen, the smell of freshly brewed coffee hit me, and I spotted a note on the counter. I reached for it and read his familiar handwriting.

"Y/n, I had to leave for work early. Help yourself to breakfast, and I'll see you at the office later. There is a meeting today with Park Industries, don't be late or I will fire you -Mingyu"

Relief washed over me as I realized he hadn't completely shut me out. At least, not yet.
"Fire me? Tsk- idiot"

Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I couldn't help but wonder how things had become so complicated between us. "I still can't believe he doesn't believe me. Don't worry Kim Mingyu, I will keep chasing you like I did when we were in high school. I will make you mine. Once again."

With a deep breath, finishing my coffee, I placed the empty cup in the sink and headed towards the door. As I stepped outside, I made my way to the bus stop, fortunately I just got their on time as it pulled up in front of me. At least I can get to work on time.

Arriving at the office, I walked past familiar faces and made my way to my desk. As I settled in, my gaze fell upon the clock on the wall. "Ah shit. The meeting is now. Why is it so early ughh". I quickly gathered my documents and headed towards the conference room. Entering the room, I found Mingyu already seated at the head of the table, he rolled his eyes at me as soon as I came in. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as I took my seat beside him.

As the meeting proceded to the end. Jimin and Jay both stood up, as I led them out of the door.
"It's always a pleasure to work with you Mingyu. I am glad we finally finalised the deal. We will see you around more often now." Jimin said as we walked out of the conference room.
"Yes of course. I am glad, hopefully now we can globalise our products and maximise our firms profits." I stared from behind as they continued on their conversation.
"Hey. Y/n, whats up" I turned my head to see Jay quickly catching up towards me. Deja vu?
I sighed and looked at him. "Yeh what do you want?"
"Don't worry, I am not going to get you in trouble this time. You know I am actually curious about something."
He said as he swayed from left to right playfully while walking down the corridor.
"What you curious about." I said as I looked at his sharp jawline from the side.
"I am curious to why you have a part time job as a waiter in a restaurant when you have this high pay job as a secretary." 
I froze in my spot, as I turned towards him.
"Hh-uh me-e. Haha, what are you talking about. I don't."
"Not quite sure why your lying honey. My friend is the owner and he told me a pretty innocent looking girl came in to ask for a job. I wonder who that may be?"
He said as he turned towards me and poked my nose. How did he even find out. Ugh.
Trying to regain my composure, I brushed off his comment with a forced laugh. "Ah, Jay, you must have mistaken someone else for me. I have no clue what you're talking about. I'm fully dedicated to my job here. haha."

He smirked, clearly not buying my feeble attempt at denial. "Come on, Y/N. No need to play games with me. I have my ways of finding things out." Jay leaned closer, his voice laced with amusement. "So, tell me, why would someone with such a high-paying job like yours set out tables in a restaurant? Is it for the thrill? Or is there something more?"

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