스물셋 - date me

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Y/n's pov:
I came out to take a break, I started to feel anxious about the fact that Sohee will be working in the same company as me and that I have to see her everyday. There was a cafe nearby so I decided to get a strong coffee to release some stress. I was walking when suddenly I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulder spinning me around. "Ahh what the hell" I turned around to see Jun standing in front of me. My eyes widened as soon as I saw him. "Jun you scared the shit out of me."
What he did next shocked me. I felt his arms around me as he embraced me into a tight hug. "Y/n, I missed you so much. I-i am sorry for leaving you and Mingyu. M-my brother was sick, I had to leave to take care of him. I am back now y/n, please forgive me."

My eyes softened as I looked into his teary ones. "Jun why are you crying. Listen, I am mad at you for leaving without telling me, but I understand your situation. But seriously though, whats with you randomly joining our company. Its so unexpected of you."
He looked at me with a worried gaze as he held my hand. "Lets go get some coffee, I will tell you everything."
I slowly nodded and we made our way into the cafe shop. We ordered ourself iced americanos and a pastry as we sat at a table by the window.
"Yeh so you what was it you wanted to tell me"
"Um actually y/n. Its about um—" I looked at him as he looked down hesitating to tell me whats going on.
"Jun what is it. Your worrying me."
"Its Sohee." I looked at him with widened eyes.
"Why is she here again, Jun. She did enough in high school, I still remember all the things she would do to me. Why did she have to come back?" I said softly as I looked down at my palms.

"I don't know how she got in, but I know why. She's still after Mingyu, y/n. She hasn't given up on him. She's here to try and get with him, before you do." He said, his eyes full of concern. "She's still in love with him, y/n. And she's willing to do anything to win him over."
Jun grabbed my hand as he caressed it gently. "You have to be careful, y/n. She's dangerous. She won't stop until she has him. She won't let you have him." He said, his face full of fear and worry.
"Jun, I don't care. She can have him. I have moved on. I don't care anymore if she wants him. I know that I don't want him in my life anymore."

He shook his head and looked at me with disbelief. "Don't lie to me, y/n. Don't lie to yourself. I know you still love him. I know you still want him. And I know he still loves you too. He never stopped loving you, y/n. He was heartbroken when you left him. He was devastated when you moved away. He was miserable when you cut off all contact with him. I am sure inside despite all the hatred he has secretly been waiting for you, y/n. He's been hoping for a second chance with you. And now that you're back, he's overjoyed. He's been trying to reach out to you, but you've been avoiding him. Why are you doing this, y/n? Why are you denying your feelings? Why are you pushing him away?" He asked, his voice full of frustration and sadness. "You deserve to be happy, y/n. You deserve to be with him. You belong with him, y/n. Don't let Sohee ruin your happiness again. Don't let her take him away from you again. Don't let her win, y/n. Fight for him, y/n. Fight for your love." He said, his voice full of passion and determination. "He's yours, y/n. He's always been yours." He said, his voice full of conviction and sincerity.
I looked at him with sincerity "J-jun what should I do. No matter how much I try, I just can't forget him."
"I know y/n, I want you to be happy too. Thats why I have a plan."
I looked at him confused as he grabbed my hand and caressed it. "What do you mean. What plan."
"Okay, hear me out here. I will do anything for you guys to get back together, I can't let Sohee, the girl who ruined your relationship and hurt you just to get Mingyu. So listen to me."
I nodded understanding what he was saying."okay go on.."

"Alright, here's the plan. We're going to pretend that we're dating, y/n. We're going to act like we're madly in love with each other, and we're going to show it off in front of Mingyu. We're going to make him jealous, y/n. We're going to make him realize what he's missing out on and we're going to make him regret letting you go. He will want you back, y/n." He said, his eyes sparkling with excitement and mischief. "Trust me, y/n. This will work. He won't be able to stand seeing you with another man, especially me. Do you remember how close you were with me, despite the fact that you and Mingyu were dating. He knew we were all close friends, but he wouldn't stand it at all if I was touchy with you. Trust me, he'll come running back to you. He'll fight for you, y/n. He'll fight for your love." He said, his voice full of confidence and optimism.
I looked at him with doubt and hesitation. "Jun, are you sure about this? This sounds risky and complicated. What if he doesn't care or if he hates me more? He is just going to move on with Sohee.  What will we do if he finds out we're lying?" I asked, my voice full of questions and worries. "I don't know if I can do this, Jun. I don't know if I can play with his feelings like that. I don't know if I can play with your feelings like that." I said, my voice full of guilt and concern.
He smiled and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, y/n. I only see you as a close friend and nothing more than that so everything will be fine. I promise you. He does care, y/n. He does love you, y/n. He won't fall for Sohee's tricks. He won't find out we're lying. In fact we need to prove Sohee is lying and we need to set her up." He said, his voice full of promises and assurances. "You can do this, y/n. Believe in me.." He said with his soft voice.

