Denial - 사십오

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Mingyu's pov:
My dad told me to come over to his restaurant bar he owns. I was practically rushing over right now, because I really didn't want to be late by angering my dad even more to what I will do by rejecting this stupid marriage with Sohee. I was about to cross the road, when I stopped and saw y/n sitting and eating through the windows of a restaurant. What is she doing there? I thought she was going to go home after work, she even told me she was going to eat in the canteen. I moved to the side a bit more to see fully what was happening. She was eating a meal with a guy. I couldn't clearly make out who it was until they both stood up and put aprons on?

What is she doing. The guy turned around following y/n when she went to the corner at the front where there weren't any people seated.

The view was clear to who it was and I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. Jay? What are they both doing in a waiter attire.

I stood still in the same spot observing them both. I don't know what they were both talking about but it looked like y/n was clearly flustered by his words. I rubbed my forehead, clocking to what's happening right now.

I looked away for a moment and looked back to see something I was hoping I wouldn't see. Jay was hugging y/n from the back and held onto her waist turning her around. She spun in his arms to face him and he pulled her closer by her waist and leaned in to her face from the front.

They kissed.
They kissed.

My mind flickered to the message he sent her a while ago when we were on the plane and back to what was going on in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Maybe this is a joke, their both friends Mingyu. Breathe. It's not what it looks like." I whispered to myself.

But when? When did they even become friends. A guy like Jay, he wouldn't miss a chance to get with a girl like Y/n.

"Wait. Is she getting revenge on me. Is she doing this to get back at me." My voice cracked as my legs kept moving on the same spot.
Was all of this her plan to make me feel guilty to all the shitty things I have done to her. 

I brushed my hair back thinking about why on earth would y/n even work as a fucking waiter when I have been paying her a high earn salary. It doesn't make sense. Did they both take up this job so they could see each other more.

My mind was running with constant thoughts when I heard my phone ring in my back pocket. I pulled it out hastily and answered.
"Son, where are you? Sohee and her parents came half and hour ago. We are all waiting for you. What are you doing? Can you hurry up."
"Huh.Ah.Uh okay. Yeh. Coming." I cut the call.
"Fuck. What do I do."

I glanced one more time towards them both cleaning the tables while giggling. I brushed my hair back in frustration one last time before running over to the address.

As soon as I walked into the building while texting y/n if she reached home after eating in the canteen. I walked down the hallway of private suite rooms and found which one they were in as I entered in. My eyes scanned the room as they landed on Sohee and her family. I instantly walked towards them and bowed down as they all stared at me.

"Oh you finally came. Come son, sit down. First, greet Sohee's parents. Come on" he said as he pointed towards them.

I looked at Sohee who smirked at me before giving her parents a polite bow as I sat down. Her parents all gave me respectful nods and her father opened up a conversation.

"I must say, Mr Kim, you have a handsome, tall son. No wonder my daughter likes him. You are very good looking, young man. At your age, your father and I was very popular with girls back then. Not as handsome as you obviously but I must say we had a lot of girls behind us. But, I was only attracted to this beautiful woman next to me."

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