열다섯 - red room

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⚠️Warning (harassment) - scenes in this chapter may be distressful for viewers. Please don't read if you feel uncomfortable. Doesn''t reflect the members in any way possible.

"Come on Hoshi man, pick up the damn phone."
I quickly steered my car into a random parking spot on the street before getting out of the car hurriedly. I made my way inside, pushing my way through the stumbling crowd.
My eyes laid on Hoshi in the midst of the crowd dancing trying to get the attention of a group of girls next to him. Oh god. What is he doing, he looks so stupid, they literally look terrified.
I ran up to him, pulling his shoulder towards my direction.

"Ya you idiot. Where is y/n? She is supposed to be with you right?"
Hoshi squinted his eyes as he tried to figure out who was standing in front of him.
"Shi- Mingyu. I knew you would come for me. I love you brother" He said as he hugged me tightly.
"Ah shi— you fucker where is y/n! She was with you right? Where did she go?"
"Uh y/n umm. Shit where did she go, she was with us"
"You idiot! she told you and Joshua that she was going to the toilet. Did she come back?"
Hoshi looked at me as his eyes slowly widened.

"Fuck mingyu. I haven't seen her at all. Where is Joshua? Is she with him?"
"You idiot. She is one dumb girl to go clubbing with you careless fools. Ugh- hurry go find Joshua. I'll try to find y/n, in case she's not with him"
We separated ways as I went around trying to find y/n. I went to the bathrooms to see if she was there, realising I couldn't check inside.
"Um excuse me, by any chance have you seen this girl in the bathroom" I said showing a picture to this random girl that came out of the bathroom.
"Um no. I haven't sorry." She said as she reapplied her lipstick while looking uninterested. 
"Ugh- okay thanks. Fucks sake. Where are you y/n." I said as I started to walk away from the girl.
"Waitt. Excuse me." The girl came running back as she tapped on my shoulder.
"Can you show me the picture again."

I quickly took out my phone from my back pocket and showed her the picture again.
She bit her nail as she tried to recall something while I just stared at her waiting for an answer.
"Ah oh yess. I remember, she went in the private club rooms to the right over there.. Um i think your friend is trying to get some dick you know. If you like her, you might as well move on. Instead, maybe I could be there for you." The girl said as she pouted her lips and moved towards me.
My eyes widened at what she said.
"Fucking hell" I said as I quickly ran away from her, leaving her sulking in the corner as I pushed my way through the couples making out in the corridor.
There were so many private rooms and the corridor was red and dim with smoke in the air, making it hard for me to navigate through.
"Just where are you"

Y/n's previous Pov:
I come out of the busy toilet filled with some girls making out in half of the cubicles and some taking up all the space near the sinks to retouch their makeup. I quickly ran out of there, to avoid the chaos. I look up to see Shua going towards a red dimly lit corridor. Where is he going? I follow him quietly from behind to investigate what he was up to. He walks down through to the end of the corridor,

My heart pounded in my chest with each step. The red glow from the dim lights casted an eerie ambiance, adding to the sense of danger that surrounded the place.

As Shua reached the end of the corridor, he stopped in front of a black door. I quickly crouched down behind two boys who were leaning on the side of the walls, as I peeked out from their shoulders to get a better view. Shua glanced around cautiously before opening the door. It was ajar enough to reveal a group of unfamiliar boys inside. They exchange nods and smirk with Shua, indicating they were familiar with one another.

"What is he up to, seriously? Ah should I check or not. No right. Its not my business"
I say as I held onto one of the boys shoulders unconsciously while speaking to myself. I stopped, as my eyes widened once I realised what I was doing. I looked up to see their faces looking down on me. Oh shit. What am I doing. I quickly back my hands off the boys shoulder, straightening my posture.
"Ah I am so sorry. I was —"
Suddenly the boy put his finger on my lips shutting it up straight away.
"Ya Younghoon-ah. It doesn't really count, if the girl comes to us right?"
"Eric, you know what your right. It doesn't count."
The two boys exchanged looks with each other as they smirked. I awkwardly laughed and backed a way a little.
"Um what are you guys talking about. Haha. Uh, um I didn't mean to hold onto you by the way. Sorry about that. Haha"
All of  a sudden, I felt a hard rock like chest hit onto my back as I was backing away. My body shuddered as I felt a fan of breath on my bare shoulder.
"You know, I was looking at you the whole night baby. You look so beautiful in your tight little dress, I can't help but get turned on."

I froze in fear, unable to move. My heart pounded in my chest, and a surge of panic threatened to consume me. I turned around, slowly making eye contact with the boy in front of me.
"W-who are you. What do you want."
"Me. I am Juyeon. Nice to meet you—"  He said as he pulled my waist closer to his body.
I tried to push away, but the grip on my arm tightened, causing me to wince in pain. I mustered all the strength I had, refusing to let fear paralyze me. With a burst of adrenaline, I mustered a defiant glare, locking eyes with him.
"Let me go," I demanded, my voice trembling but laced with determination. "I said, let me go. Or-or I will scream"
The boys erupted into laughter, their mocking tones echoed. They reveled in the power they thought they held over me.

I was about to scream when I felt a tight grasp onto my mouth shutting it tight as they lifted me together with one grasp on my legs and one on my waist while kicking the door leading me into the room next to us.
The only thing that can be heard was my muffled screams. I got thrown on the bed suddenly, which made my vision hazy along with the red of the room engulfing me in.
The three boys stood in front of me with a slight grin on their face, coming closer towards the bed as I kept backing away until my back hit the back of the bed. 
"G-go away. W-what are you doing."I try to speak, but my voice catches in my throat, suffocating beneath the weight of their presence.
Juyeon steps forward, his eyes filled with malicious intent. He leans in close, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You see baby, we have a bit of a problem here. You see my junior here" he sneers, as he looks down and looks back at me as his breath hits against my ear. "Is now hard because of you. So now, you need to help me out a little."
He backs away a little before putting his hands through his jet black hair.
"Ya get your phone out. Lets make this a little bit more fun." Juyeon says as Younghoon pulls his phone out chuckling at his words. "Hyung, don't go to rough on her. I am next." He says as he winks back at him.

I swallowed the thick saliva formed in my throat. My biggest nightmare came true, and I am trapped in the midst of it. Before I could react, his strong veiny hands grabbed hold of my waist pulling me down as he locked me below with his firm legs. His hands went down to my dress pulling it up a little, as his hands roamed around my inner thighs that were now shaking under his rough touch. With his other hand he pulled off the strap of my dress of my shoulder before aggressively connecting his lips with my skin.
"Stopp. Please let me go. I beg you. Please stop." Tears were coming out and flowing through the sides of me eyes. I cried in despair. But no guilt had consumed them at all, they were immune to this type of disgusting behaviour and numb of the sense of guilt. Instead, they continued.
"Ya Eric, come here and shut her slutty mouth"
"No. Please. Don't—"
Suddenly, I felt a pair of lips roughly pressing onto mine. My eyes widened as Eric bit into them further,  causing them to bleed. Juyeon's hands started gripping onto my dress as he pulled it all the way up to my stomach before sucking onto my skin leaving purple marks. Panic surges through me, and I struggle against their hold, desperately searching for an escape route. The constant flow of tears had made my vision blurry and helplessness started to take over, knowing that I'm at their mercy.

Just as I'm about to lose all hope, a loud noise of the door being kicked open interrupts the scene. All eyes turn to see a tall masculine figure standing at the edge of the room, with a face etched with anger.
"Get your filthy fucking hands off her now you bastards".

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