열일곱 - confront each other

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"Ah you came, finally. Are you hungry? I made us some ramyeon."
I went down to the kitchen to see a barefaced Mingyu. I must say he looked so attractive. His tanned skin glowing beneath the warm light. Wow. Was he always this hot?
"I am starving. Thanks" I replied calmly gathering my thoughts as I sat down on the kitchen table top.
I patiently waited for him as I ended up unconsciously staring at his broad back from behind.
"I know I am hot y/n. But if you stare at me for that long, you are going to fall for me."
I already have Mingyu. Once again. But I just don't want to admit it.
"I-I wasn't staring," I stammered, attempting to recover from the awkward situation. "I mean, I was just... uh, lost in my thoughts."

Mingyu chuckled, turning around to face me with a playful smirk on his face. "Relax, y/n. It's alright. I was just teasing you."
I smiled softly before looking at him as he served the two bowls in front of us, before sitting next to me. I turned to him slowly as he slurped onto his ramyeon.
"Um Mingyu. How did you know where I was?"
He stopped eating and turned to face me with wide eyes.
"I-uh- I— Hoshi. Yeh, Hoshi called me and told me that you were there with him clubbing. I only came because Hoshi called me, or I wouldn't of come. You know him. Haha. He gets drunk so quickly, he needs someone to take care of him or he will go around kissing people."

I chuckled at his response, as I looked down slowly changing my expression.
"Thank you"
"For what?"
"For saving me. If it weren't for you I would of been—"  He cut my words by putting his hands on my mouth.
"Don't. Don't say it." He lowered his hand and looked away.
My eyes lowered slowly to his bruised knuckles. Feeling a sudden rush of worry and guilt, I touched it gently, flinching slightly at my touch, his gaze met mine with a mix of vulnerability and apprehension.
"Mingyu your knuckles. They are bruised badly. Wait here, let me get first aid"

I ran off to get some ointment and a cotton swab. I reached out to his hand.
"Y/n you don't have to do this. I am fine." He said slowly pulling his wrist away from me. But I was not in the mood to keep up with his arrogance.
"Shush. It might sting a little a bit." Without waiting for his response, I dipped the cotton swab into the ointment and carefully applied it to his bruised knuckles, tracing each contour with utmost care.
"Mingyu." I spoke softly as he hummed in response.
"Do you think there is still a chance left for the both of us. Like how it was all the way from middle school to high school, but with better memories this time." I asked, my voice trembling slightly with vulnerability.

He remained silent, his eyes fixed on his bruised hands, his face a mixture of frustration and resignation. I continued to treat his knuckles, my touch becoming lighter as the weight of our past grew heavier.
"The day I left... I never explained why. Don't you want to know, why?" I continued to try and get an answer out of him after so many years. His gaze finally lifted, meeting mine with a mix of anger and annoyance. He withdrew his hand abruptly, the sudden movement startling me.
"Why bring this up now?" he snapped, his voice laced with bitterness. "What good does it do to dredge up the past? It's done, over with. So move on."

I could feel the hurt and frustration in his words, his walls rising higher in an attempt to shield himself from further pain. But I couldn't let this moment pass. I had to lay bare my own vulnerability, just as he had done for me. "Because, Mingyu," I responded, my voice steady despite the tremor within me, "as much as I hate to say this. I- I miss you. I miss us. I am not like you Mingyu. You moved on so well, but— I just couldn't. I pushed away every guy in my life who tried to build something with me, who tried to understand me. Because I thought maybe one day you would come looking for me and tell me it was all a prank and that you loved me." Tears welled in my eyes as I confronted him.

The room fell into a heavy silence, filled with unspoken emotions and unanswered questions.
"We were both each others first y/n. You know that very well. Then how did you have the audacity to leave after fucking me. I felt like you used me, y/n. Used me for your desires and then ditched me."
I froze in my spot as I could feel my own anger rising in response to his dismissive tone.
"Are you hearing yourself right now. Mingyu, I saw you with Sohee. You kissed her and also slept with her."

He turned to me with an expression filled with confusion.
"What are you saying. I didn't kiss her y/n. She kissed me, she forced herself onto me. And slept with her? Are you kidding me right now? Where did you hear this bullshit from, if you heard it from Sohee then you must be another level of stupid and naive to believe all that nonsense! " My eyes widened from his sudden confrontation. Is he telling the truth? His eyes slowly convincing me that he might be genuine. I had misunderstood it all, letting the situation become worse than it was. His serious face suddenly turned to a painful chuckle as he looked at me with his piercing eyes. "Ah- I get it now. You thought I kissed her and slept with her. So you did the same thing to make it even, you go fuck another guy. Instead of asking me, what actually happened. Wow, it all makes sense now. I must be so dumb." He said as he slowly backed away from me.

My heart sank at his words, but I refused to back down and not defend myself from the nonsense he was spitting out. "Mingyu. Listen. We keep doing this. We keep fighting, without letting each other know what actually happened. I am so sorry, I misunderstood you. But listen to me Mingyu. I swear I never slept with anyone. You must of done the same. Misunderstood the whole situation because of someones words." I looked at him with hope, but he just rolled his eyes.
"No y/n, it wasn't someone's words. I saw your clothes and undergarments in some random seniors room. You must of been another level of brave to fuck a senior."
"Mingyu. Stop. Your language is starting to disgust me. How many times do I have to explain to you. I didn't sleep with anyone. Why won't you try to understand me. Your not even letting me explain"

He was about to open his mouth again but paused as his eyes made its way to the mark on my neck. He sighed as he looked down brushing his hands in his hair.
"Just go to bed y/n. You have been through a lot today. Just sleep, there is no point discussing this"
"You don't believe me, do you? Is that why you are pushing me away?" I said as I stepped towards him.
He shook his head, his eyes filled with a mix of anguish and defiance. "Maybe we're just not meant to be together," he said, his voice a harsh whisper. "Maybe all we do is hurt each other. It's time we accept that and move on."
Was the last thing he said before he went upstairs to his room. Leaving me standing there in denial.

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