사십이 - two timing

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"Heyy sorry, I am late. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long." I said as I rushed and sat in front of Joshua who seemed to be surprised to finally see me.
"Oh thank god, I thought that you would leave me hanging here tonight. Thanks for coming." I nodded slowly at his response.
"Soo- what do you want to order. I am quite hungry I can't lie." He said as he chuckled brightly.
"Umm I don't mind. What do you say?" I replied.
"Hmm i heard this one is quite nice. You should try it." He said unexpectedly leaning close towards my face while pointing to a dish on the menu. I looked up at him for him to look back at me with his dark glowing eyes.

His hair fell over them almost hiding them from view but every now and then they could be seen glinting faintly. "I heard that their prawns are really good." He continued looking at me from close, patiently awaiting my answer. I coughed and nodded once in approval before continuing to read through the rest of the items on the menu looking away from his eyes.

"I will go for that then." I said after some time thinking about what I wanted to order. I looked up again to ask him what he wanted to order, but instead saw him staring right into my eyes with his intense gaze. For a second I couldn't tell what was going on his head. It made me really wary for some reason especially after everything that I had found out about to him.

"Um, so how come you decided to take me here?" I asked.

"Well its been awhile since we have hung out, just the two of us. We haven't even talked properly since you left with Mingyu, for a business trip?. And this place is pretty" He said still gazing at me.

"Hmm, I passed by it before. Its very romantic isn't it, quite a lot of couples here hahah." I said as I looked around.

"Yeah well they were probably just as nervous as you are about meeting up after such a long time." He replied giving me an odd look.

"No I am not nervous, I just um—I"

"It's fine y/n. I know what your thinking. I actually want to apologise to you"

My eyes widened when I heard him apologise to me. My eyes shot up towards his face and our gazes met. There was a little awkward silence between us before he broke it.

"Y/n, I am sorry. The way I approached you about our past was so wrong of me. I swear I don't know what I was thinking trying to talk to you in such a horrid way. I honestly didn't mean to reveal it like that, it was a mistake that I did. It wasn't right or fair towards you. I am really really sorry." He said while cupping his hands together before looking down at them regretfully.

My mouth parted slightly as I tried to find words. I thought that he forgot about what he did and refused to take responsibility of his actions. I smiled softly to him with my lips curved upwards gently which I knew he noticed.

"Thank you for apologising Joshua, it really relieves me. It was quite unexpected, because it caught me off guard but I am glad you apologised. Don't worry I won't hold any grudges against you, either way you were there for me in high school. Thank you for listening to me every time I used to be down." I said and gave him a bright smile.

"Well I am happy that you're okay with this. So do you forgive me now?" He asked curiously still holding onto the small smile on his face.

"I guess, but can I ask you something?" I said warily.

He let go of the small grin and stared at me waiting for me to speak.
"Do you still have feelings for me?" I asked observing his face.

He immediately dropped his hands from his lap suddenly. His cheeks became red and a slight look of panic flashed across his face for only a split second. "What would change if I say I do?" He asked carefully looking at me.

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