여섯 - 10 years

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"Gyuu thanks man for coming now please help me out"
Mingyu came towards Hoshi and glared at him.
" i swear hoshi this is the last time I am helping you out"
"Yes yes okay I got it"
"Okay where is she. Who is this person by the way"
Mingyu looked at Hoshi waiting for his response.
"Ahh she is over there at our table. I asked where she lived but she passed out just after"
They both walked towards the table and looked at the girl with her head on the table, all they could hear were here light snores.
"Okay you hold her other arm, I will grab onto her other side" Hoshi said being wary of where they were putting their hands.
They carefully lifted y/n up as she stood on her feet. Her head was hanging down and her face wasn't visible, all they could hear were here soft mumbles.
They reached to the car and strapped y/n to the passenger seat before closing the door to Mingyu's black bugatti.
Mingyu looked towards Hoshi and gestured him to sit in the car.
"Come on lets go. Who are you waiting for?"
"Gyu I actually need to go to the office real quick, I realised I left something there"
"What! What did you leave there. What do I do with this stupid girl you left me with"
"Gyu don't say that she is a really nice. I am doing a favour for her and for myself so I need to go to the office real quick. I need to get some paperwork"
"Aish hyung you are really annoying. I am taking her to my house, so you come and stay home with me for tonight after you are done with whatever you need to do. I need to be somewhere tomorrow in the morning, so you send her away and please don't make her stay to long. Once she wakes up, kick her out. Got it."
"Gyuu stop being so mean. Not all girls are like her, so stop being like that to all of them. But yeh I got it."
Mingyu muttered something under his breath which was not audible for Hoshi. He just sighed instead and waited for Mingyu to get in his car and go.
"Okay bye"
"Yeh bye and take care of her by the time I come back"

Mingyu's Pov:
I was now driving back to my house giving small glances to the girl sitting next to me. Her hair was in front of her face so I couldn't quite make out her face. All of a sudden she starts to mumble something quietly but audible enough.
"I miss youu..whyy did you do thatt me. I lovedd you"
Huh who is she talking about. As the traffic light approached, I took this time to brush her hair out of her face. I tucked her soft silky hair behind her ears as I stared at her face. My eyes widened as I processed who the person in front of me was. Fuck, my breath was caught in my mouth, I gasped loudly as I stared at her peaceful face. 10 years. Its been 10 years and we finally meet. Like this. Where did you go all this time, you left and now you turn up in front of me, to torment me again. I sighed again as I looked away from her face. Mingyu get a grip.
"where are you, i miss you"
She mumbled again which shocked me as I looked at her face again. Who is she talking about, did she already get another boyfriend. My thoughts got interrupted as the the green light turned on.
I reached home and picked up y/n bridal style before entering my house. I put her in the guest room to sleep for the night. I pulled the blanket over her and stared at her for a while admiring her face. It's been 10 years but she still looks so beautiful. I realised what I was doing and I suddenly stood up to go to my bed, when I felt a tight grasp on my wrist.
"Don't leave me again"
Her words shocked me. My past just visioned through my eyes. I could feel the tears from the corner of my eyes but I wiped it off harshly, before pulling my hand aggressively away from her grasp. I entered my room and threw myself on my bed. I kept trying to sleep but she was bothering me. Her presence in my life is once again bothering me.

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