스물 - possesive much?

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I checked myself in the mirror one last time before grabbing my clutch and heading downstairs. I was wearing a black dress that hugged my curves and had a slit showing off my legs. I had put on some makeup and straightened my jet black hair. I hope I look presentable enough for Mingyu.

My phone rang while I put my black paired heels on, it was Mingyu.
"Y/n, I am outside your apartment right now. Hurry up."
"Okayy. I am coming." I said as I was hopping on one leg while putting on my heels.
I rushed out downstairs hearing a horn just to see a Mingyu resting his chin on his arm while impatiently waiting in his black bugatti with the windows pulled down.
He turned his attention from the road to me.

Mingyu's pov:
I checked my watch and frowned. She was late, as usual. How hard was it to get ready on time? We have to at least attend this business event on time, and I needed her to be there with me. She was supposed to make me look good, not ruin my reputation.
I honked the horn and waited. A few minutes later, she came out of the door. I blinked in surprise as I saw her outfit. She was wearing a black dress that was tight and had a slit exposing her long legs. Her black hair was straight and silky. Her eyes were glowing and her lips were red. She looked...hot.

She ran towards me and smiled, like she had done nothing wrong. She was so naive and clueless, it was almost cute. She reached the car and opened the door.
"Mingyu!" she exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes and pulled her in. I didn't have time for pleasantries.
"Finally, you're here. Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting?" I snapped.
"Sorry, I lost track of time," she said, looking down.
I snorted and started the engine. "How much do you say sorry". She was always apologizing, but never changing. She was lucky I put up with her.

"You look nice," she said softly, trying to make conversation.
I glanced at her and smirked. She did look nice, but she didn't need to know that.
"Of course I do. I always do," I said, arrogantly.
She sighed and looked out of the window. I could tell she was hurt by my words, but I didn't care. She knew what she signed up for when she agreed to work for me. I was rich, powerful and handsome, but I am also the way I am because of her. So, she had to deal with it.
"Anyways there is one person, I need to make sure I meet. His name is Jaehyun, he is a really well connected and successful man and could really help if he collaborates with us. So this is important. But its not going to be easy" I said sighing as I remembered how much of a man whore he is.

We drove in silence for a while. I couldn't help but steal a few looks at her. She was really beautiful, even more than usual. Maybe it was the dress, or the light, or something else. But she had something that caught my eye, something that made me feel something how I felt back in high school.
I shook my head and focused on the road. I couldn't afford to get distracted by her. She was just a tool, a means to an end. Nothing more.
But as we got closer to the event, I felt a strange urge to hold her hand, to kiss her cheek, to tell her she was mine tonight. But I ignored it and tightened my grip on the steering wheel.
We were going to have a long night together, I could feel it. And maybe, just maybe, I would let her see a different side of me.

We arrived at the event and got out of the car. I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her inside.
She looked nervous and shocked, as she saw my actions. I smirked and whispered in her ear.
"Don't worry, baby. Just smile and nod. And don't embarrass me."
"M-mingyu it looks wrong. People might misunderstand."
"Shut up. You need to stay by my side the entire night, do you understand me? We have deals to secure with major companies, so just follow me."
She nodded and forced a smile. She was so obedient and submissive, it was amusing. I liked having control over her, making her do what I wanted.
We entered the hall and mingled with the guests. They were all important people, business partners, investors, rivals. They all looked at us with curiosity and envy. They all wanted what I had, but they couldn't have it. Not everyday, you would see a successful and good looking CEO, as much as I hate to admit a hot secretary.
I introduced her to some of them, she was just a pretty face that could help me to bluff my way to securing deals. And right now, I wanted her by my side, to show off and to use.

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