FINALE - commited to you only

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Year Later

"Hoshi hyung. I know where she is now. I can't believe I wasted half a year searching for her in America. I am so dumb for letting myself get deceived by those fake letters and that fake pregnancy."

"Mann, I told you. There's no way she would be in America, she had to of been in Jeju."

"Yes hyung, as soon as I called off that wedding, I gave it a few months to deal with Sohee's pregnancy only to realise that she wasn't even pregnant and as soon as I caught her in her stupid lies she decided to start writing all those letters on y/n's behalf to divert me from going to Jeju. But I went there first, knowing that she would be there. My gut feeling told me she would be there, but those stupid letters said that she was in America and I wasted half a year trying to find her there."

"So what are you going to do, are you going to go to Jeju." Hoshi said.

"I am going to find her and get married with her. I promised her hyung, that I will only marry her or nobody else." Mingyu responded. "I can't live without her, hyung. I miss her so much right now, I hope she is doing fine. She must really hate me now but I just need to know where she is living, then everything will be okay. I will explain everything to her. Can you please help me? Pleasee, hyung."

"Mingyu we have to go to Jeju for that. Thats the only way we can find out where she is."

"Lets go then. Let me pack my bags."

"Mingyu, calm down first. We can get the first flight to Jeju tomorrow. First, think about what your going to even say to her after you left her for a whole year. You can't just magically turn up to her and tell her you want to get married, she will most likely slap you in your face."

"What if she doesn't slap me, what if she loves me still." Mingyu asks.

"You may have had some time away from each other, but we still don't know if she has moved on, probably getting into a relationship with someone else and probably already having a baby too."

"If that's the case, there would be no way she would let me back into her life again. If I lost my one true love, life wouldn't be worth living anymore. Hyung, just let me go to her."

"Mingyu. Just go. Go pack your bags and get some sleep. We will discuss this tomorrow in the morning."

Mingyu's pov:

We were on the morning plane to Jeju, just nearing to land any second. The whole time in the plane, my mind kept making scenarios on how she would react and how I would approach her.  All these thoughts kept me awake throughout the whole flight. As soon as the plane touched the ground, I made my way out quickly, dragging hoshi along with me.

Near to an hour, we managed to reach the hotel. The same one where y/n and I were at last time.  We checked in quickly and went straight to our rooms, not wanting to waste any more time. While in the elevator on the way up, hoshi started talking to me about the marriage.

"Hyung. What if she hates me and doesn't want to see me? What if she doesn't want to talk to me? What if she is already with another guy?" I asked him.

"Mingyu, stop stop. Breathe, relax. Let's try find her first, before you get impulsive and start overthinking."  He says.

We reached the room and unpack the stuffs. I decide to sit on the bed and wait for hoshi to return, while he makes a phone call to a few people who may know about y/n's whereabouts.

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