다섯 - Bar Club

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"Lets goooo. Are you ready" Lia screamed across the living room.
"Yess wait let me wear my heels" I came shuffling from my room trying to put my heels on while walking towards her.
"Damn, y/n  you look so hot tonight"
"Aww you look pretty tooo, at least we both are matching in black"
"Yehh now lets go and get drunk,"
"Letss goo"

We arrive at the club, and the red dimmed lights only added to the whole vibe. The loud music blasting through the speakers. It was a friday night what would you expect, there were so many youngsters filled up in each corner of the club, it was already hard to get through to the back.
"Y/n hold my hand.. lets go to the back where the tables are"
"Yeh okay"
We make our way to the back of the club and went to the table where most of Lia's friends seem to have been hanging out.
"Lia why are most of them boys do you really not have any friends that are girls" i whispered to her as I glanced at the really intimidatingly hot group of boys in front of me.
"Yes I do. You"
"Aish Lia other than me"
"Yeh i do look thats Soyeon and thats Yeonji"
"Seriously Lia, look at the state of them. They look high. Already."
"Okayy cmon stop being so screechy we don't need to hang out with them all the time lets just say hi at least. Come on"
"Okay fine"
"Are you scared because they all are so hot"
I looked at her with wide hands and grabbed her arm.
" I am not gonna lie but yeh that is exactly it"
She started laughing really hard and looked at me with a 'aw thats adorable' face.
"Ugh don't look at me like that"
"Don't worry you got me"
We went towards the table as everyone looked towards us.
"Hi guys what's up. Seems like you have started with the drinks already"
"Liaa, whats up. I thought you weren't gonna come. " As he stood up to hug Lia he literally towered over her.
"Ya minghao, of course I will come. I can't miss out on getting wasted."
He chuckled before giving me a quick glance and half smiled before sitting back down. Oh god. Everyone is just staring at me right now, this is so awkward. Lia coughed before turning towards me.
"Oh btw guys this is my best friend Y/n, and now that we are all here together lets get some drinkss"
Lia took Minghao and went to go get some drinks as I stood there awkwardly deciding whether I should go with her.
"Hey y/n, I am hoshi btw. Nice meeting you, I heard a lot from Lia about you"
Seeing him from afar he looked the most intimidating but up close when he smiled at me he looked so soft and sweet. I smiled back at him.
"Ah really, I didn't know that Lia mentioned me to you guys."
"Yeh she did, shall we go to the bar"
"Ah yeh sure" I looked at him warily as we walked together to the bar.
"Oh btw let me introduce you tothe others. That's Wonwoo over there, sitting next to Soyeon and the one next to Wonwoo is Joshua and next to him is Jeonghan. There are more of us but they were too busy so they couldn't join us"  He said as he pointed from afar to each one of them.
"Ah thats a lot of you. I can't lie you guys are slightly intimidating from afar"
He looked at me and chuckled as he saw the face i made when I mentioned that.
"Hahha don't worry we are completely the opposite of that once you get to know us, we might look like that based on first appearance"
"Anyway order what you want its on me" He said as he looked at me and smiled.
"Uhh Hoshi that's really kind of you but I can't do that."
"No you can, please think of this as a slight treat from me for joining us tonight"
"Um okay sure"
I looked at the waiter and ordered 10 shots both for myself and Hoshi. I turned my head towards Hoshi and smirked.
"Now think of this as a slight treat from me to you for buying us drinks"
His eyes widened by my sudden words. "Holy shit y/n are you sure"
"Oh I am very sure"
"Do you know who you are challenging right now"
"Lets see about that"
"Game on" He said as we chugged down the shots one by one.


"Hoshiii-ahhh dyuu even understandd whatt i am goingg throughh" my words came out slurred from my mouth. I was now fully wasted and was ranting on about my shitty life to a guy I just met.
"Y/nn your really drunkk at least I am feeling a tiny bit sober than before, but you missus your gone"
"Its been soo longg and i can't findd a jobb, what do I do. I am in myy apartment day and night lonely and jobless. Aisshh"  I started crying uncontrollably.
"Y/n don't worry i can give you a job, my best friend is my boss and he can give you a job I am sure, we are looking for a new secretary for him anyway."
"Jinjja, you will give me a job"
"Yess all I need is your permission to say yes and I can confirm with my friend"
"Aishh of course of coursee. Yes, i will take any job you give me"
" Oh my godd y/n, you don't even know how much of a favour you have done to me. You know how hard it was to find someone to replace his old secretary, you made my life easier"
My head was on the table as I caught a few words he said in between. I had no consciousness to reply so I just randomly mumbled not understanding fully what I am doing.
"Mmm yes. When do i go" I said
"We can start from this monday, so after tomorrow. If that's fine with you"
"Yess suree the sooneer the betterr"
"Okayy greattt" Hoshi side hugged me and stood up from the stool.
"Y/n where is your friend"
"Y/n where do you live at least"
"Aish okay you stay here for a second"
Hoshi Pov:
I left to find Minghao but ended up finding Wonwoo instead.
"Ahh Wonwoo, do you know where Lia is"
"Ah Lia, Minghao took her home she got really drunk and started puking everywhere"
"Ah shit..okay thanks"

I called up Mingyu as I was left with no option now as I didn't know exactly how to get y/n home.
" hi hoshi what happened"
"Ahh nothing man, I am at the club right now and my friend is really drunk right now and I don't know where she lives, can you pick us up please."
"Fuck hoshi, why do you always do this. I always have to deal with your shit whenever you go to the club"
"Ahh please man, just this last time"
"Okay I am coming stay there I will be there in fifteen"
"Thanks bye and don't worry I have something I owe you in return"
"Huh okay whatever bye"

I looked at y/n who looks wasted as her head was lying on the table, her cheeks were pink and her eyes were half closed. I smiled in relief as I realised that I finally found someone to replace the job as Mingyu's secretary.

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