삼십칠 - Goodbye

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Jungkook's pov:
"Sir, one more chocolate ice cream again please. Im so clumsy I dropped it on the way."

"You dropped it? Ah don't worry, its on me. You can take it for free. Here you go." The kind man said as he handed me the cone of ice cream.

"Oh are you sure?"

"Yeh no worries at all, you have a good day."

"Thanks so much. Hope you have a good day too."

I smiled back and walked away, watching carefully where I was going, or then y/n would genuinely be upset this time. I chuckled to myself as I imagined her face.

I walked towards the beach, treading carefully on the sand to try and find her. I was about to turn around and look somewhere else when I heard her voice. I turned back around and saw her standing there with a man. I stepped backwards quickly so she wouldn't notice me.

"I want to believe you but I—"
Suddenly, the guy put his large soft hands on her mouth stopping her from letting any other words out.
"Shh y/n. Don't say it." They looked at each other with teary eyes, his face close to hers.

He gently held her hand and moved it towards his heart.
"Do you feel that, y/n. Do you feel how much I love you? How much I need you? How much I want you? This is not a lie, y/n. This is not a game. This is the truth. The only truth that matters to me."

Is that the guy that y/n was talking about. Mingyu? He was the reason for her to run away. Why is he here, when things were coming back to normal. I looked back at them.

They were both uncontrollably crying now that they were facing each other. "Mingyu, you just don't understand." She said weakly while he held her hand.
"What is it y/n! What don't I understand!" He said gripping onto her hand tightly.

"What you don't understand is that if I stay any longer than one minute with you, then I will.."

I took a deep breath in.

"What y/n!" He said impatient for my words.

"I will fall in love with you.

My eyes widened as she said those words to him. My heart ached for her. It was clear that she still cared deeply for Mingyu, despite everything that had happened between them. Her vulnerability was painful to witness.

"Huh, what did you say" Mingyu said as his voice cracked, filled with impatience and desperation. I could sense the urgency in his words, the fear of losing her once again.

She took a deep breath and faced him again. "I will fall in love with you again,Mingyu." she repeated, her voice steady as a tear slid down her cheek.

I felt like an intruder like I had stumbled upon something deeply personal, something that wasn't meant for my eyes or ears. I don't know why but it kinda hurt me.

"Then fall in love with me y/n. You can't leave me to be the unworthy man that I am that is crazy for your love. I hate myself for letting you go. I hate everything I've done to you. I hate—"
She pressed her lips onto his lips shutting him up for a few seconds. "Shh don't say anymore, just promise you will be with me forever"

Their noses touching each others as Mingyu nodded while smiling. "I promise y/n. I will forever love you." He said before leaning in and deepening the kiss. They stood like that for a few moments before pulling away. Mingyu cupped y/n's face and looked at her deeply.

"I don't deserve you y/n but I am not letting you go either. I can't stand to think about you with another man. It kills me."

I looked at the ice cream and back at them. I cautiously approached them, not wanting to startle her.

"Hey, y/n," I said softly, offering her a small smile.

She looked up, surprise evident on her face. "Jungkook? I—your back. I'm sorry—I " She seemed genuinely surprised to see me, but I noticed her kept turning to look at Mingyu's face, who seemed to be confused himself.

"Its fine, don't worry." I replied, holding out the ice cream cone I had bought for her. "I got you some chocolate ice cream."

Y/n's eyes widened, and a warm smile spread across her face as she took the ice cream from my hand. "I-yeh I love chocolate flavour. Thanks for getting it."

I turned towards Mingyu who looked at me emotionless standing next to y/n.
"Nice to bump into you again, not onto the ice cream this time haha. Um you must be Mingyu right? I am Jungkook by the way. Y/n's close friend. She was staying at mine before you guys um you know fought." I said cautiously as I took out my hand to shake with his.

Mingyu studied my extended hand for a moment, his eyes darting between me and y/n, trying to gauge the depth of our relationship. I saw a flash of uncertainty and perhaps a bit of jealousy in his eyes before he finally grasped my hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook. I um so what did you guys do at your house." Mingyu said, his voice steady, but there was an underlying tension.

I kept my tone light, wanting to alleviate any discomfort. "We just spent time catching up, you know, talking about life and stuff. Y/n needed a friend during a tough time, so I was there to lend an ear and some support."

Y/n nodded in agreement while turning to Mingyu. "He helped me a lot Mingyu, I don't know what I can do to repay you for letting me stay with you and supporting me."

Mingyu's gaze softened as he seemed to understand that I tried to portray my intentions as purely friendly. "I see. I'm glad y/n had someone like you by her side. Thank you for being there for her when I couldn't be the one to do that. Means a lot." He said as he patted onto my shoulder and smiled gently.

"Yeh. No problem. Um I guess you guys have made it up for each other. I am happy for the both of you. But seriously don't fight again, I don't want to see y/n at my doorstep sobbing again. Please take care of her. She means a lot to me. I will come for you if you break her heart again."

Mingyu chuckled, a genuine and relieved laugh. "I understand, Jungkook. I'll do everything in my power to keep her happy and protect her heart."

"Okay, I'll leave you two to catch up properly. Don't worry y/n, I will come tomorrow and drop of your luggage at the hotel. Head back for now, its getting late." I said as I took a step back to head off.

"Bye y/n!! Love you!!" I said walking off as I was waving to her before turning around

"Wait!!Jungkook!!" I stopped walking as I felt her arms wrap around me from behind. My body jerked forward and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Thank you so much, Jungkook. I love you lots." She said as I felt her heartbeat from behind. I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to hold on to this moment for the last time before I felt her slowly releasing.
I didn't turn back. "Goodbye y/n. I hope you receive lots of happiness from him." Was the last thing I said before leaving from there.

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