삼십팔 - Your touch

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"Mingyu!!! What the hell is this mess! Are you serious right now? This is making me sick." I said as I walked into the suite.
He turned towards me, scratching his head. "Uh hahha. Yeh, this was how my life was without you."
"Yeh you mean without your personal cleaner" I said looking at him with disbelief.
"What, no! I mean I was going crazy without you y/n." He said as he stepped towards me.
I looked at his serious face and started laughing. He looked at me confused.
"Y/n, it's not funny. I mean it." He said as he pouted while sulking.
"Silly, stop sulking. Come on, let's clean this stuff up." I said as I slapped his bum from behind.
I quickly ran away from him before he could get me back. I ran behind the sofa as he circled me on the other side. "Mingyu stop!"
"You started it" he said as smirked at me.
We kept running around in circles as I tried to avoid him as much as possible. But he was fast. Really fast.
I ran to the kitchen hoping to escape from him but it didn't work. I felt his large arms wrap around my body and lift me up from behind.
"Caught you." He whispered into my ear. I struggled underneath him. I could feel his heart pounding against mine.
"Okay okay, you won. Now get off me." I said as I tugged onto his veiny arms.
He put me on the ground gently and suddenly spun me around so I was facing him. His face close to mine. His hands slowly made its way to my waist and then to my back side as I felt him squeeze it.
"Mingyu what the hell are you doing?" I said as I chuckled trying to ignore the weird feeling in my stomach.
"I am getting you back from what you did to me." He said while leaning in.

His lips were centimeters away from mine and our noses touched. His eyes kept flickering between my eyes and my lips. He leaned in but before anything could happen I turned my head to the side avoiding the kiss. Mingyu pulled back looking confused.

"Not so quick. I wanna watch you suffer for a while." I said innocently.

"What y/n! Noo, pleasee. I have suffered enough these past few days without you. You can't do this to me." He said pouting like a baby.

"I will do this to you until you've proven to me that you truly meant what you said before." I said sternly.

"Y/n, I meant every word I said to you. So, if that's what you want, I will prove it to you. I will prove to you that I genuinely love you with all my heart."

I felt my chest heave as he said that. His eyes looked genuine and I could tell he meant it.

"But can I hug you at least." He said with his doey eyes, which made me chuckle.

"Hmmm, I will think about it." I said walking away from him leaving him hanging.

"Y/nnnn" he cried as he dragged his legs to the sofa.

"Where are you going? Come on get your lazy ass away from that sofa and start cleaning up." I said as I threw him a bag to put the rubbish.

"I'll ask the cleaners to do it, I want to spend time with you. Pleasee. " He complained. I walked towards him and slapped his shoulder.

"Seriously, with this amount of mess. They are humans too Mingyu, this mess that you made is extreme and is an actual burden for them. Just cause it's their job, doesn't mean you can shit on the floor and expect them to clean up."

"I didn't shit on the floor though."

"Yes i knoww. But all these tissues, bottles and ramyeon packets on the floor is like shit. Now stop whining like a baby and start cleaning."

He nodded as he picked up all the rubbish. I helped him wipe the counters and washed all the glasses that were scattered all over the place. I picked up all his dirty laundry that were hanging around in weird places and put them in the washing and opened a few windows to let in some fresh air. After about an hour, it seemed to be pretty clean.

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