열엿섯 - fight for you

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⚠️Warning - violence, swearing. scenes in this chapter may be distressful for viewers. Please don't read if you feel uncomfortable.

Just as I'm about to lose all hope, a loud noise of the door being kicked open interrupts the scene. All eyes turn to see a tall masculine figure standing at the edge of the room, with a face etched with anger.
"Get your filthy fucking hands off her now you bastards".

Mingyu's pov:
I kicked open the door to every room in the corridor, there are two more rooms. She has to be in either one of them.

I took a deep breathe in before kicking open the door. I froze as I saw her lying on the bed half undressed, hopeless with dried stains of tears. One thing I hated the most was seeing her cry, but what I hated even more was seeing her give up on fighting for herself.

I got back into my senses as a gradual etch of immense anger took over me.
"Get your filthy fucking hands off her now you bastards".

The three boys stopped and looked at my direction before backing away. One of the bastards who was recording quickly hid his phone behind his back. Y/n looked at me with tears growing in her eyes. "M-mingyu. Save me"

That was all it took, for me to take over. I walked towards the guy and looked at him dead in his eyes.
"Give me the fucking phone"

"Juyeon who is this jerk?" Juyeon chuckled at his comment as the guy turned back to face me.
"Listen I will give you two options, you either join us and get a little taste of her yourself or you piss off to where you came from. So what do you think?"

I gritted my teeth and cursed under my breath after hearing his words.
Glaring back I spoke "listen you bastard, I will give you two options. Give me the phone or die today from my hands. So what do you think?"

"Ya who do you think you are! Do you know who my dad is—"

I punched him in the face unable to tolerate anymore of his bullshit as I snatched the phone off his hand.
"Ah ah my nose.You crazy man."

I played the video.

I paused it half way as I shut my eyes tightly and clenched my jaw. Within seconds I deleted the video and crushed it on the floor with force.

I took my jacket off and placed it on y/n's legs. Before turning around to the three boys who were now standing in front of me.

"Who are you? Her boyfriend or what. Just mind your business man. I am asking nicely" Juyeon said.

"I am her boyfriend you bastard" I said as I channeled every once of my anger punching him in the face.

I felt the satisfying crunch as bone met bone, a resounding crack that echoed through the air. He staggered backward, holding onto his bloody jaw.

"You crazy— Eric kill him"

Eric lunged forward as his fists swung towards me, I was quick enough to block his weak punches.

"You call yourself a man by doing these disgusting acts on girls but you can't fight like one. You weak coward"

I stepped towards the other guy. But turned my attention to y/n as she called out my name weakly. "Mingyu stop. It's dangerous. You will get hurt"

Why is she worrying about me, when she is the one suffering. Tears started to brim my eyes. As I slowly turned back to them just as I felt an unexpected blow on the side of my face, causing me to wince in pain. The ache only fuelled my anger.

"I will do anything to protect you y/n. Even if it means to kill them".

I unleashed a barrage of rapid punches and powerful kicks, striking each of them until they passed out on the floor due to the pain.
But one guy still stood up tall, unwilling to fall on his knees. I turned to the him, the guy who did the most. Juyeon.
"Those filthy hands that touched my girl."
I went towards him and twisted them until he weaned in pain.
" ah ah please stop ouch. It hurts" He fell to his knees.
" please ah. Stop, I didn't mean to. I swear. I got carried away, okay. I couldn't help it she looked really fucking hot. I couldn't hold it in. It's not my fault is it? Huh? Your her man right. You must think the same."

Summoning every ounce of my energy, my fist connected with his temple. His head stumbled backwards, as his eyes glazed with dazed confusion.

With each strike, my anger fueled my fists, my blows becoming stronger, more relentless. The world around us blurred as adrenaline coursed through my veins. Every hit brought a mix of pain and satisfaction.

His body went limp, and he crumpled to the ground. Breathing heavily, I stood over him wearily. My hands were bruised and bloodied. I walked towards y/n. As Juyeon lay on the ground, bruised and defeated, I took a moment to catch my breath, my heart pounding in my chest. The rush of adrenaline slowly subsided, and the reality of the situation sank in. I had just unleashed my anger and violence to those who harmed y/n. A girl I kept convincing to myself I hated.

Turning around, I hurried to y/n's side, my hands trembling as I reached out to touch her face gently. "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. Her eyes were filled with pain and fear, but there was also a flicker of relief in them.

"Mingyu," she whispered weakly, her voice filled with exhaustion. "You shouldn't have done that. You could have gotten hurt."

I couldn't help but feel a mix of guilt and frustration at her words. "Y/n, I couldn't fucking stand by and watch them hurt you. I had to protect you. I couldn't let those bastards get away with it."

She reached out, her hand trembling as it found mine. "I understand, but I don't want you to get hurt in the process. I care about you, Mingyu, I still do. I know you hate me but please, promise me you'll be careful."

Tears welled up in my eyes once again, this time not fueled by anger but by the overwhelming love and concern she showed me. "I promise, y/n. I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe, but seriously you stupid girl, what made you think it was a good idea to go clubbing with a group of boys. You fricking irritate me y/n. I want to hate you. I want to forget you. I want to never see your face. But I just can't. I can't stop thinking and worrying about you."

Her gaze met mine, her expression filled with curiosity. "Mingyu. I-"

"Shush. I don't want to hear it."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips, despite the pain etched on her face. "I promise, Mingyu. I will stay out of your life from now on, so you can move on. And thank you for saving me."

I shook my face and cupped her face gently in my hands, I leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. "I hate you, y/n. But, I'll always protect you, no matter what. So don't stay out my life, or then I will keep worrying about you when your not in my sight. "

I suddenly picked her up, making her squeal. Our faces in close proximity.
"Your coming to my house idiot. Stay with me until you recover."
"But Mingyu-"
"Shut up and listen to me. I am your boss."

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