일곱 - remember me?

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My eyes slowly opened as I felt a sharp migraine. I slowly lifted myself from the bed as I held my head.
"Ahh fuck my head."
I slowly rubbed my eyes and adjusted my focus on the room I was in. What the fuck. Where am I. I jumped out of the bed and started pacing across the room, trying to make out where I was. Uhh what the hell happened last night, did someone kidnap me. I immediately went to the mirror, to see if something was off. Thank god I still have my clothes on. Quickly making my way to the door, I grasped onto the handle gripping onto it tightly before slowly opening it. I peeked out of the door squeezing my body through the slightly ajar gap. Wow this house is massive, who even owns this house. I quietly make my way down the spiral staircase, struck by awe of the spaciousness and luxury furniture. I made my way to the living room where the tv was on.
"Ah y/n you are awake. Did you sleep well"
I was shocked by the sudden voice behind me as I turned around.
"Ahh hoshi you scared me. I thought someone kidnapped me you know."
Hoshi chuckled after seeing my face tense up as I spoke.
"Nothing, i brought you home last night because you were super drunk. I even asked for your address, but you didn't even respond so I let you stay the night"
Y/n's eyes widened as she heard that. She was really grateful for him to do that.
"Y/n don't worry, I promise I didn't do anything. I just wanted to make sure you were safe"
"No its not like that don't worry. I am really grateful for you to do that. Thats why. Thanks Hoshi, I owe you."
"You said you owe me right"
"Umm yeh i did. Why"
"Yeh so last night you said you would confirm on taking the role of a secretary for my boss."
"Huh me. What when did i say that"
"Y/n you were literally ranting on how you couldn't find a job. So i said that i could help you, and if you really meant that you owe me. Please take up this job. I have even got the paperwork you need to sign, all I need is your approval"
"Hoshi, do you really mean it. I kind of feel bad for getting such a high level job so easily"
"Y/nn please trust me. I will guarantee you a high pay and everything. So please just accept this, I have been searching for over two weeks for a replacement, and you seem perfect for this job."
"Okay fine, where's the paperwork." I smiled at him and held the pen in my hand gesturing him to give them too me.
His face brightened up as he quickly slammed the papers down on to the table in front of me.
I signed them professionally after thoroughly reading through each page. I put down my pen and lifted my head to meet Hoshi's enlightened face.
"Y/n thank you so much"
"No I should thank you. It really means a lot."
"I will make some breakfast for the both of us."
He made his way to the kitchen counter as I sat down onto the high raised stools, watching him gather ingredients.
"Oo btw your house is so huge and beautiful, do you live here by yourself."
Hoshi nervously turned around rubbing his nape while awkwardly smiling.
"Hahha actually its my friends house, he hardly stays at home so I most of the time crash here"
"Ahh really, your friend must be really rich then"
"Yes he is very rich. In fact he is the person you will be working under."
I was in shock when he said that. He must be a really well known and successful person then.
"Damn who is he"
"Don't worry y/n you will see him tomorrow. I will introduce you to him properly then."
"Ahh okay sure"

........................................Next day.......................................
9.30am and here I am racing around my apartment trying to find for my heels. It's my first day of work and I am already running late. Shit. Such a bad impression. I looked in the mirror for the last time, adjusting my white blouse and black skirt. All good, I grabbed my matching black handbag and headed out to make my way to the company office.
I got out of the taxi, as my eyes landed on the massive storey building in front of me Kim Industries. Wow this was truly such a big workplace. I am truly honoured right now.
I made my way in taking a deep breath and strutted my way inside with confidence. I noticed many people had their eyes on me, as I heard quiet whispers in the background. I reach the reception as I call out to the lady behind the counter.
"Hello mam, how can I help you"
"Hi, i am y/n. I am sure Hoshi must of told you I will be replacing the role of the boss's new secretary"
The lady and lots of other people gasped as I said that. They all covered their mouths in shock as they stared at me. What is even going on here.
"Umm is everything all right" I asked genuinely worried by her response.
"Ahh yes mam. Please go the 40th floor, and down the corridor its the last office on the left."
"Thanks" I said as I eyes her one last time before making my way into the elevator.
I clicked onto the 40th floor patiently waiting to go up. It stopped in between at the 38th floor as a young man entered in. He was about to click the 40th floor but he realised it was already clicked. He turned towards me as I made eye contact with him. Wow he was really ethereal. His luscious hair was perfectlu parted in the middle, waved at the edges; his sharp nose reflecting from the warm light on top of him. He was perfect. I could feel my cheeks heating up as he maintained his intense eye contact.
"Are you the new secretary"
"U-uhh y-yes i am" My words were stuck in my throat.
He just chuckled and made eye contact once again.
"Wow, I am actually really surprised. Hoshi really did do a great job in finding a replacement"
"Huh sorry" I asked confused by his words
"Joshua. My name is Joshua." His accent was strong and posh, which gave off a really strong impression.
"Ahh y/n, Lee Y/n, nice to meet you Joshua"
He smiled as he faced the front making his way out of the elevator. I just stared at him from behind unable to take my eyes off his broad shoulders. He suddenly turned around and looked at me.
"You going to come"
I shook my head in embarrassment and walked out.
"Ill take you to the boss's office"
"Ah yes thank you"

Knock knock

"Come in." A low voice said.
Joshua entered in as I followed him from behind.
"This is the paperwork you needed, I will keep this on your desk for now. If you need anything else let me know. I will finish the rest" Joshua said before turning towards me.
"Oh btw this is your new secretary Mingyu, welcome her. I will head out now"
I slowly shifted my eyes from the ground to the face in front of me as I stared at him dead into his eyes. The world stopped. My eyes couldn't process the person in front of me right now. All my past flashbacks were playing in front of my eyes. 10 years and we meet again Mingyu. He looks so much more handsome and mature now. You have really changed but do you even remember me?

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