He leaned in and kissed my cheek softly, making me blush and gasp. "Just follow my lead, y/n. Act natural. " He whispered in my ear. "Just trust me, y/n." He said, his voice full of affection and sincerity.
I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love and honesty. I felt a surge of gratitude and admiration for him. He was willing to do anything for me, even sacrifice his own feelings for me. Despite not seeing him for so many years, he was the bestest friend I ever had in high school, the most loyal and caring person I ever knew. He was the only one who understood me, the only one who stood by me, the only one who never gave up on me.
I nodded and smiled back at him weakly. "Okay, Jun. Okay. I trust you." I said, my voice full of hope and faith.
He grinned and hugged me tightly. "Thank you, y/n. Thank you for trusting me." He said, his voice full of joy and gratitude.
He pulled away and winked at me playfully. "Now let's go put our plan into action." He said, his voice full of enthusiasm.
He pulled his seat closer and held my hand tightly.
"He is here."

Mingyu's Pov:
I was walking outside trying to find y/n. Where did she go. Why does she always disappear when I want to confront her. I kept looking around when I suddenly stopped as soon as my eyes landed on a familiar face. I felt a surge of emotions as I saw her sitting by the window, holding hands with another man.
I felt a pang of jealousy and anger as I saw them talking and laughing. Who the fuck is she with now. Is she dating? Did she forget about me? She was really serious that night, when she said she was going to move on. Ugh, your so stupid Mingyu.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to know. I had to talk to her. I had to confront her. I crossed the street and entered the cafe, ignoring the stares of the people around me. I walked straight to their table and slammed my hand on it, making them jump in surprise. "Y/n, we need to talk." I said, my voice cold and stern. "Now." I saw her eyes widen as she looked at me with shock and fear. She tried to pull her hand away from the guys grip, but he held on tighter. He glared at me with hostility and defiance. "What do you want?" He asked, his voice protective and aggressive.
I froze for a long minute unable to process whats happening right now.
"J-jun. w-what are you doing here." I asked but was taken back when he scoffed in response.
"Do you not know? I am working at your company now. I am the new intern." He said, his voice bitter and sarcastic. "Did no-one tell you?"
"J-jun why all of a sudden. Man, where were you?"
"Things happened, but now I am back. I came back for y/n." He said as he turned to her and smiled at her warmly. What is going on right now.
"W-what do you mean, you came back for her."
"Ah sorry, did I not tell you. Me and y/n are officially dating now. I've had feelings for her since high school. But unfortunately, you two were together so I stayed out of it. But now that she is single, I am taking the opportunity and I will make her feel loved."

I turned to y/n and looked at her with hurt and anger. "Why, y/n? Why did you come back? Why did you join our company. I was doing fine without you so why are you doing this to me?" I asked, my voice full of questions and accusations. "I didn't expect this from you Jun. I get it now, if this is how its going to be then congratulations to you two."
Was the last thing I said before leaving. My anger was at my peak level and I needed to relieve my frustration. "I hope they break up" I said as I gritted my teeth while making my way back.

I made my way into my office just to see Sohee sitting cross legged on my desk with her skirt riding up.
I looked at her with a frown on my face as she smiled at me mischievously.
"I told you she isn't worth it" she said as she looked at me with lustful eyes.
Without thinking anymore, I loosened my tie pulling it off harshly making my way towards her as I cupped her jaw with my hand, aggressively pulling her her face close to mine. 
"Date me."
The two words that I never would of imagined saying slipped out of my mouth.

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