열하나 - your mine

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"Wooyoung-ah, its her. She is back again"
"No way, Joshua are you sure she is the same person. No wait, did she recognise you"
"Yes she is the same person, you really think I can't recognise y/n. And about that she can't remember me, and plus I used my korean name back then."
Wooyoung chuckled as he patted Joshua on his shoulder.
"So what are you going to do" Joshua just looked at him and smirked.
"This time, I am not letting go of her. She is mine, and will always be mine."
"But isn't she working under Mingyu. What happens if they find out what actually happened that day and get back together."
"Aishh. YA! They won't. I won't even let that happen as long as I am close to her and by her side all the time."
Joshua stood up immediately and left the cafe, leaving Wooyoung there sipping on his drink.
"Ah - this boy. I feel bad for y/n"

"Sir, where should I put this"
Mingyu seems to be so busy with his work, he is fully ignoring me right now. Ugh.
"Sir- where should I put this file!"
Suddenly he slammed his hand onto his black teak wood table.
"What! What do you want!"
"Sir - I asked you so many times, where should I keep this file"
"Just keep it on the fucking table, why do you keep asking such stupid questions. Seriously"
I gritted my teeth, his attitude is really starting to get the worst of me. Its okay, y/n control yourself. You can't get fired, you just started. You can do this.
"Sorry sir— I will leave now"
He groaned and looked at me.
"Ya! Where do you think you are going"
"I am going back to my office. Do you have a problem with that Sir"
He suddenly stood up and threw the pen that he was holding in his hand on the table. What is this guys problem.
"Listen here y/n, when you are working under me, you keep that shitty attitude of yours to the side. For once in your life, act professional and stop getting your personal issues into work. Do you understand."
I could feel his face unbearably close to mine, it felt weird to be this close to him after so many years. I tried to move away but he wouldn't move. The audacity of this guy. I swear to god Kim Mingyu, I am not going to let your stupid face intimidate me.
"You know, your acting really childish right now. You still haven't come out of high school, have you?"
"Don't. Don't you dare" He slammed his hand onto the wall next to me trapping me in between him.
"Y/n, you really think that I will get back to you and love you back after everything. Is that what you are trying to do, get me in your pants. You really want it that bad, don't you! Okay, if thats what you want. Lets do it. Come on, you seem really desperate don't you" He said as he started to take his tie off.
I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes. How could he think this way. I hate you.
"Mingyu stop, Your crossing the line.—Mingyu"
"NO. You already crossed the line y/n, when you fucking left me that day. It was never me"
"Mingyu — you have no right to say that-"

Suddenly the door slammed open, diverting our attention to the noise.
"Um have I come in the wrong time"
Mingyu stepped away from me, as I turned away and quickly wiped my tears off my face. Ah- this is so embarrassing. I cleared my throat and looked towards Joshua who was standing near the door looking puzzled.
"No, you haven't. I was just about to leave"
I walk quickly towards the door and past Joshua, who looked at me worriedly.

Joshua Pov:
"What do you want Jisoo, why are you here"
He seems to be frustrated. Good, I thought something else was happening.
"Sorry sir, I needed to give you this file"
"Ugh whats up with these stupid files" Mingyu muttered under his breath.
"Sorry, I didn't catch that Sir."
"Nothing, put it here and you can leave"
"Yes" Joshua quickly placed the file on his table and walked out off his office.
"Ugh for fucks sake, why does he keep calling me Jisoo, can he not just call me Joshua. Fuck we are not in high school anymore. If y/n hears it will create problems"
I need to find her. I need to know what just happened.

I try searching her everywhere but I couldn't find her. Damn, where did she go. Did they really fight that bad.
"Ya hoshi-ah, have you seen y/n"
"Ah y/n. Um yeh I saw her in the elevator, she was going up. I don't know where though."
Ah shit she might be on the rooftop.
"Okay thanks bye"
"Is something wrong—okay never mind your gone"
I rushed up to the rooftop and opened the door, there she was standing there crying her eyes out. It feels like how it was back then.
"Y/n! What happened, why are you crying"
She turned around shocked and wiped her tears off aggressively.
"Nothing, its just the wind"
"Really y/n, stop keeping it in like you always do. Let it out"
"Huh. Like I always —"
"I mean its okay to cry and let it out. You can trust me. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I will be here for you"
"Oh yeh" she looked down and started to sob again silently. Phew that was close.
"So what happened. I am guessing Mingyu said something"
"If I tell you something, you promise to not tell anyone"
"Of course y/n, i promise"
"Actually Mingyu is my ex, we used to be together. And then—"
She started to cry again. Y/n I know everything.
"He cheated on me. I saw it with my own eyes— he was—he was with another girl and they—"
I pulled her into a hug immediately, as she bawled her eyes out on my chest.
I looked to the side and caught my eyes onto Mingyu peeking in the corner. I smirked as I hugged onto her tighter, as I saw him walk off.
Mingyu she will never be yours.

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