열 - Past

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I went back to my apartment and decided to sleep everything off. After changing into my pyjamas I jumped into my bed and closed my eyes, hoping to get some sleep. But I keep dreaming about the same past again and again.

Flashback ~~
"Soyeon-ah I like him"
"No wayy! Kim Mingyu. Don't tell me, really?"
"Yes" I said smiling shyly as I fiddled with my fingers.
"Aishh y/n, every girl is behind him. He probably doesn't even know you exist. He doesn't even care about any of the girls in our class."
"Ya, Soyeon-ah I like him so much. Even if he doesn't notice me, I will still continue to like him without him knowing. I don't mind. "
"Your crazy"
I peeked through the classroom to see him seated on the desk near to the window, that was half open. The breeze blowing his hair and the sun rays glowing his face. He looked perfect. I slowly went up to him but stopped halfway as I saw another girl approach to his desk. She put a strawberry milk on his desk and giggled.
"Oppa drink it, I got it specially for you".
The hell! Oppa. Who does this girl think she is. Ugh.
Mingyu raised his head to meet her red face. He just stared at her emotionless not responding to her.
"Ahh please drink it"
Ugh I didn't want to watch her drama, so I just sat myself onto my seat. I opened my textbook and my notebook and started scribbling on it, randomly doodling on it to distract myself.
"I don't want it. You can take it back." He said.
I smiled internally as he finally responded.
"Whyy I got it for you. Your drinking it, thats it I am leaving"
I watched her pass by me and out the classroom. Ha thats what she gets it. I smiled to myself as I continued randomly doodling. Suddenly, I heard something slam onto my desk. I looked up and saw the strawberry drink in front of me. Huh. I traced my eyes up to see Mingyu in front of me. Standing there expressionless.
"I don't want it. You can have it"
"Me?" I looked behind and back at him, pointing to myself.
"Who else is in this classroom."
I laughed awkwardly and received the drink.
"Thank you" I said slowly smiling as he left the classroom.

Next day I exited my house in a rush to be on time to wait for Mingyu before he leaves without me. Yes, we live next to each other, what a coincidence. But it only makes me even more weak for him. I wait patiently next to my cycle for Mingyu. I see him come out of the house with his cold face once again. I stand up excitedly and make my way to my cycle next to his.
"Gyu good morning"
He stopped unlocking his cycle and looked at me straight in the eyes.
"S-sorry what did you say"
"Good morning"
He straightened up and stepped towards me.
"No before that"
"Ahh um Gyu"
His eyes widened as he heard me call him by his nickname that his late mother used to call him. It was weird for him to hear it after so many years, especially from a girl like me.
He shut his eyes closed and breathed in before quickly pulling out his cycle and riding it without waiting for me.
"Yaa wait for me" I say quickly getting onto mine and catching up alongside.

"Ya! Hong Jisoo! what are you thinking about for so long"
"Ah that girl"
"Which girl are you thinking about now"
"That stupid girl that has been running around behind Mingyu."
"Phaha oh her. Ahh what was her name again. I can't remember. But why are you so bothered about her"
"Ya Wooyoung, she crashed her stupid cycle on my brand new bike yesterday. I tried to stop her but she ran off chasing Mingyu. And then that's not it. Today she bumps into me while I was getting my banana drink and I spilt it all over myself, and guess what—"
"She ran off chasing Mingyu"
I looked at Wooyoung and we chuckled together by the behaviour of this weird girl.
"I want her to stop chasing behind this guy, what is so great about him. All that attention she gives him, and he doesn't even care or care to look at her. Not even once."
"Why are you so caught up with all of this, its her time she is wasting for him not ours."
"Wooyoung is he better looking than me. Girls are all over me, how is she the only one that has walked past me so many times without noticing me."
"I don't know maybe you find out yourself. I need to go. And by the way whatever you are planning to do to get that girl's attention, I hope you don't get to serious about it, it will only cause problems for you."
"Ugh whatever, "

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