열둘 - Pabo

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"He cheated on me. I saw it with my own eyes— he was—he was with another girl and they—"
I pulled her into a hug immediately, as she bawled her eyes out on my chest.
I looked to the side and caught my eyes onto an enraged Mingyu peeking in the corner. I smirked as I hugged onto her tighter, as I saw him walk off.

Y/n's pov:
I pulled away from Joshua as I came back to my senses. What am I doing, I must of made him uncomfortable. I looked at him straight into his glowing eyes.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yes of course y/n"
"Have we met before? You look familiar"
I saw Joshua's expression change instantly as he backed away from me.
"M-me um, what do you mean-haha"
"I don't know, you just look a tiny bit like someone I used to know from high school"
"Ahh really I—don' know haha. Anyways we should go downstairs"
"Uh oh yeh sure - lets go"
I walked out as he took a second before following me from behind. Why is he acting so weird. Whatever.

I walked back into my office and started to complete my unfinished work on my desktop. I looked to the side and saw Mingyu looking straight into my office. What the hell is wrong with him, why is he staring like a creep. I coughed slightly, straightening my posture as I got back to work, trying to mind my business, but his staring wouldn't stop. I turned back to the side, and this time his head turned swiftly facing his screen.
What is he doing. Seriously.
I finally finish my work as I start to pack my bag. Such a tiring day.
I walk out of my office quickly eager to go home and most importantly to avoid Mingyu. I press the elevator waiting patiently for it to open.
I take out my phone from my pocket checking the time as I stepped into the elevator.
As it was closing, someones foot stops it just in time from closing, as he entered the elevator.
"Going home already hm"
I rolled my eyes as I looked at his sly face.
"Yes sir, I have finished all the assigned work and also arranged the schedule for tomorrow"
He crossed his arms as he stepped in front of me, making my back hit the wall behind me.
"And why exactly are you reporting this to me now. Am I not supposed to know what is going on for tomorrow. Huh"
"S-sir I was just about to find you but I—I"
"You were what—fucking around with Jisoo"
"J-jisoo. Sir I am not quite sure who you are talking about—What do you mean—"
The elevator opened to reveal other colleagues waiting to enter in. Mingyu immediately backed away from me and straightened his tie as the other employees bowed to him.
"Good evening sir"
"Good evening."
I exited the elevator with the rest of the employees.
"Keep up the good work everyone. I'll see you all tomorrow."
He eyed me one last time as he strutted off to his black Bugatti.

I reached home drowned in my thoughts along with the soft music playing in my room. Jisoo? Where have I heard that name before. I heard a notification *ding* as I looked at my phone light up on the bedside table. I reached for my phone, while I lay in bed.
Unknown: hey, did you reach home safe.

Me: um who is this? How have you got my number?

Unknown: ah its me Joshua. Sorry didn't mean to scare you, I asked Hoshi for your number if that's fine with you

Me: ohh yehh that's fine hahaa

Joshua: so what are you doing?

Me: ah nothing was just about to sleep, exhausted from Mingyu's bullshit

Joshua: haha yes of course. He is a nightmare with girls, his previous secretary didn't even get fired she quit herself. That says enough about how Mingyu must of treated her"

Me: what!! Why? What did he do to her?

Joshua: he slept with her multiple times and she thought their relationship was serious. But he just used her this entire time to satisfy himself. Jerk

Me: ...

Joshua: y/n are you okay. I am sorry, I should of not—

Me: no, its not your fault. I just—I guess I am a bit shocked. Anyways, I am tired. Goodnight Shua.

Joshua: Shua? That's cute. Now thats your nickname for me. hehe. Goodnight >-<


Joshua's pov:

Sorry Mingyu, this has to be done. I chuckled back at the new nickname she gave me, as I started to kick my feet up and down on the bed.
I closed my eyes thinking back to the time you made my heart flutter like this back in high school.

I was taking out the books I needed for my lesson that was going to start soon. Closing my locker I turn around walking towards my class. Ugh. I really want to bunk school right now.
My books scattered onto the floor along with a girl holding onto her leg as she held in her pain from the graze. I sighed as she started to sob silently with her hair in front of her face.
"It's a small graze, why are you crying so much. Your not going to die. Come on, get up."
I sighed as she adamantly stayed on the ground, reaching out for a box.
"I am not crying because of that"
"What? Then why are you crying so much"
"Because of this"
She extended her palm with a small box that was open. It had broken cookies inside with a small heart spelling the name Mingyu.
I rolled my eyes as I now identified this crazy girl. Why can she not see that he is clearly not interested in her.
"Please do not tell me you are crying for that piece of crap"
She looked at me with wide eyes.
"Yaaa! Its not crap. I homemade these cookies with so much effort"
"Come on get up from the floor, you look like a pabo. He is not going to care anyways, so why waste your time"
I pulled my hand out for her to get up, as she stood up and carefully tried to fix the cookies.
"How do you know that. He will accept it."
"Okay we will see about that"

Class finished as I made my way to the cafeteria grabbing a banana milk and exiting out. I wasn't in the mood to eat anything, so I just went to the rooftop like I always do at recess time.
I got to the rooftop to see cookies scattered everywhere on the floor and a ripped apart box. What is this doing here, I thought she gave it to Mingyu.
There she was, crying her eyes out on the floor. I walk towards her and crouch to her level, lifting up her chin.
"Pabo. I told you."
She looked at me with her red puffy eyes. I was relieved that the situation turned out to be like this, but I felt bad seeing her cry like this.
"I must be stupid to have thought I had a chance with him."
"Why did he not accept it?"
"I tried, but- his heart seems to be with another girl. There is no point."
"What do you mean, you tried?"
"I showed it to him and then Soyeon got everyone's attention on us. Then he suddenly fell silent— he didn't say anything, nor did he receive it. He just walked away. I don't get it, he receives everyone else's even if he doesn't like them, but mine. What did I do wrong?"
"What you did wrong, was loving a guy like him. So don't waste your time and move on"
Before I could say anything else, she just stood up and reached out to the box which had one cookie left inside. She came over to me and pulled my hand out, placing it on my palm.
" i hope you can appreciate my effort at least. I don't want it to go untasted. Thank you"
And she left leaving me looking at the broken heart on top. It was pretty tasty, not gonna lie. As i finished it with content, my eyes focused on the little post it inside.

I love you so much.
No matter how much,
I try to hide my feelings towards you,
It comes back again like dusts
and fills up my heart.
I still love you. 

('Dust' vocal team:seventeen)
I smiled a little looking at the note. Why is my heart acting like this towards you. Why does my heart ache seeing you go to Mingyu. Don't worry I will make you mine. Just wait a little bit.

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