둘- I quit

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"Park Mina"

Thats it. I looked up in shock enraged by the name I just heard. All my efforts, commitment, late hours have gone down the drain. Lia looked at me with widened eyes before looking down at my fists that were clenched tightly. I removed her hand off mine and stormed out of the hall with my bag. My eyes were filled with rage as I made my way outside to catch my breath. I started running as far as I can passing by the busy restaurants and the eerie lanes of Seoul. I heard the voices of people muttering as they saw me running like a crazy woman. I stopped running and caught my breath as I stared down at the people whispering me. Taken aback by my expression they started moving along. Tsk assholes.
The world are full of them.
Of course what did I expect working hard wont get you anywhere all you have to do is seduce your boss just like how Park Mina did to get this promotion.
I turned around by the familiar laughter coming from a group of people. Ahh it all makes sense now, why she organised dinners every Friday without calling me just to invite the boss and get friendly with him. No wonder that bitch. She knew I was her competition.
Okay Fine, if this is how she wants to play this, then game on.
I stomped my way into the restaurant where they have seemed to settle down on their seats after ordering food so happily.
"Ya Park Mina. Your done"
I grabbed the beer next to her and poured it on her head.
The people in the restaurant turned towards me and gasped at my actions, which only made me smirk more.
"You crazy bitch. What the fuck are you doing" She replied shocked with beer dripping down her hair.
"Tsk I might be crazy but at least I am not a whore unlike you"
"What? You crazy woman. What nonsense are you spitting"
"Ya I can't believe you stooped that low just to get this promotion...and you our great Sajangnim Lee Jihoon. I didn't expect this from you, you know how hard I worked for four years with not even one day of absence. You-ugh—"
I grabbed the other glass of water that was next to me and threw it on his face.
"That's what you get for being such a desperate asshole"
"Lee Y/n how dare you. You know I can fire you for such despicable behaviour towards me and my workers you crazy woman"
"Tsk crazy woman. You can't fire me you jerk because I QUIT myself" I said as I banged the bottle on the table.
I took a deep breath and pointed at the two of them.
"Fuck you and your bullshit company. I will love to see how well your department will do without me"
I snatched one of the beers from one of the workers and chugged it down as I dragged my way out of the restaurant. I chuckled as I felt proud of what I did.
"Woooh" i screamed as I felt a whole weight of satisfaction get thrown off my shoulder.

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